Would You Have The Corvid Vaccine Tomorrow If Offered?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rooster, Nov 15, 2020.

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  1. Yes

    49 vote(s)
  2. No

    26 vote(s)
  1. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Thank you I’d like that.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    Your assumption is correct for many Americans. It is hard to trust a for profit medical system. Many believe this is the reason for inflated COVID numbers in the States. WT Article
    But here is my story on this and my take. A few years ago I was stationed in Germany and about to return to the States so about a month before we left I took my daughter to the dentist for a cleaning, x-rays and checkup. She came out with no issues at all, and clean teeth. This was a military dentist that cannot make a profit. When stationed in the US military dependents have to see civilian dentists so two months after we got here we decided to take her to the dentist just to start her with one and she just got a checkup and x-rays to start her record since her old one did not come with us. The new dentist tells us she has 3 cavities that need immediate attention. Remember it has only been 3 months. My wife and I take her to another dentist for a second opinion and guess what? No cavities. Doctors are the same way here, they can drum up business just by telling someone they need something done.
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  3. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    You kind of hit the nail on the head and made me think about the differences in Europe and the US. I don't know much about England except that I used to watch Eastenders when it was on BBC in Germany but I did spend about 12 years in Germany and got to know the people very well. Here in the US we have a fairly large anti vax community as well as a good size group that is on the fence. Many people do not trust the medical system in general but in Germany they seem to almost completely trust it. If the doctor tells them to take the shot they will pretty much just do it. I have learned through experience to be distrustful especially when there is profit involved. Finding a good doctor is like trying to find an honest mechanic, few and far between. My biggest issue with the COVID shot is it was simply developed to fast and there are no long term trials. I am healthy and not in my 70s so I figure I can handle being sick for a few days if needed.
  4. Wire-Wheels

    Wire-Wheels Elite Member

    Apr 26, 2019
    California - USA
    Already had our first dose (wife & i both). We have an appointment for the second dose Feb.1. ...J.D.
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  5. Jadorff

    Jadorff Noble Member

    Apr 14, 2019
    Adelaide Australia
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  6. Rooster

    Rooster Grumpy Member

    Sep 14, 2015
    Droitwich, Worcestershire
    Well me and Mrs Rooster had our first jabs yesterday.

    I though our doctors were well organised with lots of staff and volunteers on hand to manage the process. We turned up a few minutes early and as we had back to back appointments we were told to go in together. Our names were ticked off a list and we waited a couple of minutes before going in to see the nurse. As we were both there she only had to ask a dozen or so health questions once. Then we got our jabs, neither of us felt the injection at all. We were then told to sit in our car for 15 minutes before I was allowed to drive. If we had been walking or given a lift by someone we could have gone straight home. The whole process aside for the 15 minutes wait took 5 minutes.

    We had the Oxford vaccine and were given a leaflet with some information and told that we could expect our 2nd dose within 3 months.

    24 hrs on neither of us have had any side effects, no sore arm, no headaches etc etc.
    • Like Like x 6
  7. Wire-Wheels

    Wire-Wheels Elite Member

    Apr 26, 2019
    California - USA
    This is one of those situations where you have to assess the risks and make your own decisions. I am not qualified to make that decision for anyone but myself. I felt NOT taking it was a greater risk. Our area has been hit hard by this pandemic. My wife and I have been pretty much in isolation since last March. We are in our mid-70's. Everyone please take this situation seriously. ...J.D.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  8. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Good report @littleade.

    Two weeks ago I was inoculated. I’ve been fine, although do have a new irrational tendency to argue with everyone.

    Hopefully that will pass and I’ll stop pi55ing people off.
    • Funny Funny x 8
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #289 Cyborgbot, Feb 13, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2021
    Thanks @Traveller I am now beginning to understand your scepticism.

    I can’t say I agree with the outcome in that Dr’s and Dentists (that person should be done for ABH is they did unnecessary work!) have been (in the US) crying wolf so many times that it forces you to always assume they are on the make.

    Is there a USA doctor on the forum that could comment?

    Personally I hold the opinion that ‘most’ people are honourable but there are a sad few that cast a long dark shadow on their profession. Remember though that MOST are good.

