Our pets

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Red Thunder, Jun 23, 2016.

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  1. Base

    Base Member

    Jan 12, 2017
    They get on with the cats fine, we have another 2 cats, I'm not really a cat person and when my girlfriend got them, they were going to be "barn cats" funny how things change :) in fairness they do a good job of keeping out rodent population at bay so don't mind them in the house during the day as long as they go out and murdering vermin at night :)

    The face of regret :) IMG_1111.JPG
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  2. jonesy

    jonesy Active Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    My two ridgebacks
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  3. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    That's a beautiful picture Jones, they look in great condition.
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  4. dickydido

    dickydido Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    Hi Red Thunder,

    Really bad luck it happened but brilliant luck she has pulled through the op so well and she clearly has regained her 'joie de vive'...

    ....and she is now truly a Triumph owners dog.......as she's a triple!.....

    All best luck in the future for Ella and you.


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  5. desertspeedy

    desertspeedy Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    N. Phoenix, AZ, USA
    This was Lou, my Rhodie and Mastiff mix. I adopted him at age 4 from a rescue service. He was a diamond in the rough. ChrisandLouparia afterwading.JPG
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  6. desertspeedy

    desertspeedy Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    N. Phoenix, AZ, USA
    ^ Love the rescues...back in NH I had 2 Otterhounds, one after the other, both named Teddy. Had a rescue Airedale named Honey at same time as second Teddy. She was anything but a "honey" as she was all jaws and claws and we took to calling her, "Satan's Little Princess". After I adopted Lou in 2010 I took him on a trek from the Utah border following Paria River (famous for the slot canyons) all the way to Lee's Ferry on the Colorado River. Took us a week to cover the distance and the water was ice cold. Trip required over 40 river crossings and he saw ice for the first time in his life. He soon learned I had the food and shelter and we became best of friends. He passed in March of 2015 and I am now working with Jerry, a 1+1/2 year old Rhodie currently weighing in at 114 lbs. and still a puppy....my f...ing word what a pain in the arse he can be, lol. I tried to post his photo but image file is too large. Work in progress - these Rhodies are ideal here in the desert. Can find water or at least a mud wallow with uncanny sense in really rugged terrain. Yup, always a dog guy.

    Yes, no witnesses to that Harley kit and Lou would never have ratted me out :).
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  7. Base

    Base Member

    Jan 12, 2017
    Capture.PNG You have to give it to the Beanz she is comminted to getting the ball shame she keeps failing :) just overcooking it a little
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  8. desertspeedy

    desertspeedy Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    N. Phoenix, AZ, USA
    Here is Jerry, cooperating for a photo just now. He is not quite big enough for Lou's former collar. P2070572.JPG
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  9. jonesy

    jonesy Active Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Jerry is a good looking dude for sure.
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  10. zad0107

    zad0107 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    My lad on the old speed triple. 20160420_153657.jpg

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  11. zad0107

    zad0107 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    He thinks he's hard. With a name like Bernard he has to be lol. Actually what he does is up to 30mph he keeps his head out generally posing round town. As the speed increases he tends to pop his nut back in the bag and the flap goes over. It has a window and vents so that he can still see out
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  12. desertspeedy

    desertspeedy Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    N. Phoenix, AZ, USA
    That is absolutely brilliant, love it. I see an occasional outfit carrying a K-9 or 2 but that photo is fantastic.
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  13. zad0107

    zad0107 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    The bag is a proper dog carrier made by baglux. It has a proper cushion and windows. Along with air vents and is waterproof should it rain.
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  14. zad0107

    zad0107 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    Hah ha ha ha you need to meet my little land shark twat. Lol I adopted him from the dogs trust with a broken leg I think he broke it kicking little old ladies pull along trollies.
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  15. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    PETLOG phone number NUMBER:
    I hope it never happens but if you are out and you should loose your dog the last thing you need is an expensive 0844 number on a mobile, this number does exactly same to the same options: 01296 336579 so should not cost you anything to call.
    This is in my phone just in case...........................
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  16. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Saw this wee beastie last Friday at South Landing on a visit to Flamborough Head. Not really a pet, I know, but it was doing cute, quite well, sitting on its rock.
    Also a couple of other piccies of the area taken on a beautiful day!






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  17. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    IMG_0125.JPG This was Incpot this morning, in the SUN!!
    Yep, we get it up here too!
    Now he's race fit again I've been offered really good money to either sell him or race him again, but that will never happen!
    I once went to Melton Mobray market and come away with 2 goats to save them from Halal!
    Not even tempted!
    It's unusual to see a greyhound sitting, he often does, but then again he's a bit like me, not normal!
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  18. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Haha, we had a border pup when we were up in Shetland called Haggis, she grew up with a grey called Oscar Charlie (after the rescue helicopter), the pair of them would run together, she got the most enormous set of lungs and chest ever seen on a border, she was not far off as fast, but had the stamina to wear poor old O.C. out!.
    004 (2).jpg
    Disaster struck when O.C. broke his rear leg and had to have it amputated, but Haggis stood by him and trained him to run with 3 legs, he live on for another 8 years, he was about 4 pounds lighter, but we were 800!(£)
    The pair of them were as thick as thieves!
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  19. dickydido

    dickydido Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    Mimi joined our family nearly 15 years ago when we lived and had our own business in France. ......but she can bark in English now! She was 4 months old, she was living feral along with her 4 other siblings and her mum in a rotting wooden crate, eating only what their mum could catch for them.....that crate was in a local farmers yard but the dogs were never fed or looked after by the farmer.......attitudes to animals can be a lot different to ours in France. Sadly over the first year of Mimi being with us we heard that Mimi's mum got killed by a fox and the other pups either just disappeared or had been run over!

    Now Mimi's got her own set of wheels........arthritis means after walking just a mile she is hardly able to walk in addition to the fact that she is now recovering from an emergency pyometra operation.....she's on the mend but still has to be careful with movement so the buggy is an ideal solution to enable her to still come out and about with us......

    ......I keep scanning the Triumph accessory catalogue for a tow bracket for the Thruxton so I can hook the buggy on!......


    dickydido IMG_2016.JPG
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  20. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    :eek:Just found out our Black lab Orlaugh, is having pups !!!! (Yes we did take her to get pumped, so no great surprise)
    Vet counted 7 of them but recon's more are in there. Due in 3 1/2 weeks.
    Off to buy ply to build a whelping box !!!! o_O
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