Rant of the day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Havit, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    #1961 Sprinter, Aug 14, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    I got my rear changed 4 weeks ago. I just dropped in and they did it there and then, always have. As I was putting the wheel in the car the tyre guy followed me and popped the old tyre in with it, ( nothing said).
    Yesterday I went to the dump with the old one, only to be told "We dont do tyres any more"
    So am I supposed to, eat it, or, throw it in the sea with the dolphins?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Bonnie1980

    Bonnie1980 Bonneville T120 Black

    Aug 6, 2019
    South East England
    @Cyborgbot, wish you hadn’t asked as now I want to rant more.

    Bramley's “at times” would be good compared to the one I am talking about, I suppose. I know they enjoy quite positive feedback and reviews all over the internet but my experience has always been a difficult one. Not sure where the problem lies as I am quite respectful and not demanding or pushy by any means.

    In anticipation of my move from South of England to the current place of residence, I remember visiting them with the intention to buy a bike from them earlier this year as I thought it would be a good starting point to build a relationship in case I needed any servicing support in the future, but I was wrong as the salesman could not have ignored me any more. Throughout our conversation, he was being sarcastic and trying to sell me the Street Twin and goes into the technical details of the Street. After making it clear I was after a T100 he says 'so looks are what is important to you'. I was like WTF!. Feeling uncomfortable and to end my visit, I asked him for a quote for a T100 with a couple of additional accessories and he said he will come back in a minute. After waiting for 15 minutes, I go and find him entertaining another young couple who were leaning over a used Scrambler. He looked at me and turned his face. What irked me more was that I was with my 2-year-old son who was getting restless and which the salesman did notice but still decides to ignore us. Left that place straight away and ended up buying from another T dealer.

    Oh and did I mention they would put you on hold when you call them to never come back or say they will call you back but never do?

    After yesterday's experience, I am on the lookout for an independent garage in Berkshire. If anyone has any recommendation, please share.

    Would Berkshire be a good hint?
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    170px-Axel,_the_English_Bulldog.jpg ??
  4. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Similar problem getting the sales team to do anything.

    A) when the latest iteration of tiger 800 was released I repeatedly asked for a quote to trade up. I never got it. In the end they said it would be too expensive! My decision I’d have thought...

    B) I wanted a quote for the extended warranty. Asked several times. Never got it.

    I now service the bike myself with the help of a mate and his amazing garage and mechanical skills.
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  5. freck

    freck Elite Member

    May 4, 2017
    Preston, Lancs, UK
    I think I’ve said to you before, have a look at Fowlers. They’re often cheaper than WOT.
    Sprint Manufacturing do bits like gear change rubbers too.
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  6. freck

    freck Elite Member

    May 4, 2017
    Preston, Lancs, UK
    Why should that matter? The parts should be the same. I wouldn’t be phoning them, it just complicates the matter.
    I just find the part I want on the diagrams, compare the prices between Fowlers and WOT and order from whoever is cheapest. More often than not I find that’s Fowlers, especially because of the VAT and delivery costs.
    Things like rubbers can often be found cheaper at places like Wemoto, Sprint or Squaredeals.
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  7. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    One of my sons is applying to be a Police Officer - I kind of hope Boris Johnson changes the rules so that anyone taking a pop at a Police Officer gets an automatic doubling of the sentence and no parole...

    And forced to eat cabbage soup and/or curried sprouts (thanks @BonnieCat for that suggestion!) every day for their entire sentence.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    The Royal Family?

    PS: That's a joke (to anyone monitoring this forum)!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    I pick my bike up tomorrow that has gone back again to a main Triumph dealer ship. i bought a bike and after the first proper ride i found the front brake discs to be warped. they have had the bike a week and now tell me there is nothing wrong with it after they checked it a sanded the brake pads. the lad at the shop told me he took the bike out and checked it was fine in a 5 mile ride in a busy town?. i told them you have to get the discs up to heat before it starts juddering bad. You know and i know when i drive to 100 miles there pick the bike up and drive the fecking 100 miles back, I am going to take the bike out and you know it will not be fixed as they have done feck all. the discs need replacing. If i get the bike back tomorrow and its still fecked i will be naming the main dealer and also listing all the other shit they hove done since i bought the bike 4 weeks ago, which they have had back twice in that time and had the bike 3 of the 4 weeks i have owned it.I can honestly say i have never come across such a bad shop. I have been riding 36 years do all my own work on my bikes and work in the trade so am not some layman that does not know how it works.When i do pick the bike up tomorrow it will never see that shop again even with 5 months warranty left on it. watch this space. Its about time bad shops get named.They are all nice till they have your money then you can get to the back of the list if you have a problem.
  10. David Cooper

    David Cooper Triumph Rocketeer.

