Low Oil Pressure Warning Light On A Brand New Bike

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by NaN, May 24, 2021.

  1. Dasheng

    Dasheng New Member

    Dec 28, 2021
    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes maybe a sensor issue. Mine was also turning it off when bike was restarted.
    However running just 3 bars below doesn't seem very normal. I'm guessing the bike will be full temperature during summer here in Greece. Plus I must say that the first kilometers that I had the oil pressure light turned on the coolant temperature was 2 bars below full and it was a much colder day than what it is now. So I'm a little worried about having issues with the engine in the future. Also as a bonus the quick shifter doesn't work.. it's not a very pleasant experience so far buying a new triumph motorcycle.
  2. sunny_speedtriple1200rs

    Jan 9, 2022
    You remind me one thing too, it only happens when bike is hot, most of the time is when you benn riding for a while and you slowed down at traffic, then the light will come on. very weird.
  3. Dasheng

    Dasheng New Member

    Dec 28, 2021
    Yes but after I took it to the service shop it hasn't came on again. But the bike is very new still only 450 klm. The light turned on twice on the first 220klm. I took it to the service and hasn't turned on since. My only concern is if the engine has been damaged..
    Cause like I've told it was running a little hotter the first 200klm although it was cold and I was going on low rpms

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