5. That’s the number of lines and the hour when I started playing with my Wordle…These light mornings are playing havoc with my sleeping patterns… But obviously hadn’t engaged brain as I got a green on line one and then chose to ignore it for 2 lines….
The strange thing is that one of my sons had on his phone the one I had on my iPad and I’m guessing the rest of you also had. So how this rouge one got to my phone is a complete mystery. For fear of spoiling anyone’s fun I will wait until tomorrow to reveal the two versions.
6. A real tester this morning for me. Was about to fall on my sword and give up but one cell of brain spotted a late answer on line 6 and phew I got it….
4. One of those lucky lines on line 3. Still scratched me head on line 4 but managed to sort it…phew.