    Watching the news, a young copper killed. a 52 year old man killed at a Newcastle shopping centre. In both cases kids arrested. It’s time discipline in schools and homes was brought back, when did life become so cheap? Knives, guns, violence we’ve never known. Giving kids rights without responsibilities clearly isn’t working. Stop the political correctness before it’s too late.
    • Agree Agree x 12
  11. SleepyOwl

    SleepyOwl Crème de la Crème

    Jul 26, 2019

    Looks that way. News saying police are at a Pikey site down the road. Bstrds
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    It’s too late...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Unbelievable behaviour from these b@stards and for what? It turns my stomach as my son started his police career on Tuesday this week. He is on shift number four and tonight it is a night shift.
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  14. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    Its just a bike mate so not attached. But it is a cracking bike in as new condition with only 4800 miles and the last owner never rode it above 70 tyres were original and squared off with 3" chicken strips so really is as new. And to be honest i have paid £200 to add it to my other bikes insurance and taxed it. once discs fixed bike should be spot on.i will fit Brembo discs at a cost of £300 from Italy so not the end of the world. But with how the Triumph dealer let the bike leave the shop was a joke. they never test rode the bike before it left them, and never did a lot of things they said they would do. When i get the bike back tomorrow if its not right, which it will not be as you cannot un warp discs.All hell will brake lose on this shop. I will list everything that happened on ever site and review i can find if they do not cover the cost of the discs. The bike will never go back there even with 5 months warranty. If anything else gos (not major that is) I will just fix it myself. You will be surprised how a main dealer let a bike leave the shop and the lies i have been told. This will continue tomorrow afternoon I am sure.
  15. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    #1975 Englishbandit, Aug 16, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2019
    I will keep my cool, been there done that and paid the price doing it the other way so I know the best way to beat these shops is the right way. Law is on my side and I am like a dog with a bone. Plus I know what I am doing when it comes to this stuff. It’s not my first rodeo fighting a main dealer and I won that. These shops just think they can tell you a load of bollocks and you will feck off. Those that know nothing about bikes will but I won’t. The last owner was told by the same shop when he complained about gear changing problems it was his riding that was at fault, I found out after tracking him down. When t bought the bike the fecking thing would not change gear that’s how I know they did not test ride it. They took it back and put new clutch plates in and guess what it changes gear perfect now. When I flipped out at them and asked why it was not test ridden the sales man said he did not know why. I fecking do the lad rode it in they knew the bike and the owner. They knew he had not used it much so just put it straight on the show room floor. Even when I went in the shop to buy it they said sorry it was a bit dirty, it was just brought in by the owner and it was raining at the time. they said it would be valeted before I picked it up, and it wasn’t
  16. Old phart phred

    Old phart phred Noble Member

    Jun 23, 2019
    Throwing money at something does not correct a fundamental flaw, it's just a bandage. Got to start busting lawyers balls for their actions just follow the money trail. They should not be totaly imune because they are quite well educated for gross negligence that they are fully aware of the consequences. But they are imune somehow, and they control that fact
  17. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    #1977 Englishbandit, Aug 17, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
    Prison does not work now as its to easy. Back in the 1980s early 90s if you got locked up you did 23 hours in your sell (an less you worked). You walked down got your breakfast then took it back to your sell ate it then you washed your plastic plate in your tub with a jug of water. then you sat in your sell till lunch time and same again till tea time at 5pm then lock If you wanted a shit or piss you did it in a pot in your cell . One or two nights a week each landing would get out for 2 hours to watch a film IF you had behaved. and maybe 2 or 3 days a week you would get out for 1 hour at say 11am to walk around a yard. that was it. It stopped all most all bullying very hard to deal drugs. There was no way you could become some sort of king pin or be in a gang. If you kicked off you were put in the block. there was room inspections every Sunday and it was run very strict. Now its just a joke They get TVs in there rooms, there free to walk around doing what ever they want, taking drugs in the open. all because the officers have not got the rights to do anything and half of them do not have the bottle and should not be in the job. the prison system is a joke. Fuck human rights it should be 23 hour bang up and read a fecking book if you can read, if not learn to read.All these rights came about after the riots in in the early 90s (strangeways was the main riot but there was lots of other smaller ones at the same time in support. They started to change the prisons to stop them instead of getting harder they went softer WRONG move ) and since then its gone down hill big time.You do a crime you lose your rights. I was always told you do the crime you do the time. Half the people today in prison are just feral and know no better and never will.The system is fucked and needs to go back to the way it was. a punishment not a holiday.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  18. Steve 998cc

    Steve 998cc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2019
    The bigest problem with prisons today is they no longer recuit officers from ex service personel who totally understand the need for discipline. Officers now require O levels but not comman sense ,and at 18/19 have no experience of life. The new officers are not too blame as they have no experienced officer to guide them as most of us have got out or retired probaly because we were sick of being called dinosaurs. The real problem is those that manage prisons most straight from school to university then fast tracked to governors. If you are in the job for thirty odd years you see the same initiative just new name started every few years and fail yet again.
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  19. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    Well it is not ‘us’ that is borrowing the money. The Government does that. We merely repay their debts and current expenditure with our taxes.
    The crux of the issue is fiscal policy I.e. the difference between decisions on what to tax and how much to spend on what. The trouble is that governments always think they make better choices than we do so can’t keep their hands out of our pockets......and then there are the redistributive types who think impoverishing the nominally rich to buy votes will somehow enrich all of us. They always end up choking the goose that lays the golden eggs.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  20. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Don't you just despair at people that can't read an ad on fleabay and complain and ask for a discount after the auction has finished, it's not as if i'm doing it as a business but more like trying to help out other classic bike owners with nice parts. Wanker!
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