mid it don’t work, a nice box of matches waiting for it first time messing with injection, so used to carburettors. But this how you learn your bike, not just putting rubber down but try to understand it lol
Saga so far changed air box and map sensor. Plugged in tuneECU and cleared old fault codes pushed bike out, and hit start button still would not start. Tried a few times 5 second intervals. plugged tuneECU back in (usb cable through my laptop) no new fault codes. on the diagnostic tab, fuel pump work when clicking test button and no fault messages. clicked map tab and wouldn’t show any map not sure if it’s meant to do so. Any ideas?
Yes it’s on charge, I’ve put away for today, got my daughter here so will try having another look Sunday. can’t believe from cutting out from side stand pull away I’m having all this trouble lol
I’ve gone through loads on it, wiring loom is ok and all connections ok. I’ve come to the end of my tether with it. It’s booked in for a week sat freind of miNe is a mechanic and bike mechanic. So he will have time to fix it. In the whole time of having it I’ve just wanted to ride and couldn’t. I’ve gone and bought another bike just to be back on the road again. Once the bike is fixed I will post what was causing all the fuss so this thread can be used to help others. Once fixed I will be having it serviced and may consider selling not sure yet. But any how want to thank everyone for your help and guidance along the way it’s my first time in a forum and won’t be my last. think I’m going to save my pennies and look for a speed scrambler lol