Do You Give Money To Charity?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SleepyOwl, Oct 25, 2020.

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  1. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016

    Don’t agree with the rspca spending the generous contributions given by the public being used against fox hunts, we see plenty of dead foxes squashed on the roads around here,,,,,so why don’t they try to get cars,vans etc banned off the road,,,,image the outcry. Surely the money could be used better.
    A couple of years ago I found a Tawny Owl in my back garden,it was in a very poor state and couldn’t fly.
    I rang the local rspca and they didn’t want to know,I ended up taking it to the vets that I used for my dogs.
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  2. Steve 998cc

    Steve 998cc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2019
    I used to volunteer at a local animal rescue centre (not the RSPCA) I gave my time 1 day a week helping to look after the dogs, and take the odd case of dog food in every now and again. With the animal rescue centres time by volunteers is often more valuble than money. A word of warning though you need a thick skin to deal with some of the things you see and know about. I lasted about 12months before I'd seen and heard enough to last me a life time.
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  3. Wishbone

    Wishbone First Class Member

    Nov 4, 2018
    Essex UK
    Nope, most of the so called Charities are a business. Time for a rethink on what constitutes a Charity!!
    Business has employees
    Charity has volunteers
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  4. JtC

    JtC Elite Member

    Apr 20, 2020
    New Mexico
    I'll start by saying I am far from the most generous person I know and I fall short of what I should be doing, I know for sure. I can be pretty selfish a lot of the time.

    I also believe giving and supporting should begin at home and, short of relatives, the Church. I DO NOT believe it is the government's responsibility as it leads to a welfare state as current circumstance proves.

    That said, I believe I am to give generously of my time, talent, and treasure as my conscience guides. Admittedly I have quite a lot of the first and give little and I have hardly any of the second but give it where accepted. The old saying, "the best ability is availability" comes to mind. It's sometimes used by the unscrupulous as a "gotcha", but it can be true.

    As for the third I try to give in a certain proportion as to what I keep for myself. Other than saying I get more joy out of that than just about anything, I'll take the biblical 5th (Matthew chapter 6) on the details of it.

    We give to charities, but are very selective -St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Voice of the Martyrs, Pregnancy Help Center (antithesis to Planned Murderhood) are a few. We probably give more to individual's and families' needs that we see or are brought to our attention, usually money for food, medical care, or other things. And, of course, the local assembly of the Church.

    We have bags we have put together for the homeless we encounter which usually contain water, non-perishable food, blankets, and a bible. On the rare occasion we give a homeless person cash, it isn't very much and we can only pray they use it for good needs rather than bad habits.

    The bottom line, we try to be kind in the biblical sense, that is, not just say nice things and be polite, see a need and meet that need. Kindness is an action verb and it seems I never act enough.
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  5. pistonbroke

    pistonbroke Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2020

    There you go mate.
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  6. Ken Paxton

    Ken Paxton Member

    Sep 27, 2020
    I’m a member of the Armed Forces Bikers (AFB) who have been going for about 9 years now. Not a single penny goes in wages or expenses and we are very proud of that fact. We may be small but we do make a difference.
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  7. Peter B

    Peter B Active Member

    May 24, 2020
    West Yorkshire
    The only charities we give to are the RNLI (by DD), our local hospice and the British Legion Poppy Fund.
    The school I went to, the 70's seems a long time ago ;) tried to get us all involved with Oxfam, a few of us did some research and found out the salaries of the directors, etc. and refused to do anything. We received a whole load of shit from teachers and fellow pupils. Our argument was that the vast majority of the money raised should go on services provided, not to pay someone a salary far in excess of our own family income.
    At the time an idiot had gone through a red light and put my father into intensive care for a few months, and we were living hand to mouth.
    I've always wondered why africa hasn't got the best fresh water system in the world given the amount of money spent on providing "safe" water over the years, and if it hasn't how come they're all still alive?
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  8. bob1

    bob1 Noble Member

    Mar 12, 2018
    bit late on this thread but ill give you my thoughts. ill tell you how much i give FUCK ALL. all these charitys are in it to line there own pockets take the poppy appeal they have over 70 million pounds squirrelled away in different bank accounts and there ceo or what ever there fucking called has just had a pay rise he is now on £175000 a year. its not there money why cant they just spend it on the people that need it. organisations like this really fuck me off.
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  9. bob1

    bob1 Noble Member

    Mar 12, 2018
    ok rant over i have been on the cider for the past few hours:yum
    • Funny Funny x 4
  10. unclescratch

    unclescratch Active Member

    Dec 23, 2019
    NW Arizona
    I often think: "From those who have been given much, much is expected." I am living a comfortable retirement (by my standards anyway) and I do give regularly to my Church and Salvation Army. The American Red Cross can disappear as far as we (wife and I ) are concerned. Local charitable events we support as well. I have to agree about the tv ads for Africa. Close friends from Nigeria always cringe when discussing their govt. !! Would give some to Disabled Vets (I am one) but concerned about how much just pays salaries.
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  11. Trevor Austin

    Trevor Austin Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2020
    Before I give money to charity I want to see that it is a charity and and not a money making exercise for a greedy team of senior executives.
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  12. unclescratch

    unclescratch Active Member

    Dec 23, 2019
    NW Arizona
    I'm thinking there may very well be some outfits that score charities based on how much actually goes to support their cause, as well as how much to other areas: administration, salaries, advertising etc.
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