Rant of the day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Havit, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
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  2. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Completely agree, but can't see the powers that be going anywhere near that kind of action.....
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  3. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  4. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    #3424 Adie P, Jun 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    Pathetic apologists/bandwagoneers/f*ckwits/morons (select one or more according to taste)

    How much more of our social history - whether conceptually "good" or "bad" - is going to be rewritten; overwritten, revised or ignored for a pointless, biased backlash that has no relevance to the historical past?

    I despair. Still.
    • Agree Agree x 14
  5. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    Just trying to endear themselves to the woke brigade I guess, weak minded limp waisted twats :mad:.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  6. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    The problem is they have the weight of the media behind them, anyone that stands up against them is instantly branded a right wing thug, like the people that came out to protect national monuments. I'd love to see a backlash against all this but I'm not sure where it would end. Personally I'm fed up with it all but know there's nothing that will be done about it.
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  7. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    But what can be done DD? Look what happened to our kids, we were told not to discipline them by the bleeding heart liberals, so we didn't for fear of criticism and now look at the way the young 'adults' behave. We're being told what to think all the time and actually going along with it by not saying anything. I saw something on here yesterday that indicated there was more racism black on white than the other way around, perhaps we should all go out rioting because white lives matter...but we wouldn't dare!
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  8. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    Well, when the silent majority finally decide that they are fed up being dictated to by nutcases who don't really know what they want except to wreck our civilisation I am ready to join the Triumph cavalry.
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  9. JtC

    JtC Elite Member

    Apr 20, 2020
    New Mexico

    • Agree Agree x 9
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  10. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    :eek:A HAIRY ARSE:eek:

    Haven’t you heard of manscaping:eek:
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  11. OldNick

    OldNick Elite Member

    Aug 11, 2019
    South Coast UK
    Unfortunately any solution will probably take a long time to come to fruition, and a few fundamentals will need to be in place first like stop repeating attitudes because they are trendy (I really don’t believe everyone kneeling at the moment agrees or even understands it!) if you believe it great fill your boots, if not then stop it !
    Everyone needs to stop being so sensitive but recognise where genuine atrocities should be addressed (Belgian Royal family apologising for the treatment of their colonies which by all accounts made Game of Thrones seem tame) they are addressed
    And politely tell those people at home, at work, in the street, why their liberal bleeding heart view is not needed nor appropriate without feeling afraid or uncomfortable
    Then we can reclaim the middle ground and normality can be resumed, bearing in mind it’s taken a good 30 years to lose it:confused:
    • Like Like x 6
  12. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    My stepdaughter turned her Facebook profile black, when we mentioned it to her she had no idea why...everyone is doing it she said!
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 6
  13. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I'm ashamed to say my 18 y/o daughter who opted to take a course in modern arts (against my advice) has gone full liberal. Wears rainbow colours, badges (pins) for gay rights etc supports BLM and is anti Trump...I'm not proud of her im ashamed to say
    She follows whatever is cool and has even argued with her boyfriend about how much a sheep he is because he doesn't follow the same narrative - he is actually well educated, understanding and can probably do a lot better than her
    But her latest fad to follow, to shave her head, yup, she used my buzz cutter to take her hair to the skin

    I pointed out that it was a prank started on 4chan to get white girls to shave their heads in support of BLM, she didn't believe me but now says she did it because she wanted too and not in support of BLM, funny she cut it on the day she was going to join in a local BLM protest ! (Thankfully it was cancelled)

    My wife and I have told her how dangerous it is and now she has cut her hair and has multiple face piercings she is going to find it very difficult to get a job. Her reply was " I won't need it until I want to move out"
    The entitlement was strong in her, so cancelled her phone I pay for, her Spotify and changed the Netflix password and the WiFi. So now I am a controlling "boomer" for restricting her rights to freedom of self expression

    Two years ago she was the prettiest and politest lady you could wish to meet, so I think it is whatever they are teaching them at college to blame and the fact I have been scarred of punishing her when she was younger because the school had taught kids at a young age to memorise the childline number if their rights were ever oppressed or if mummy and daddy ever smacked them

    My wife and I are quite concerned about her and hope she grows out if it, but to be honest we are now seeing the result of this liberalism in young adults of today's society so she may just get worse
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  14. MartyWilson

    MartyWilson Guest

    These times are really very disturbing.

