Featured My New 2020 Triumph Bonneville T100

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Schuey, Mar 14, 2020.

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  1. Schuey

    Schuey Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2020
    That meeting of mine was the best meeting ever, just got back and logged on :joy:. Stopped for some fuel and a gentleman came up to me as I was filling up and said the bike looked gorgeous and he was standing there admiring it. The colour was just popping in the sunlight and you could really see the fleck in the blue. Loving it! :cool:
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  2. triumph900

    triumph900 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    Congratulations! Love that color scheme.
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  3. Eddie17

    Eddie17 Member

    Oct 10, 2019
    For me it was good job done by MK :)

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  4. Martine

    Martine Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Athens Georgia
    Hi, going to pick up my 2020 T100 tomorrow and couldn't wait to share the news with others who can appreciate it. Like someone else said, not too many Triumphs seen around here but mine will be parked in the garage next to my husband's 1976 Bonneville. I'll post pics when we get mine home.
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  5. Schuey

    Schuey Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2020
    Congratulations and good luck for tomorrow, enjoy the special day :)
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  6. curly

    curly Noble Member

    Jul 3, 2016
    Burton Upon Trent
    Looking forwards to those pictures!
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  7. Martine

    Martine Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Athens Georgia
    Thanks! I've already looked to see who painted my pinstripes when I test rode and it's initialed by CT. Ron (the husband) had told me long ago about the pinstripes being handpainted on his originally and I was delighted to find they still handpaint. The initials underscore the idea of the bike as a work of art, which I think it definitely is...my favorite kind of art: useable art. I guess I was supposed to introduce myself on the newbie page so I just did that.
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  8. Jet City

    Jet City Noble Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Seattle, Washington USA
    Great color combo! :cool:

    Triumph is pretty conservative with colors with the exception of some of the T120s and T100s. The blue and white is sweet.

    Being able to contrast the BMW and the Bonneville will increase your appreciation of them both. After all, you wouldn’t only have one knife in the kitchen, right? ;)
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  9. john rice

    john rice Member

    Dec 10, 2020
    Morning schuey
    I had the same enjoyable experience with triumph Edinburgh 3weeks ago but not like yourself I’ve not been out on the bike yet.
    been fitting a few parts from tec bike parts bar end mirrors monza fuel cap tail tiday and indicators. just my thing really.
    but with the salt and mucky roads up here in scotland I’ll have to wait for a dry January day i think.
    Your bike has a nice colour scheme i went for the black option.
    Hope you enjoy you new bike.
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  10. Jadorff

    Jadorff Noble Member

    Apr 14, 2019
    Adelaide Australia
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    Two lovely bikes that go well together in any garage. You'll find that far more people want to stop for a chat about it than you're used to!

    Triumph do put a bit of effort into the handover experience, and the little gifts are a nice touch.
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  12. Martine

    Martine Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Athens Georgia
    I found the leather key fob rather pricey but the great bike my dealership threw in with it made it all seem right(grin)
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  13. Riggers

    Riggers Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
    Hi Schuey,

    Good choice matey! I bought the same just after the first lockdown in spring and covered around 3000 miles over the summer. Like you I just love it. Love the sound, the torquey rich engine, the lazy sound, the 'old fashioned' instruments and the fantastic look and finish. I've also got a Yamaha TDM900 which on paper would seem a very similar bike - 900cc twin with 270 crank - but in practice the two bikes are like chalk and cheese. The Yam with its top half fairing and greater power is better at motorway type stuff whereas the Bonnie is just so nice for pottering around country lanes at 50 and 60mph. I bought a few ad-ons like a hand rail (purely for looks as I never carry a passenger). a fly screen which is surprisingly effective at lowering the wind pressure above 70, a centre stand which is very practical but a bit awkward to use due to the effort involved in pulling the bike up an backwards onto it, and finally heated grips, which work well and are integrated into the information display in the left hand clock. These days I'm a fair weather biker only and so the Bonnie is now tucked up in bed and awaiting spring. Happy biking mate. Here's a pic of mine.

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  14. Martine

    Martine Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Athens Georgia
    @Riggers Agree on the bike choice!...same as mine . I'm also adding the grab bar for the same reason, the center stand, dresser bars and panniers. Have wondered about the heated grips...never had them but once I have them I'll wonder how I got on without them? And same for a wind screen...unsure about which one to get; glad to see you said the bug screen does well over 70 since I'm not sure I want to add a bigger screen.
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  15. Jet City

    Jet City Noble Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Seattle, Washington USA
    The Triumph heated grips are a beautifully integrated design. I use mine all the time; any time it’s colder than 60F (15C)
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  16. Eddie17

    Eddie17 Member

    Oct 10, 2019
    Hi Riggers ,
    Good choice of bike.
    I have the same bike and interested in what you said about grab/hand rail (purely for looks as I never carry a passenger). I was thinking of getting a rail, not for looks, but to assist with putting the bike on centre stand. Can I ask do you think it helps?
    I know you can get a handrail (not OEM) that is for this purpose but it would spoil the look of the bike in my opinion.

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  17. Eddie17

    Eddie17 Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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  18. Riggers

    Riggers Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
    Hi Martine,

    The snag with bigger screens fastened to the handlebars or headlight brackets is that they can make the bike unstable at higher speeds. The smaller fly screen doesn't do this but still gives improved wind protection. The Triumph heated grips are a bit expensive but do work well even though they only have a low and high setting. They look good too with no wires showing. :)
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  19. Riggers

    Riggers Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
    Hi Eddie,

    Yes, the rail does help with pulling the bike onto the centre stand but does have a wee snag of its own. Because the rail runs so close to the mudguard as you grab the rail you also get a handful of the sharp edge of said mudguard. This isn't a massive problem, more of an annoyance really and of course if you're wearing gloves there's no problem.
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