pulling hair out over indexing '72 T120V with camplate leafspring

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by rich, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. rich

    rich Member

    Thanks for your reply, Graham. Modern single phase reg/rec fitted a few months ago (only single phase alternator on mine) and new correct physical size and Ah batt fitted too as the one that came with the bike was far too small. Will have a look at that dual outlet coil you mentioned. Will get some new 20/50 and some hypoy 90. Haven't connected oil pump pipes as engine not back with me yet so will research the connections thoroughly as it doesn't bear thinking about if I get it wrong!

    And fingers crossed for my '69 MGB GT which goes for its test today!

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  2. camman

    camman Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    christchurch dorset
    Good luck with the MGB GT, they seem to be getting a rare site.....I expect you will now tell me there are thousands out there:oops:....they never had the best reputation for resisting rust if I remember rightly, and I can vouch that the Midget didn't, as my ex wife had one that I was always doing battle with.
    Let us know how the Bonnie goes, not telling you how to suck eggs, but my advice would be when you start for first time, leave the oil tank filler cap off so that you can see oil returning to tank. If you don't see it within a 30 seconds, something is wrong and STOP the engine.
    Have you got the original two valve oil pump fitted?
  3. rich

    rich Member

    Colin the MGB passed his test easily! Thanks for your advice regarding the oil pump. I shall watch to see that the oil returns to the top of the frame pronto (I have an OIF model). I presume that the pump is the original fitment. As regarding the little cutting-out problem, when the engine is back in the frame I'm going to go through all connections, wires and components related to the ignition system with a fine-tooth comb - could be the boyer pick-up, coils, boyer box, HT leads or caps etc etc.
  4. camman

    camman Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    christchurch dorset
    Again, not telling you how to suck eggs....but with Boyer it is important that you use resistored caps or plugs, but not BOTH, I prefer to use resistored caps, and run one grade hotter plug due to HC pistons and 33mm Mikunis fitted. Your problem however, is more likely to be a low tension connection problem.
    Has your IOF model got the filler cap just in front of seat?, if so, you can clearly see the return pipe just inside.
    Good luck
  5. rich

    rich Member

    Hi Graham. Yep, I have resistor plugs fitted and will check to make sure that the caps are not resisitive. Will check all connections to the black box. Yes, the oil return pipe is visible but I've had a good look at a pdf manual which I downloaded and it shows which pipe is which at the oil pump. Cheers, Rich

    The older I get I'm still crap
  6. camman

    camman Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    christchurch dorset
    And the more I know...the less I understand :rolleyes:
    I bet Colin doesn't go out in this weather!?
  7. rich

    rich Member

    He bloody does y'know! And he gets bailed out twice a week
  8. rich

    rich Member

    Found the ignition fault - no. 1 coil secondary has gone open circuit (several Mohm) and no. 2 secondary seems a little high (12Kohm) so two new 6v coils on way, plus two new NGK res caps, two new NGK B8ES non-res plugs and 2m classic copper core HT lead. Phew. What next, I wonder?
  9. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Well hopefully Rich - nothing at all but sweet running.

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