Rant of the day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Havit, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    The law is supposed to be there to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty. :confused:

    Doesn't do that anymore, all about stopping the innocent and protecting the guilty, thanks to all criminal and litigation lawyers - your doing a great job !!!:( NOT.

    Lawyers and courts play it like a game, with no impact on people's lives. Disgraceful that the police have to spend so much time and energy on paperwork to cover their backs from these scum and their lawyers. :mad:
    • Like Like x 6
  2. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014


    I read this a few years ago your daughter might like it ( I did).

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  3. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    That place is for suckers:D:D
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  5. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    You can always take the top off DD :rolleyes:
  6. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    #426 MickEng, Mar 11, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    Thoughtless car and van drivers who leave about 6" gap between their vehicle and the little islands, leaving you to ride through 1/2" of grit, nails, screws and broken glass when filtering.
    I'm dreading that inevitable puncture!
    And before anybody says "Don't do it then, you dickhead"
    I can't stop myself,.......just like DD with his burgers and ice cream. lol
    • Like Like x 4
  7. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    ''Tis a big brush Ade, that's why the lumpy contents take a bit of sucking!!
  8. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    #428 H.O., Mar 11, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    Or give you a spoon?
    Am I the only person who has never gone into a B.K, and only very rarely, i.e about 4 times used McD's, or any other 'fast food' outlet?
    First McD I saw was in Colne, Germany in the late 60's on a visit with Air Cadets.
    Never used 'em much since but when I found they were destroying Rain Forests to raise skinny white cows for burgers served up (slung at you)by some spotty yoof who just finished his/her paper round so I stopped all together.
    I prefer Wimpy to any of them if I really have to, but fish 'n' chips or a ploughmans any day!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    It'd have to be a long thin one mind to get through that hole.
  10. OnlySon

    OnlySon Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    Scotland. UK
    Photobucket is total shite. A complete and utter waste of time with shitey dumbfuck adverts and pop ups for the hard of understanding and easily amused. Click bait for retards except they don't even give you the choice now. It's an overdose of complete dung or nothing. Complete hair pulling out frustration trying to upload anything ending in fuck all use to anyone and i cannot get my half hour of wasted life back. I hope the owner of the site falls down a manhole and lands face down in a pool of liquid shit. The prick. Same goes for the complete cunts in Insurance. They can fuck right off as well. If had I met an insurance call centre person today I would have kicked their balls up their back and turned them into a camel. Fuckin bastards the lot of them.
    • Like Like x 8
  11. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    Now that's what I call a rant!
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  12. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014

    • Like Like x 1
  13. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Well, thats what this thread is for!:eek::)
  14. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Thursday morning wife takes Gino (H.O.) for his walk, comes bach with his leg dripping in blood, been attacked by 2 poxy fucking Staffies, off leads and totally out of control!!
    1 went back to its owner when called the other turned round for another go, she (wife) managed to get a swift kick in to its head and it fucked off!!
    I'M LIVID!!!
    We never take ours out without being muzzled so they cant get cats etc, but limits them like this if they are attacked,
    Woman walked off not concerned at all.
    Wife got Gino to hobble home, lucky for him the 7 bite holes missed any thing vital like tendons, veins/arteries etc, just muscle damage, but for sure it was lucky it was colder that morning so he had his coat on, that got ripped off and the ties tapes broken where 1 went for his back!
    Dog warden informed, and Police, surprisingly both took real interest, I WILL find where the owner lives and then both Police and warden want the address.
    He's been padded up and Savlon applied, then yesterday high grade Manuca honey, (you would not believe how well that works!), this morning he seems quite a lot better, not so stiff, last night he managed to get up stairs to bed too, so he's on the mend.
    Seems when the bruising came out the pain started to go, poor sod did not deserve that, just out for a bimble at that happens!!
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  15. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Not been a good week, wife took the car for MOT Thursday, passed, then examiner reversed car off ramps and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bloody f/o/s spring broke!!
    Top of the coil fell fell out onto the floor, (I know its nothing of the wifes!!!!!!:rolleyes:), probably been broke for ages but the lifting and unloading the weight during test dislocated it from the strut!
    No MOT issued, obviously.
    Booked in for Monday, what a pI$£r!
  16. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    Thats terrible H.O, some folk shoudn't be allowed to keep dogs:mad:
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  17. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    They wont if I have anything to do with it, apparently this is not the 1st time its happened with these 2!
    3 things you do NOT upset, 1, My Wife, 2, dogs, 3 bike, (soon to be 2 then), you can call me want you want but do not touch them without dire consequences!!
    Thats Gino in the Avatar.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    Sorry to hear that H.O. I thought a law had been passed where certain breeds of dog had to be muzzled ?
    Surely with all the fatalities and serious injuries caused by 'Staffies' they must be on the list ?
    • Like Like x 1
  19. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    No, they are not on the list as far as I know, certain banned dogs like American Pit Bulls had to be muzzled if they were allowed to be kept until after the breeds died out, should'nt be any on the banned list (legally) left now, meaning there are NO laws generally requiring all dogs to be muzzled, excepting individual dogs by court order.
    The official Greyhound Board (GBGB) stipulates all racing greys registered with them to be muzzled when in a public place and no more than 6 to be walked at any one time with a handler, that in my opinion is at least 4 too many to be able to control, and non of those rules extend to retired grey's, not that my Grey was at any fault on this occasion any way.
    IMHO ALL dogs should be muzzled or at least a muzzle to hand when out in a public place any way!
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  20. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    No breed is any better or worse than any other, its down to the individual dog, usually determined by the owner!
    My brother had a dog that was one of the best trained and well behaved I've ever seen, it was a Staffie, I had a couple of Greys we could not take out, been with bad trainers and/or badly treated, its down to each dog.
    I still say all dogs should be muzzled when out, on a lead or not, any can change temperament and turn in a split second for what-ever circumstances we do not understand.

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