Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by Col_C, Oct 11, 2016.

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  1. Arno triple

    Arno triple Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2018

    Sorry to hear that... no problems here but will keep it in mind!
  2. Mogwai

    Mogwai New Member

    Mar 5, 2019
    Not one issue with my RS so far (4k kms). MY19 so maybe they addressed some of those issues from MY18?
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  3. Stue007

    Stue007 Active Member

    Mar 10, 2019
    But luck, sorry for you, mate. Hope everything turns well for you and Triumph gets you a satisfying solution very soon.

    With my new bike I don't have any trouble so far - gear shifting ist very smooth, too - 1.100 km on the clock.
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  4. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    Just got back from a 1400 mile trip to France. Have oil burn stain on the exhaust link pipe and a oily film all over the R/H side of the rear wheel:(
  5. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    It's definitely worth checking the dip stick O-ring - here's where I posted my experience of it...almost exactly a year ago:


    Edit: The link to the replacement 19mm ID x 3.0mm O-rings that I purchased is dead...but if you PM your address, I'll be happy to send you one, if yours turns out to look suspect :)
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  6. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    Cheers Mr Triple
    My dealer has already replaced the dipstick o-ring and is talking to Triumph about possibly replacing the link pipe with the cooked on oil stains
  7. fzr162

    fzr162 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    Keighley west yorkSHIRE
    Hi I have speed rs 8 weeks old, 1554 miles. Last Sunday out for a ride doing about 60 overtaking a car nocked it up into top there was an awful grinding banging noise lots of revs and no drive. I stopped put it in to first let clutch out chain and sprocket spun with no drive. Got recovered, chose to take bike to dealers myself on Monday morning, bike stripped and parts ordered Monday Text to say bike ready Wednesday morning and also had a courtesy bike. Triumph West Yorkshire (Cobb and Jagger) and triumph could not have been more helpful.
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  8. Icarus

    Icarus Member

    Sep 11, 2017
    What was the problem?
  9. Arno triple

    Arno triple Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2018
    WTF happend??
  10. fzr162

    fzr162 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    Keighley west yorkSHIRE
    The cush drive plate that bolts to the wheel broke in to 3.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  11. Icarus

    Icarus Member

    Sep 11, 2017
    What was the problem?
    Never in many years of Triumph ownership (with sssw) have I ever seen that happen!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    HI, anyone on here noticed a gearbox whine on their Speed triple 2018/19 model ?
    I was out the other day and noticed a a whining noise under light load mid revs
    in 3rd gear. Also there to a lesser degree in 1st and 5th but nothing in 2nd 4th or 6th ?
    Not loud, but I am concerned its early signs of something ? 7k miles on the bike.
  13. Burny_13

    Burny_13 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    Not exactly, mine has a weird rattle/ buzz at similar revs, but this has no relation to the gear selected.
  14. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Thanks, I guess I will just have to see if it gets worse.. Mine doesn't rattle but vibrates above 6k which I assume is normal.
  15. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    I am so glade Triumph are taking the speed triple back that i bought last month.
  16. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    Hello All,
    Just thought I would share an issue I have had with the keyless system / immobiliser on my RS.

    Since it was new I was occasionally seeing an 'Immobiliser Fault' message on the TFT. The bike always started, and never let me down. Just for clarification, this is not the 'Key out of Range' message that anyone can generate easily by moving the key fob away from the bike whilst the ignition is on (obvious I know, but my dealer initially confused the two).

    Anyway, my fault was traced to a faulty immobiliser antenna, which was replaced under warranty. So far (touch wood) the error hasn't come back.


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  17. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    Not seen this issue myself, but good to know
    Thanks for passing it on
  18. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    #178 SteveRS, Oct 9, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
    I have a 2019 Speed RS that has had quickshifter issues that resulted in massive gearbox damage. The bike would false neutral then slam into the next gear upon high rpm quick shifts. It was taken to the dealer then returned to me saying everything is ok. I was told to continue to use it, which resulted in more false neutrals and more gearbox damage. 4th gear then started to slip when hard on the throttle and at that point I’d had enough and took it back to the dealer and demanded that something be done. It sat there for over 3 weeks while they tried to figure out what the problem was. I continued to call and was told they are taking direction from Triumph Canada. After more than three weeks I was told they will rebuild my gearbox but didn’t know how long it will take for parts and labour, I hung up the phone and sent an email to the CEO of Triumph. See email below. With in an hour of the email my dealer called me back saying they are giving me a new replacement bike, but I can’t say anything on social media. In my email I mentioned that I’m on this forum and that I’m aware of others having issues with the quickshifter.

    I know in other threads on this forum, referring to this issue, I said I was given a new gearbox. I said that because I was asked by the dealer not to say on social media that Triumph gave me a new bike. Recently I was promised a voucher for the cost of the quickshifter, as it doesn’t work as advertised on my new bike either. The after sale rep was grated approval by the supervisor for the voucher, which I was promised to receive. Then after a couple of weeks and discussions higher up in the company, it was denied. I’m not a person to go back on my word but seeing how they are not honouring their agreement with me regarding buying back a faulty part, I am not honouring staying quiet about the replacement bike, as I believe it’s important to share this information.

    I believe the sales rep is telling the truth, as he seems very sincere and honourable. I just wish Triumph was as well. In North America the quickshifter is standard on the RS model, so I was forced to pay for it. Triumph shouldn’t force me to pay for something that doesn’t work “as advertised”. Below is the email from the after sales rep and the email I sent to the CEO. I’ve decided to show the emails for credibility.

    I also want to say that I absolutely love this bike. Aside from the quickshifter Issue on two new bikes, I believe the engineering is top notch. That’s what makes this so frustrating. It’s such a great bike but a certain percentage of them are experiencing an issue that can’t be resolved by the manufacturer, at least in my case anyway.


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  19. SpeedyG

    SpeedyG New Member

    Oct 10, 2019
    New 2019 Speed Triple RS owner here. Sad to have to post here so quickly. Took mine in for the 500 mile service and mentioned the battery died on me a couple times while refueling. Apparently, it needs a whole new wiring harness. Something with the IMU. I wasn't quite following since I was in shock. He said he just disabled all the assists, and I should be okay to ride it without doing any further damage while we wait for the part. Just sucks because the whole reason I went Triumph was because I had a brand new MV Agusta that spent the last 7 weeks down for a faulty fuel tank. Just can't seem to win with these "premium" bikes lately.
    About to just go buy a fleet of Grom's and call it a day.
    • Like Like x 3
  20. Gary J Finn

    Gary J Finn New Member

    Nov 15, 2019
    2019 speed Triple S, six weeks new, 2000km because I’ve had fun.

    thought the traction control settings must have been adjusted poorly at first service, however, turned that stuff off.... clutch is slipping. Clutch lever not springing back properly.

    Took bike back to dealer for rectification under warranty.

    then read this forum, noticed I’m not alone. Nice to feel like I belong to something. Wish it could have been a lotto winner club but found my tribe.

    • Funny Funny x 3
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