Panic over, just remembered there is two fuse boxes on Daytona, bloody blown fuse and replaced and all is good in the world ... well the lights
You had a very busy weekend! See you've got a lot of work to do, good luck with that and with all the help you can get here. Or just a good laugh can help you out as well. Welcome by the way.
Thank you for the welcome, at some point I have to start a new thread ha ha but just keep the story going. The latest update is I got the rear led system working, so need to put that all back together tomorrow at some point. The nose cone broke again when fixing on and the gap between nose cone and upper fairing looks a little bigger then it done before so I will strip again, rebook and maybe do another fix.. hopefully whilst waiting for new parts i put her back together temporarily and have a blast as i miss riding ha ha
I understand you miss the riding. But soon you will enjoy it all the more. Good luck with the cone, again.
Mark if Rich can’t help with new parts to fix the top fairing have you considered plastic welding? I was unlucky whilst riding a VFR 750 some years ago when a sheep ran into my path. I hit it and damaged the side panel of the fairing and like yours all parts were still there with the crack lining up. Anyway, I found a chap near me who did plastic welding, I didn’t see it done, but the result on the inside at least looked very similar to normal metal welding and the repair was very strong. Obviously heat is involved and some painting of the area was required afterwards but once rubbed down, filled and sprayed it was perfect. Just another option to consider.
Its something I was considering, there is a couple advertised on Google I have emailed ... thanks again buddy
She might be a little bash and bruised but the fairing is back on after completely stripping to do some mechanical and electrical repairs after the spill. She isn't looking her best but she is all together and she have some replacement parts soon etc... but it would be rude not to take her out for a test ride... plus they say if you fall off, get back in the saddle as soon as you can.... too be cont......
Hi Mark and Welcome to the Forum, hope you get your bike fixed soon, it is annoying when you can't get parts for something which is hardly an old & ancient model.
She was back on the road today, ok the fairing has battle scars but she is all good under the hood...
Can you spot the difference ? Hahha photo taken today before a hour or so test ride. Mechanically she was fine, responded how I expected her too etc and loved leaving the cars behind. The fairing patch up survived for about a hour before she gave up the ghost and snapped again so definitely need to spend more time on that and either fix or replace. Funny thing is you dont notice the battle scars when you are enjoying the ride .... Carpe diem
Maybe time to wrap up this thread as it's a long Newbie one.. so to end, I have included a few photos of the spill damage which on the face of it isn't bad and drove me to do some other little jobs on her. She still needs the nose cone replaced or repaired properly and the right up and lower fairing need attention but that's just money. The exhaust is just scuff marks and the replacement mirror and Indicator is done.. so is the electrical and mechanical... so thank you for the welcome and I'm sure I have more news via another thread .. but until then enjoy the post pictures and watch this space...