Rant of the day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Havit, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
  2. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    C’mon :mad: 3796D1D0-A1A5-4A31-A303-573E5B560091.jpeg ooooh let’s have a dance before the game :kissing_heart:
    C’mon boys let’s show them our moves :joy: 5E26B5A7-C659-457D-B474-03A62D6DC6BD.gif never mind catchy kissy :confused:
    Feckin catchy FEELY:eek: 4B5200A6-7E95-4E52-B219-4FF5164F8C02.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. stollydriver

    stollydriver Elite Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    north wales
    • Funny Funny x 7
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  4. Englishbandit

    Englishbandit Active Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    get the wife to pay for it
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    In kind...
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    #1946 Vulpes, Aug 13, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    So I'm riding to work this morning. Last bit is a wide dual carriageway, and it being holiday season it's empty. No side roads. Half a mile before the end there's a slight bend. So I come out of that bend, and after 400 yards plod jumps out from behind a tree and makes me stop, waving his little laser gun. Apparently I was doing 70 in a 50 zone, and awarded a € 350 (325 pound) fine. Bastards. Rant over.
    • WTF WTF x 2
  7. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #1947 Cyborgbot, Aug 13, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
    They fine you in Pounds?!?

    The Euro is totally fcuked then...

    Edit: Vulpes has since added in Euros and undermined my rather pithy joke. :p:joy:
    • Funny Funny x 5
  8. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    #1948 Cyborgbot, Aug 13, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
    Did you hear what Green Party Caroline Lucas (Loony Vegan Leftwing Liberal Feminist, and apparently also racist now) said yesterday?

    She believes women are best at ignoring the valid opinions of others and are better at negotiating and problem solving than men. She has therefore written to 10 (I think) cross party women MPs to form an anti-brexit and knitting coalition cabinet. Most have a slight problem with this as:

    A) it is sexist to say female politicians are better than male ones and thus exclude male colleagues from posts on her cabinet. Can You imagine if a male politician were to propose an all male cabinet and justifying it by saying women get confused by big issues... wow the press would kick off!

    B) the women she invited were all white. I thought Diane Abbott’s stunning intellect would be a benefit to Ms Lucas’ team. Lucas was slightly racist possibly as there wasn’t any diversity unless you count that crazy Scottish MSP gudgeon, perch, stickleback, oh Sturgeon. She later apologised for missing out women of diversity as she “didn’t think” - great material for a new leader eh?

    C) Lucas, like many MPs are hell bent on breaking democracy. Suggesting that she should have the right to lead Governement when the greens have one MP is bonkers. Perhaps we should form a cabinet and offer our services? Trouble is we’d all want to be Transport Minister and ban BMW drivers, increase speed limits for motorcycles and allow capital punishment for scroats that nick ur bike.

    Rant over... :joy:
    • Like Like x 6
  9. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    Thats a bummer Wim:( sneeky feckers:rolleyes: do you get points on your licence aswell?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    Fortunately not - once you're not a beginning/starting driver anymore we only have points for DUI offences here. For beginning/starting (first two years, I think) drivers it's two strikes and you're out, though, no matter what the offence.
  12. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    That seems a better system than we have over here,i think if fines were worked out as a % of folks income it would be much fairer
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. freck

    freck Elite Member

    May 4, 2017
    Preston, Lancs, UK
    I thought that system was supposed to be being introduced here?
  14. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    i havn't heard about it,i hope it does happen
  15. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    They've got that in Finland - I remember Kimi Raikkonen getting fined € 30.000 for a minor speeding offence a few years back... :eek:
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Ouch that’s harsh! Do the offended time out?
  17. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    Just had a look - for beginners, when you get 3 points within 5 years the license is rendered invalid.
  18. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    • Agree Agree x 5
  19. Bonnie1980

    Bonnie1980 Bonneville T120 Black

    Aug 6, 2019
    South East England
    BLOODY Mr. X

    So I call the dealership a week ahead in anticipation of receiving front tire, to book an appointment for fitment. Mr. X from the dealership says as it is the front tire, it shouldn't take long and asks me to drop in any time. Not my comfort zone so I ask him what if I get turned down on the day for not having an appointment to which he chuckles (over the phone) and says in an authoritative tone, 'tell them that you spoke to Mr. X'. Now I know that this Mr. X is some sort of head of the service department so I feel safe about the arrangement.

    Fast- forward yesterday, SWMBO is working from home so ideal for me to transport the tire to the dealership and get a lift back if needed. As I walk-in, the person at the service desk looks at me with surprise and asks if I have an appointment. I pull out my trump card and state what Mr. X had asked me to. He goes inside the service area, comes back and starts interrogating me- 'what's your name', 'when did you speak with him', 'what time' etc. Apparently, Mr. X was inside the service area and it was Mr. X who wanted all this additional information.

    Eventually, I get turned down, by Mr. X, and given a choice of an appointment a couple of weeks later or next day (today) but without a guarantee as to when the job will be completed. The service guy made sure to comment that they are very busy and that they will have to fit me in-between jobs- indirectly telling me don't bother coming next time if you don't have an appointment.

    So here I am 'working-from-home' out of schedule, looking to make multiple trips to the dealership in this stupid fecking rain.

    Thanks Mr. X.

    Rant over.
    • Like Like x 3
    • WTF WTF x 1
  20. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Could you offer a hint as to which dealership as I have found the Bramley one lacking in professionalism at times.

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