Rant of the day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Havit, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Don't remember them just getting into ribs and motoring over before now !!! :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    That's funny, the media now just reporting immigrants are using ribs !!!

    And the government coming up with ideas to stop them all of a sudden !

    No, not many up here. But we have a large polish community. I go to the two polish supermarkets regularly. Love having the opportunity to share cultures.
    But the attitude to non-white in Scotland has always differed to England. For instance - Scottish-paki is a recognised ethnic group.
  3. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Are we not allowed to express a different view now ?

    This is my view and am perfectly entitled to express it. If what we see is true, boat crossing have increased a lot this year. We also know that the French are not cooperating as they were.

    I see a link, and am expressing that opinion. Just because it doesn't fit with your thinking, does not make it 'removed from reality'.
    Personal remarks and dredging up history, still doesn't make it an untruth just because it doesn't sit within your beliefs.
  5. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    Well I have to say that I have a friend who was a Metropolitan Police officer and now is a private consultant to various Police forces who loves France and divides his time between the UK and France and he told me that the French have always seen the fact that they have to put up with immigrants sleeping on their streets, committing the whole gamut of crimes from shoplifting to rape and murder as our fault because they wouldn't be there if we weren't such a glittering prize just on the horizon and so they have been pissed at us ever since the first migrants arrived at Calais and they have always been only too happy to help them on their way over here as every one they send our way is one less thief or ruthless scumbag dirtying their streets.
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  6. MadMrB

    MadMrB Elite Member

    Dec 24, 2018
    Northamptonshire, UK
    #3906 MadMrB, Oct 14, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    Yes I agree, we are a soft touch, and are a magnet because of the overly generous benefits that migrants get on arrival. We need to make the prospect of illegal immigration in to the UK very unattractive to those who attempt it, simply turning them back immediately would be a start, and sending them back to safe Europe when they came from and had been or travelled through for some time.

    For as long as I can remember the French have always been awkward about cooperating with the UK on migration, and have always demanded payment for any assistance, which is extortion in my view. But then the whole EU is an extortion racket in my view, and the UK have been mainly the victim.

    But we also need to "sort out" the NGOs that are illegally providing taxi/ferry services for migration into Europe in the first place, and tutoring migrants on what to say and what to claim when they get here. There are plenty of nearer safe countries on the African continent, so even for the minority of genuine asylum seekers, under international law there is no need for those migrants to come from Africa to Europe in the first place.

    We also need to get rid of the lefty supreme court (established by Tony Blair FFS!) that prevents the return of failed asylum seekers and illegal migrants. And ban the organisations that are funding the lawyers who act for them, as the vast majority of the time there is no reason they should have legal representation, as they have come from a safe country, therfore their actions are illegal, and are only attempting to get to the UK for financial reasons.
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  7. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    There is a very big difference between Polish and these immigrants, the poles stood back to back and helped and died for our nation against the Nazi tyranny serving in this country along with others, the boat immigrants are mostly from Syria, Nigeria and other nations in that area they are not Paki's and to me colour is not the issue we are at bursting point with a population at present that overloads the NHS, we need to clean up our own back yard first and sort out the homeless and needy in this nation.
    • Agree Agree x 11
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  8. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    Right, immigrant here (or as I'm white, shell we say an "expat" ?).
    Lets get few things out of the way (strictly my views here)
    - not everyone crossing the channel is coming to murder, rape or thief, in fact statistically there is not much larger proportion of scum than in EEU migrants or in fact locals (who lets be honest have been more than very good at using the system for generations, and if not the system than the cheap work force supplied by immigration)
    - France, like many other countries in Europe is ending up with a lot of peeps that are "in transit" but unable to move on. Imagine going to Ibiza so you can get drunk, shout loudly, abuse bar staff and local girls and demand fish and chips in tapas bar yet ending up one ferry ride away from destination unable to get there, you will not be happy.
    Yes they were given financial support but their costs are huge and they seem to have a lot of their own problems so the mood is not in favor to help. And yes they eat frogs and snails, so what you expect...
    -building a Trump style wall around Britain will solve nothing, this has to be dealt with world wide and at the root of the problem, not at the destination. Stop supplying weapons to feed the wars that are sending these people into emigration would be a start...
    -agreed that politically correct laws are a problem- if you want to come here, learn basics of language and work. If you fail or are a criminal, you are going back and that is it, no if or buts.
    -UK needs a healthy dose of the right immigration full stop
    -Brexit may help with few things locally but will be paid for heavily elsewhere (food standards, loss of business, under pressure trade deals etc.) and question is will the end result be worth it?
    -yes, people have been trying to get to the UK for ages, but to think that the smugglers will not try to use the Brexit communication chaos and the pandemic situation to increase their profit by increasing the traffic is naive. They are ramping up the movement big time hence why you hear a lot more about it. The more of a chaos between the UK and France, the better for them hence why both sides should swallow a bit of pride and work together again.
    -I have now done over 7k miles on my scrambler and I bloody love it
    -UK reaction to Covid is a disgrace and this applies to Czech and some other countries too
    -the weather is getting on my ti*s
    -I have to go and do some work to repair the immigrants reputation here
    TBC no doubt
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  9. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    #3909 PeteZ, Oct 14, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    Currently managing a 9k sqf luxury project and today we have-
    Site manager-Czech
    Handy man- Romanian
    painter- Polish
    tilers- Portuguese
    ground workers- Albania, Romania, Iran,
    bricklayers - English 2no,
    hod carrier-Syria
    landscapers- English, Lebanon (best mates), Italy
    pool workers- Israel, Lebanon
    forklift driver- Somali

