Bike Magazine 1976

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, May 5, 2023.

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  1. Fork Lock

    Fork Lock Crème de la Crème

    I am concerned that it is difficult to find products made it the US or, at least one of our friends or allies. I am also concerned about to quality of items coming from China. Concerned in that their quality is getting close, or in some cases surpassing western products. They're catching up to us. It used to be mismatched holes in parts, malformed parts, pieces missing or just plain poor quality. They have improved a great deal over the last twenty years or so. However, the translation to English in the instructions is still a hoot!

    "Be pleased to join in marriage Part A to Part B."
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  2. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Back in 2010 I bought a Chinese made, Seapro RIB and the quality was absolutely spot on, really well made and IMO on a par with Zodiac who were the name in inflatable boats for years but it was less than half the price. An old friend of mine, now passed, often told me about when the first Japanese bikes started appearing on the market and how they were referred to as "Jap crap" and we all know how that ended up!! :joy:
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  3. Higerty

    Higerty Member

    Oct 14, 2022
    Swansea, South Wales
    #23 Higerty, May 18, 2023
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
    Oh dear......showing my age.... Yes, back when a "Superbike" wasn't really a thing and a 750 triple was about the most aspirational bike you could go for...... Japanese bikes were generally considered to be made from old baked bean tins, rubber frame tubes and plastic tyres. Then came the four cylinder (Yes Four!!) CB750 and Z1.....they were dismissed as gimmicks. Jap Crap indeed.
    I understand that now a number of "Japanese" motorcycles are manufactured in India as it's so much cheaper.....
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  4. sprintdave

    sprintdave Nurse, think it's time for his medications.

    May 25, 2014
    We all called them Japcrap in those days. You will never get me to buy one of those, British or nothing, I said then. Forward 6 years, K6 750 four in my garage, reality bites.
    Now we look back on those old BSAs, Triumphs, Ajays, Nortons etc with our gold tinted specs and modern materials, oils, gaskets sure make them more reliable.
    The Chinese are the new Japs, they are getting better and they will get there I'm sure, Triumphs are mainly far eastern bikes now anyway.

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