Speed Triple S / Rs Suspension Settings List?

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by Gitter, Jan 15, 2021.

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  1. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    I can see the dilemma here sir!
    I don't mean to be funny here but are there 15 turns available for adjustment?
    Only reason i say that is that 7.5 is halfway between both of course!? They both could be right in that case?
  2. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    Thanks, I was worried I spent to much time in the shed...
    Need to have a look tomorrow, the newer manual for the RS and S states the same so there must be some logic to it, I can't be the only one that has noticed this.
  3. Gitter

    Gitter Member

    Jan 12, 2021
    Napa, California
    So as far as setting spring preload, the idea behind it is to have the appropriate amount of sag front and rear, which generally speaking is between 30mm and 40mm depending on riding skill level / road conditions. Everyone has a different method, the one I have found that works for me is the following:

    First turn the preload adjusters on the forks all the way in (its a 17mm cap on the RS ohlins, not sure about the S model). Then turn them all the way out and count how many turns you have (some people count faces, 6 faces = 1 full turn). That will tell you how much preload you have to work with. Once you know that number, I would start exactly in the middle and measure your sag and you can adjust from there to get to your desired sag number.

    Personally I would start with the rear shock as it sits directly below you and sometimes if its way out of adjustment can make adjusting the forks a little tricky.
  4. Sean80

    Sean80 New Member

    Mar 22, 2021
    Peterborough, On
    #44 Sean80, Apr 29, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
    When I pull the bike over onto the side stand, front wheel in the air, I have 128mm of travel (shiny gold showing on forks). Which would change the sag measurement for using 25-30% of total suspension travel. Is this right or is the fork 120mm?

    So to be more specific.. when I sit on the bike there is 94mm of travel left out of the 128mm. Giving me 34mm of rider sag. I have 32mm of rider sag in the rear shock. I had to reduce preload in the shock to one thread showing, but had to increase preload in the forks to 11.5 turns in. I'm about 215lbs with gear on. I saw in an earlier post that somebody had Dave Moss remote tune their bike and his front preload was also 11.5. Does this seem correct?
  5. BT81

    BT81 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    Has anyone got their RR set up by a 'suspension guy' with a custom set up?

    I've had all my bikes set up by a professional. Whilst on the RR I just default to comfort. I wonder if anyone has successfully had a custom set up and found it 'better' than is available in the modes?

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