    I think writing people off because they are "from Syria, Nigeria and other nations in that area" is a bit unfair.
    People should be judged by who they are and by their actions and not by where they come from or whether their fathers fought the war on the correct side or not. Half of my country has been sacrificed (literally handed over) by the British in 1938 to keep Hitler happy and to avoid war coming to the island yet we still fought with you later against Hitler.
    The NHS is struggling mainly as its been starved of money over many years by successive governments, who would rather take the money from there as well as from other public services and from tax payers pockets rather than missing one of their pay rises or touch the benefit system and upset the voters..
    I think this country is more mismanaged than overrun but agreed that immigration has to be controlled, both legal and illegal.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    What may suit you does not suit others, As I stated the UK is at bursting point and we need to sort our problems out here, I have no problems with you wanting to sort and shoulder the world issues and maybe Europe has the room for as many people it can take but we don't "again" we need to clean up our own back yard.
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  11. GaleForceEight

    GaleForceEight Noble Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    We (as a nation trying to deal with the illegal immigration coming from Calais) proposed setting up a bay so that HGVs could be x ray scanned in a large scale version of the bag checks at airports, before boarding ferries in order to find stowaways before they left French soil.

    The French used ‘human rights’ legislation to prevent their installation on the grounds that if there was an illegal hiding in the lorry they would not have signed a permission for the x-ray! Why? Most probably because it would have worked!

    I have nothing against legitimate asylum seekers but there is a reason they are desperate to get to the U.K. If they have a good case for not staying in the first ‘safe’ country they reach, why not follow the correct procedures and apply?
    • Like Like x 4
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  12. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    It definitely isn't just an immigration problem it's also a problem of massive amounts of drug abuse, lack of social housing for our own and what housing stock there is being ear-marked for immigrants as they are seen by the liberals as 'worthy' where our own must be homeless because they are 'dole-dodgers', 'junkies' or lazy scum of one tabloid description or another. Yes there are plenty of immigrants in the UK working hard and being paid little for it (let's face it employers know that an immigrant will work harder and cheaper than the British worker who the tabloids have happily depicted as a lazy, overpaid layabout.) Where I live Hospitality and Tourism is the main employer and the local hotels and holiday parks are largely staffed with Latvian's, Lithuanian's and Pole's because the employer's know that they will work hard on zero hour contracts and for minimal pay while taking all the crap going. Whenever the local housing associations throw up new houses they are generally quickly filled by the immigrant workforce and their families, of course the lower rents charged by housing associations mean that they can continue to work for the low wages the local employers pay where the indigenous people can't afford to take the jobs because they are trying to pay private landlords much higher rents. It seems to me that our very society is broken and has been for a long time. Since the 1980's the British public have been fed an image of the working class as shiftless, benefit loving, idle men and single mothers after council houses if they aren't junkies to be pitied and fed methodone and all an essentially worthless nuisance while people from elsewhere are wonderful hard-working (for much less pay) or poor and starving through no fault of their own and should be used to replace the worthless scum of the lower echelons of our own population. Since the introduction of YOP schemes, YTS etc. there has been a distinct lack of investment in genuine training for British kids in the trades that we are short of and employers of course jump at the chance of importing skilled labour rather than spend years training our own. Meanwhile we have more universities than ever before taking large amounts of money and giving kids worthless degrees and other qualifications. The government gets to keep the unemployment figures down and the people running the Universities get to make lots of money so the only losers are the poor kids who get a degree in 'Media Studies' when they could have been Joiners, Plumbers, Mechanics, Engineers, Medical Tech's etc. etc. The Governments of the last forty years as the directors of our social structure and the Press as the 'social influencer' of the middle classes have a lot to answer for in regard of the current state of our country.