    A critical eye and confidence to question or get second opinions has proven to you that you can get the right outcome.

    turn that skill to understand the value of taking the vaccine.

    keep safe
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    That was just one example. 12 years ago I had a doctor tying to get me to have my spine fused, I refused and found another doctor. I spent 18 weeks doing physical therapy twice a week in office and daily at home. I still do a daily home routine. It is not perfect and never will be completely back to normal but I can still move pretty good and only have a few really bad days during the year that I just can't do anything. I made the right choice because a friend had the fusion done in about the same place I have the issue and he was worse off after. Fusion can't be undone and now he has a rechargeable battery implanted under his skin and wires running up and down his spine just to numb the pain. He has a key chain remote for the set up that controls the amount of power and we like to grab his keys and crank it up. He instantly stands straight up.
  11. Flay

    Flay Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2016
    Not hijacking the thread, but reading Travellers posts makes me realize that we have an equivalent to the US medical fraternity here in the UK. Gas boiler service engineers.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  12. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    Monkey Kidney again?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    I am intrigued.

    what is it that you think you are showing me?
  14. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #294 Cyborgbot, Feb 13, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2021

    I tried to understand your view point. It made some (occasional) sense when describing your experiences with dentists - until this latest daft post. I had even tried to dial back my comments.

    What you again have demonstrated is you can read a label but because your are unqualified have applied the mathematical equivalent of 1 plus 1 equals a banana. 27 years in the military and somehow doing a masters at a university that clearly didn’t critique your research style does not qualify you to be an expert. Please don’t differentiate a personal biased choice about modern medicine with asserting that it’s an informed choice on others.

    when will you accept you aren’t educated enough to understand this?

    Every example you have given has been wrong. You have never explained how or why you used a paper talking about a 1960’s catastrophe that actually totally undermined your argument. They went into say how safe vaccines are, you simply didn’t learn.

    Yet here you are still bull-shitting.

    Do me a favour. DONT TAKE A VACCINE. It means it will go to someone that might survive and will be grateful.

    All I ask is that you keep you bizarre opinions to yourself.

    I am still trying to reconcile myself with so many examples where fit heathy people having died leaving young kids mother/fatherless.

    I am also haunted by idiots like you that are filmed gasping for their final breath saying ‘I was wrong’...
    Or anti-Vax troglodytes standing outside hospitals saying it’s a fraud whilst NHS staff inside are literally fighting to save people.

    Edit: as another member said, we in the UK have inoculated 13 million or so people without a single documented problem. That could (if using the worst case death rate) save almost one million lives (assuming no lockdowns and absolute exposure to an infection inducing viral load, etc). Yet here you are talking bollocks. Frankly they could be injecting us with crocodile excrement or mashed up McDonalds burgers but if it saved our lives it really doesn’t matter. I’d rather the crocodile poo...

    You just keep finding ‘evidence’ that fits your myopic narrative.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    Just found it interesting that we are back to monkeys parts again. "Recombinant replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector" first line circled in blue. I know that monkeys and chimpanzees are not the same but they are close.

    Here's an article on it that I am not going to read but I am sure you will agree with completely. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0040385

    I am still not going to get injected with monkey parts.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #296 Cyborgbot, Feb 13, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2021

    Edit: The potential of cross species diseases and their similarities but with very different effects was the original basis of vaccine theory.

    Read about Edward Jenner who (using unethical techniques by today’s standards) noticed that exposure in humans to the bovine disease Cowpox provided immunity in humans to a very serious human disease called small pox. You may have heard of it.

    Edwards was laughed at by fools of his time, just as modern scientists are today - by those that don’t understand the science.
  17. Daveweld

    Daveweld Active Member

    Aug 2, 2020
    My logically reasons why I had my vaccination.
    No vaccination means I can catch COVID 19 easily.
    I would then be unwell and probably be hospitalised.
    I may get better but I don't even know the side medical issues I may be left with afterwards.
    I can die from the COVID 19 virus.
    I would be imposing my health care onto some other person that is trying to help me and risking their own life for me. Yet I have decided not to be injected.
    I would be putting my loved ones through a lot of stress and worry whilst I am ill.
    I may die from this and miss the rest of my life.
    I can get the vaccination and help to stop this spreading to other people.
    I reduce the risk of becoming serious unwell.
    If I can trust the Medical Doctors to Nurse me to good health, then I can trust the Medical Doctors to advice and give me the Vaccine injection.
    Why would I not have the Vaccination Injection, but then would still expect other people to help nurse me and danger them if I refused to have it ?
    • Agree Agree x 6
  18. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    Could be worth the watch. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2087V6WNIEnp/

    The COVID numbers are so high because we have been using the wrong test. Yes COVID is real I don't doubt that. Here is Kary Mullis, Nobel prize winner for the invention of the PCR test. The same test that is widely used to test for COVID. By the way he died before COVID happened but there are dozens of videos out there with him saying the PCR test should NOT be used to test for viruses. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wOSeTz57xrCF/
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  19. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    That's called a "confirmation bias".
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Bitchute really? that's your "source" of "information" ?? Please.
    For the ones that are nor interested into conspiracy theory world, here is what bitchute is:

    Once again, don't get the vaccine if you don't want it, But you don't need to post this crap everywhere.
    That's proselytism.

    About the video:
    • Useful Useful x 3
    • Agree Agree x 3
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