Featured What you been doing with your TRIUMPH today??

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by flapinflares, Mar 7, 2013.

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  1. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Steve, at the risk of breaking the treaty of POSTB, there is something rather fecking ugly perched on the back and it aint Anne Widdicome!!!
    • Funny Funny x 6
  2. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    I agree, but wouldn't have bothered bolting it back on, would have claimed it was removed by the society for prevention of cruelty to Bonnevilles!
    • Funny Funny x 6
  3. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Another sunny day. First coffee stop Stockbridge
    • Like Like x 8
  4. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Lovely .... and no sign of a POSTB!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    Some gorgeous riding roads in the Lakes. I used to have inlaws in Winster and brought the bike over quite a few times. Loved Wrynose/Hardknott!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Sir Trev

    Sir Trev Senior Member

    May 27, 2017
    Picked up a comfort seat for Hugh today. Looking forward to riding out to my nearby dealer and TFest tomorrow to try it out.

    The stock seat was causing me numb bum after two hours or so and after the good experience I had getting my mk1 SV650 seat adapted with a gel insert under the cover I sent my standard seat off for the same treatment to the same guy. This was nearly two months ago while we still had snow on the ground and the trimmer has now gone quiet on me. After some excuses a month ago he promised it would be done that weekend. Then, two weeks later, he claimed he was having health problems but he had mine on the bench as we spoke and it would be with me in two days... I gave up today and got a new one as he's probably gone bust and is too embarrassed to say so.

    At least I can get out on the bike at last now!
  7. Reggie

    Reggie Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2016
    Bought a Sargent seat for it, been putting it off for a while now as they are so expensive. But needs must, arseache should be a thing of the past from now on.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. Sir Trev

    Sir Trev Senior Member

    May 27, 2017
    #7267 Sir Trev, Apr 21, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
    First ride out of the year for me, delayed because of the fiasco with my seat alterations. Pleased to say the Triumph "comfort" seat is pretty good - bit firm still but I dare say it will break in - and after four hours or so out and about I felt fine.

    Visited two dealers this morning to see what TFEST was all about and I have to say I was rather underwhelmed. One was quiet (I missed a ride out by 30 mins or so) and the other was simply open as normal but with no cafe which is now permanently closed. Came home for lunch instead.

    [​IMG]Hugh @ TFEST by Trevor Laight, on Flickr
    • Like Like x 5
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  9. Mischa Vladivostok

    Mischa Vladivostok Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2015
    Dublin, Ireland
    Second change of oil since buying it (second-hand) a couple of years ago. The oil filter came out so easily, unlike the first time, when I had to stuck a screwdriver onto it (the OFFICIAL TRIUMPH DEALER had done a "thorough and careful service" before selling it to me...).

    The difference it makes when you're in charge, and do things properly!
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  10. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Gotta say Sir Trev, I was too. Visited my local one & it lacked atmosphere The live band was never on the cards & the refreshments we made ourselves using their coffee/tea machine Wish I hadn't of bothered at all really.
    Come on Triumph... We are more worthy than this surely???
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Thruccyboy

    Thruccyboy Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    It can be frustrating when you're waiting on something & it takes longer than informed. I had some carbon fibre mudguards made up for my gsxr by a company who sponsor BSB. Despite assurances when I placed my £200+ order they'd only take 2 weeks after 6 I finally got them delivered. Sadly their quality testing guy must of had a day off as the quality of the front one was rough to say the least. I returned it to them & a few days later its replacement turned up & was fine... Never did get the £10 postage it cost me to return it back & the experience was a poor one... Glad you got a new seat now anyway.... Get out there & enjoy this glorious weather we are having before it goes till 2019
  12. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    Went out early yesterday following the biblical Thunder Storms of Saturday night, loads of floods & debris about so steady was the order of the day, got 90 or so miles in through Hants & Wilts countryside before stopping at The Haven.
    Most of my mates were away, either racing or on bikes were being shipped to Spain for a 5 day track session so was quite nice relaxed ride as only 2 of us. IMG_2694.jpg IMG_2695.jpg
    • Like Like x 6
  13. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    That jalopy is missing a corner.........
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    Maybe......we’ll never know......but my Westfield would have spanked Asbo .........
  15. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    A lot comes down to the driver and death wish. The 400ish bhp Cobra was better on open fast roads and ferociously fast over 60 where its massive torque rolled on. Surprisingly agile for a 980kg car and much better than the original!
    The 1st Westfield had a stage 2 1700 xflow producing maybe 115 bhp but with twin 40 DCOEs had great torque. The relatively light engine gave it fantastic balance and it could break traction in 3rd gear and 4th if going uphill. The 2 litre Pinto engined one I then built was even hairier but just that bit nose heavy. Late braking you had to beware the front breaking away. I suspect the MEV’s limitation is getting the power down out of bends. I ran Toyos on the Cobra.....
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  16. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    #7275 Rich Bryce, Apr 23, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
    Yesterday seven of us had a 140-odd ride out from Pure Triumph Woburn for TFest, over some of my favourite roads - Kimbolton Road to Oundle for a cuppa. Oundle to Uppingham over the B Roads and under the Harringworth (Welland Valley) Viaduct, before slamming it down the B664 to Mkt Harboro and then a bimble over to the Spread Eagle at Oakley Hay for lunch. And finally back roads to Finedon and Pure Triumph Wellingborough for a final pee break.

    Before starting out I signed up the guys for the newly formed Woburn branch of TOMCC, for which I've been volunteered as organiser. So I guess this was the TOMCC Woburn founders first ride out.

    Martin aka figwold was TEC on his new Thruxton R (green with envy here). Nick Hall club photographer.

    Group 1.jpg

    Martin 1.jpg
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  17. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Found myself here for no apparent reason, actually on my way to my dads down near gosport, where did this rain come from?? Bleeding 1 and a bit hours ride is going to end up with a 3 hour clean
    No! I’ve sussed it lads, ride it for 8 hours and the cleaning time is almost the same!!
    • Like Like x 6
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  18. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Twin tiger tearoom test
    • Like Like x 10
  19. stinger

    stinger Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2017
    The air intake mod, 12 minute tune, new number plate and insured it for another year.
    • Like Like x 3
  20. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Tiger 1200 and 800 - both XRT models so all the bells and whistles. 1200 has quick-shifter box and key-less ignition.
    800 doesn't feel that much different to mine but the screen works! (and can be adjusted one handed - the 1200's is electric).
    20180425_113806.jpg Unusual colour for a trident.
    20180425_135657.jpg We got wet, so consoled ourselves with the usual ham, egg n' chips at Loomies!
    • Like Like x 8
  21. Bad Billy

    Bad Billy Baddest Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    Southern Softyville
    More pictures of food are required on this site as I am banned from facebook and miss the food art accompanied by nom, nom phrases :joy::joy::joy:
    • Like Like x 1

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