    Having said all that, as the Apocalypse is coming within two to three years at max it's all over bar the shouting, screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth :laughing::grinning::D:dizzy:
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  13. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Having worked for 22 years on a part time basis for a company leeching money from the NHS I can assure you that there are hundreds of millions at least being wasted every year by the NHS. This company I worked for has tiers and tiers of inept managers and wastes untold amounts of money on "amazing" projects. It is also just one of many companies/organisations out there wasting NHS money. The NHS does not just consist of hospital, doctors, nurses and surgeries. The public do not see where the money is wasted. Personally I'm convinced the NHS does have enough money, it's just not spent in the right areas. The NHS needs to be dismantled and rebuilt yet we have this myth that it must be protected as it is, at all cost.
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  14. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    Large scale immigration is a world wide issue and need to be treated like that.
    Sorting out your own back yard and building a wall is like trying to stop a meteorite by putting a tin foil hat on..
    • Like Like x 1
  15. GaleForceEight

    GaleForceEight Noble Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    Given that we only have direct control of ‘our own back yard’ surely that is where we have to start!? While I live in both the U.K. and in Malta, I would not dream of going out to Malta and trying to tell them to live differently and impose different cultural values on them!
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  16. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    Kind of agree with all of this as at the bottom line is, the Poles, Romanians and Latvians are not to blame. They left their families behind in search of a better (or at least different) life, and absolute majority of them are hard working and solid people. Difficult to blame the locals too as they try to compete with them and the companies are more than happy to exploit the cheap labor to maximize profit.
    Which in return is coming back to consumers who are very happy to buy 3£ t shirt from India and throw it away in a week rather than support good local quality brand.
    The governments are indeed failing us big time but us a consumers have a lot to answer for with our daily choices, and that goes for economy as well as ecology and the general state of affairs on this planet.
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  17. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    Then the United Nations should be dealing with the issue we can only control our borders and we have to start somewhere, Having immigrants placed into society above our own needy breeds problems , But yes I agree it is a world wide problem but the UK is only a small part of it you can only shove so much stuff into a shoe box before the lid won't fit and that's how the UK is at present, maybe its time we pulled out of helping and sticking our noses where we are not wanted and let these nations deal with their own problems.
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  18. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    #3918 MartyWilson, Oct 14, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2020
    I have absolutely no grudge or complaint with the immigrants. They are only people as @PeteZ says, who are out for a change of scenery, a better/easier life than they have in their homeland or who want to earn more money than they can at home in order to look after they family back in their homeland or sadly, as is the case with what is probably a minority, criminals who are escaping their homeland because the heat there has become too great and there are fresh pickings to be had elsewhere.

    The people I have a problem with are the ones who facilitate their ingress into our society and neglect our own. For centuries we were evolving in the Darwinian sense. We, as a nation, were using all our abilities to go out into the world and build up stores in order that our descendants might have the best chance and continue to compete at the front of the human race. A fine example of 'survival of the fittest' but now, sadly we seem to have lost our way and a certain group of our society seem to wish to defer to all those we were ahead of in the race and give them primacy. Altruism is great if it doesn't mean that your children and their children will suffer because of it but now we have a situation where there is gang warfare on the streets (sadly it seems mainly amongst the immigrant communities), drug and alcohol abuse running rampant, massive inequality between the poor and wealthy and a severe housing shortage which isn't helped by allowing immigrants into our country. Of course these facilitators live in communities where they themselves don't see the deprivation and sad state of the bottom echelons of British society and everything looks wonderful from their ivory towers plus they get their BMW's and Audi's washed for pennies at Carwashes run by migrants living twenty to a room and sleeping in shifts while visiting their local Polish food shop for some interesting and unusual delicacies and a touch of cosmopolitan self satisfaction plus it's wonderful how cheap good quality clothes have become now that there are sweatshops hidden in areas of Manchester and Birmingham where they churn them out at a desperate pace under threat from their bosses that they will be given up to the authorities and sent back to Bangladesh if they don't lump it no matter how much they don't like it.

    Personally I pity the young for what the current generation, my generation and the previous generation have done to the great legacy that was bestowed on us by the generations who went before and struggled bloody hard on the battlefields and in the mines, the shipyards, the factories, and the fields as indentured servants (little better than slaves) in order to make this country a wealthy and powerful place that the generations to come might prosper and evolve.

    Darwin would be ashamed of us.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  19. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    As I said before, stop selling weapons to feed a war that creates the immigration would be a start..this shoe box is nowhere near full, try to get a carpenter, site agent, plumber, fruit & veg picker, nurse, social care staff, cleaners and the list goes on. There is either not enough migrants to do all these jobs or not enough locals willing to, simple as that. It was rightly mentioned here that there is masses of over qualified kids leaving the uni with massive expectations and useless titles who think “thats not job for me, let the Albanians wipe the bottoms of our grand parents” and on the other side of the scale is the lot who can’t be bothered, cause if you have enough kids at 22, you may not have to work, you’ll get a flat and enough support the get by. This is btw generaly speaking, as there is milions of great Brittish citizens (large portion of the population) who can and will do any given job.
    And than there is DD, still dunno where the hell he fits in ‍♂️
    • Funny Funny x 3
  20. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    Yes we should stop selling them weapons, but so should the Russians, Chinese, Americans, ect ect and if we did stop they would still try to kill each other with whatever means they could find, 60 plus million is a lot of people for our land mass there is more free land in france, we have lots of issues in the UK you are well clued up on them but they are our problems and we need to sort them out first without adding to them.
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