Does that mean you have not sold your house yet I forgot you did not have wheels must be nearly there surely
I saw your bick on Sunday at Ace Cafe, I was there but parked up on the far end. I did take my time looking your bike over, very nice. For some reason I particularly remember the tyre pattern and the wear being 1/8" from the edge ! I have exactly the same bar end mirrors, I position them so the arm actually holding the mirror is virticle, just make sure they are tight as mine slipped round once
No that's the reason they have triumph printed on the top and bottom of the mirrors,Lou who came on the Moffat run has them fitted like that and he says it doesn't affect the view you get
I will leave them as they are. They look good to me and they give me a much better view than the size of them would suggest.
They are almost slicks.. well, the dealer reckons they have another 2K on them I will use them this summer and then replace them ready for next year. Super Rosso Corsas are nice tyres though I might get the new Rosso Corsa 3s.
I just got my bar end mirrors the other day,i tried turning them the way i suggested,don't know what i was thinking about as they are hopeless that way! i'm taking bad with them at the moment as i'm used to getting a much bigger view from my mirrors,hopefully i'll get used to them as they look good and the quality is great..bloody expensive though
Do they even look good slung under the bars?? anyway its good to know that others struggle with doing alterations with there add ons hope you get use to them as cannot see you going back the originals.
ne i never thought about putting them under the bars,i think my arms would get in the way of the view but I'll see what it looks like anyway