Pretty sure Constance is a pro, but when she lost her knickers it didn't look that abused, but it could have been taken years ago. Those photos would get me banned for sure
Lynn 39 from Chicago, talked back and forth with her for 3 weeks, then the sick granny, send $5000. I refused, she then sent a selfie with her tongue stuck out and her fingers in her lady bits stating see what your missing. It's been an interesting rollercoaster ride, and I need to thin out my photo collection. Woman from British Columbia ok looking fully clad photo taken in the laundry room, twenty minutes later I get a phone call from an irate husband.
120 mile Mary and I are having lunch next Friday and maybe dinner, hopefully dessert. Will post a review then, still no nudies from her.
Hope I’m being an idiot here, but being new to this experience (and it being vicariously observed) Are all the photos fake like the two you’ve shown, or do you get any genuine pictures? The writing looks suspiciously like computer generated font and why would they say they love you??? But worst of all, they can’t even spell Phred!!!
@DCS222 good points, it's hard to tell anymore, I was going by hand/finger positions, but the font is definitely computer generated as the strokes appear to be identical. One eyed Herman was blinding me.
Computer fonts or not, the conversation and texts are becoming quite interesting, lengthy and graghic. Constance is out as I told her to find someone younger. Lynn is back knocking. On the phone till 4:04 am. Parking lot church starts in 2 hours.