The bikes been fine all winter , only gone on shortish rides , when Think I will invest in a new one , believe I've still got the original one . 60, 000 + miles !
A poor battery can draw most of the charging systems output, and not enough voltage is there to run the electronics , ECU won't run at proper speed/efficiency if voltage is down, also the fuel pump and injection might not work to it's best ! My sprint slowly became a little more reluctant to start , and top performance and responsiveness went down. Didn't fully appreciate how much until I did a battery replacement .
Thanks man , I think that will be the next step . New Battery . Currently shows 12 . 63 V when not been used for a da.y or two ..
Chris Ryder Also if only short journeys the battery doesn't do to well with that either. Ride Safe Joe.
Hi Joe , I've had the battery tested this morning , is charging O K and holding its charge ! I was advised that it may be the solenoid, or the starter motor !!
You did indeed . I'm gonna whip the starter out soon . Found the solenoid , it's right under the battery . Earth lead is secure too ...did 40 miles today without a hitch ?
Earth lead being secure is one thing .......... but you need to be doing a continuity (ohms) test at various points whilst turning the steering and waggling wires.
Right Chris a quick (Not comprehensive) learning session to point you in the right direction; Buy a basic multimeter, very cheap, put the setting on ohms. Place one probe, say black one (to avoid confusion) directly onto battery negative It helps if the probes have removable crocodile clips so you can connect that and it will look after itself. Probe the other earth points, starter motor bolts etc. with the other probe. Meter should read as near to zero as possible. The continuity "buzzer" setting will give you a quick idea but an ohms value is more indicative.
The saga continues . I dont think the starter motor is a serviceable unit . So difficult to get to . Got to remove throttle body assembly , something I dont realy want to tackle . So dont know what to do next . ?
Have a look at the starter solenoid if you can get to it. It’s more likely to be that than the starter. Make sure the electrical connections are tight and not corroded on both.
Well , looks its fooked . Bike wont start at all . 12 . 65 v in battery . Sluggish turn over , do realy think the starter motor is at fault . Dont want to spend any more money on this bike so I may just scrap it and cut my losses !