    This 'Taking the knee' crap for instance. I wonder just how many of those footballers etc. doing it really want to and how many are doing it simply because their masters will destroy them if they don't do it. We all know that, if one of the doesn't do it, for whatever reason, his career will be over and he will be a marked man on social media.

    Then you have companies now withdrawing advertising from Facebook until Facebook stops promoting 'Hate Speech' (read that as 'Freedom of Speech') One of the companies is Coca Cola (I don't drink their vile garbage myself) whose founder, I have read served as a Confederate Lieutenant Colonel and, let's face it, a drug dealer. How did they avoid the shaming for their 'racist' connections?
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  15. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    She made a sweeping statement the other day that Trump is a racist, he has posted so many racist things on Twitter'
    I thought I would entertain this argument, I said 'Okay, he is a bit of a cock, but please show me these tweets where he is blatantly racist'. She spent the next couple of hours and into the next day linking tweets from people saying he was racist, or people quoting tweets where he is racist, but she couldn't find one directly from him
    There probably are some, but the fact the only evidence she had was other people calling him racist showed how she was only going by what people said about him without fact checking it herself

    I showed her the attached chart of violence between races in 2018 USA and she said it doesn't reflect the violence against black people in everyday situations, only what is recorded by the racist police! So no winning there

    Not the problem.jpg
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  16. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    God, sorry to hear all that, they can be so ungrateful can't they! Sounds like she uses you as free accommodation, not unusual these days I'm afraid. My son was an angel until he was about 14 when he met some kids that smoked weed, I tried all I could to keep him away from them but short of locking him in his room there wasn't much I could do. He was constantly sent home from school and as his habit worsened he would go to my Mum for money, he ripped her off for thousands over the years and it caused a rift between me and Mum because she was enabling him but refused to see it. At 16 he refused to look for a job as he had it cushy living with me, he'd have his mates around when I wasn't there and caused all sorts of problems with my neighbours and landlord. At 17 I'd had enough and put a deposit down on a flat for him, not realising he'd get no help with rent until he was 18, so I ended up paying his rent until then. After that I washed my hands of him and told him he'd have to make his own way in life. It was all very hard as I could still remember the great relationship we once had. Ten years on he's been through all sorts because of drugs, he's lost friends, family, homes and he's just starting to come round and try to sort himself out.

    My wife on the other hand was very strict with her children, it would be called bullying these days but it really wasn't, she brought them up alone and had to keep some kind of control. As soon as they were young teenagers they were sent out to find weekend work and were expected to give her a portion of their wages for rent as soon as they hit 16. They all begrudgingly did it but have mostly grown into responsible adults with very well paid jobs, at the very least they all work and pay their own way. They never thank her for the time and effort she spent raising them but maybe that will come in time.
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  17. Steve Hill

    Steve Hill Senior Member

    Dec 26, 2019
    Oh look....Leicester three weeks ago :mad: Lets try and guess why they have problems now :rolleyes:

    • Agree Agree x 14
  18. stinger

    stinger Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2017
    All this rewriting of history is very depressing. James Dyson's manor house, when it was still owned by a local lord was open to the public. They had a whole section of the house with pictures and letters and stuff explaining how their ancestors made their money from slave trading i remember it well.


    From a personal point of view you'd wonder how comfortable a billionaire would feel buying such a place with its well known history when they clearly have the funds for a completely new bespoke home in the tens of thousands of acres he has bought around here? Or perhaps billionaires are billionaires because they care little for the thoughts of others....

    Where will it end? When will Germans start to protest that Nazi era history does not define them today and should not be spoken of?
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  19. SleepyOwl

    SleepyOwl Crème de la Crème

    Jul 26, 2019
    FFS! As many of us said at the time, they should be signing waivers to agree to not take up a bed from the NHS.
    They deserve their lockdown extension and they have ruined it for the other good people of Leicester.
    I just wish I knew someone who was on that March so I could rub their self righteous face in it.
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  20. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    Amazing one coloured known thief dies at the hand of a cop and the world is in uprour for recriminations, yet the perpetrators of this covid 19 are not taken to count for the thousands of deaths or pay any form of compensation, to me they should or the rest of the world should shun them and take their business elsewhere and hurt their economy
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