Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Old phart phred, Mar 8, 2020.

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  1. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    So he lost his bottle?
    • Funny Funny x 5
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. Judd Dredd

    Judd Dredd Giver of Drugs, Vaccines and Hard Truths

    Jan 13, 2019
    here and there
    #1902 Judd Dredd, Oct 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  3. Judd Dredd

    Judd Dredd Giver of Drugs, Vaccines and Hard Truths

    Jan 13, 2019
    here and there
    #1903 Judd Dredd, Oct 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar

    The thing most glaringly missing from the public debate is CONTEXT. This is a nasty bug, no question but the PCR test is demonstrably producing results its inventor foresaw (it amplifies next to nothing (like dead virus) to produce a something) which are described as ‘cases’. And yet ITU units are not overloaded.

    The ‘second spike’ (or is it?) is based on 20x the original testing but generating something like a twelfth of the forecast hospitalisations. Care home cases seem to be mostly amongst the staff and scarcely touching the residents. Distinctly odd and at major variance with the official narrative.

    Is it a hoax? No. But some people are making shedloads on PPE and testing and stand to coin it if they win the vaccine race. There are serious conflicts of interest emerging across Western governments, healthcare businesses and certain scientific advisers.

    Too much doesn’t add up - not least that lockdowns don’t seem to be seriously inhibiting the alleged spread but what price civil liberty and economic collapse? I contend the response is completely out of balance.
    • Agree Agree x 5

    MARKYMARKTHREE Senior Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    It’s called socialism for the rich or crony capitalism. Neither matches the real thing.
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  7. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    Dna, I mean Covid... sampling on a large scale, voluntary mobile phone tracking run by private enterprise which has its fingers in some of the most critical government areas...
    You are probably right to smell as much of a rat as if comrade Corbyn had taken office...
    I don’t trust any of the feckers, but the Cummins puppet prince got in because as far as I could tell, his party were the only ones who pledged to keep the result of the referendum.
    • Like Like x 4
  8. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    This will give your theories rocket fuel!

  9. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    0.11 of the population have died official stats not nice I know but really destroy the whole world :mad: risk is part of life and this is just another one disagree all you like you've been brainwashed follow the herd ba ba ba
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    I played the game early on respected the danger to everyone but it's just not the case if it's so easy to transmit you'd only have to blow on the test stick not have your throat scrapped out
    These restrictions are killing us more than covid
    People are tactile imagine this fear (media led) when we were 21 we would have said fuck you and rightly so
    Take back your life don't let them point a lazer at your head don't be forced to take antibacterial sanatizer (not antiviral) be allergic fuck em take back your life do it now
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    Don't do politics boring same old same old feathing their own nest whoever.
    54 years old want to do what I want,ride bikes, eat breakfast,drink beer and talk bollocks simple life
    But this boils my piss
    What about people's mental health suicides up depression up (no pun intended)
    But really stop the world for 0.11 deaths supposedly attributed to the virus, life is a risk
    Worried about it stay in! your loss
    I feel for my children restricted by this bullshit can't meet anyone sitting alone in their uni placements utterly depressed, what have we become?there's no way you or I (presuming here) would put up with this shit when we were 21
    I digress control by the government is the problem cashless society is what they want and I'm a Conservative voter work hard get rewarded,not labour do fuck all and get the same
    This virus will kill whoever it wants whether we make you wear a mask walking round a pub but... not sitting down drinking really does that make sense are we stupid but we follow that rule again are we stupid really?
    I don't need to explain anymore I feel for and am sorry for the deaths by this virus but we must get a grip and get on with our lifes people are scared to death of the properganda people in their 80s whose days are presious scared to go out of the door hug their friends. Gutted
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Well I'm more concerned this time around than I was back in March as we went into total lockdown. My main reason for this is shown in some of the recent posts in this thread and more generally across society. Yes I can manage my risk, but I cannot manage the risk that many people who I see day 2 day not following social distancing guidelines and to be honest just ignoring them. The virus is real and to think that this not the case is in my mind stupid. I'll get me coat :imp:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    Not a rant how I feel sorry I didn't excel in my execution of my option for you obviously I'm not a good as you and I haven't got such a varied vocabulary as you
  14. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    And to add 124 pages of fucking scaremongering bullshit I've had to read before I had to say something
    End the world as we know it for what
  15. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    Thought I explained to you the other night rearrange these words fuck and you :joy::joy:
    No offence
    • Funny Funny x 4
  16. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    #1916 DCS222, Oct 4, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2020
    Yeah you spotted it, I was being a bit facetious... there are bound to be wranglings in the corridors of power... but this slippery dude will point out the statistics that help his case (worth a punt if he’s a winner, eh? A few quid in the Cayman Islands bank accounts) and not the balanced discussions that the situation warrants.
    German hospitals might not have been full, but English ones were... at least in the Trust where I work. And yes, our Covid patient bed count is going up again.
  17. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    I like this keyboard warrior stuff it's fun I might carry it on,lock myself away from the world incase I catch a cold,the flu,covid,a nasty cough etc or get hit by a bus :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    Ok mate but I'm not wearing a mask :joy:
    I'm only 54 :(:joy:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. Wishbone

    Wishbone First Class Member

    Nov 4, 2018
    Essex UK
    Just saw Covid ridden POTUS riding pat the crowd at his hospital!!!!!!!

    All I could think of was EL CID with a dead Charlton Heston being strapped onto his horse to lead his army!!
    Them yanks you gotta love them; never slow to mix Hollywood and Politics:p
    • Funny Funny x 5
  20. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    Kerry Mullis won a Nobel price for inventing the PCR test. He said,

    ”With a PCR test you can find almost anything in anybody. It allows you to take miniscule amounts of something and talk about it like it’s important”

    He did not intend it as a specific diagnostic tool. Hmmmm.......
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1

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