Featured Thruxton Back In The Fold...

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Winglad, Jun 30, 2020.

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  1. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Fantastic @Winglad and what a beauty to come back to triumph on :cool::cool:
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  2. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    That is a very nice big smile Daniel and the bike looks good as well....
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  3. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Beautiful bike and a big smile to go with it, @Winglad! :joy: Hope you'll post some more pictures of the new Thruxton from today's ride along with a bit of a review for us. :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Winglad

    Winglad Crème de la Crème

    Dec 21, 2016
    I’ll work on that Sandy! Today was a very busy day which left almost no time for my beloved new toy...
    It ended with me sitting in a lawn-chair, a whisky in one hand and my eyes on the bike in front of me.
    So all the review you can get from me so far is: It looks absolutely stunning from every-which angle.
    And I know that a bike is made for riding, but isn’t it an absolutely gorgeous thing to sit in front of any object of beauty and just enjoy falling in love?
    The guy who runs the Triumph/Yamaha place told me today that he just put up a Norton Manx on a pedestal in his living room...
    Such a thing is industrial design at its best!
    And for me, the Triumph Thruxton definitely is among them...

    (But I will give you a ride report and more pictures anyway pretty soon :p )
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  5. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Got to agree with you Daniel. I often open the garage door and just stand and get a real glow from looking at my Thruxton....
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  6. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    You just did write a pretty darned enticing review, Daniel! Just not (yet) about how the Thruxton rides. What a great picture you painted of you sitting in a lawn chair, whiskey in hand, staring at your new Thruxton.:cool: It's wonderful to not only love riding one's bike but to also love looking at it--the design, the paint, the beauty, the lines. When you find that perfect combination or form and function that appeals to all of your senses, well, it's a bit of heaven on earth. Looking forward to that ride report and more pictures. :grinning:

    "Industrial design", I like that. :) I would totally have kept my Thruxton R and put it on a pedestal in the house--if I had a much larger house and a much larger bank account! And, of course, an easy way to get it on and off the pedestal so I could also ride it and not only look at it.
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  7. Winglad

    Winglad Crème de la Crème

    Dec 21, 2016
    #27 Winglad, Jul 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
    Good morning to y’all!

    Just came back from a refreshing early ride-out and now I am trying to keep my promise in writing down my impressions and add some proper pics... :)

    This bike is a sports bike and it leaves no doubt about this fact. If you are looking for some comfy all rounder commuter thing, you should either be VERY motivated or just look somewhere else.

    This said, I hit some fast a-roads and the Autobahn this morning and this is where the Thruxton excels.
    It wants to be moved quickly.
    Always. :D Which requires some self-discipline. Radar-traps become a real challenge and I am usually not the aggressive rider ...

    The way, you sit on my RS - with the lowered handles - they call “very collected”. And if you go into a big town with a lot of stop and go traffic, I would say, you feel “spat out”. Almost all your upper bodyweight rests on your wrists. And if you decelerate, you add this momentum as well.
    So: train the muscles in your back to counteract.
    Or consider installing the original risers (2 inches higher). It is said, that this makes all the difference
    (and even works with the fairing!).
    I owned the Thrux R a couple of years back and swapped it for a T120 for the above mentioned reasons.

    And now I am back with the RS. Crazy? Maybe.
    But she is just so beautiful. And so much fun to ride on the open road!
    The suspension is firm but still comfortable and of course fully adjustable. I did not mess with it, for I like it just the way it is right now.
    I think Triumph improved on throttle response, which is perfect. I am still limited to 4000 rpm and since the tires have not been broken in, I used road-mode all the time.
    But together with one of the best clutch set-ups on the market (you need so little force to engage it), shifting up and down is a sheer pleasure.
    The Brembos do a fantastic job as well. The rear brake still needs quite some force to properly do its work and decelerate for another couple of days, I guess.
    The seat is firm but comfortable. If you wear leathers, it is a little slippery, but that again is good for cornering and moving your arse from side to side.
    The instruments are some of the best looking on the market. But whenever the sun is in your back, the polished metal and chrome’s reflections sometimes makes them hard to read.

    Sound? Yes! I have the standard exhausts on and I will keep it that way. They sound a little more throaty than the Bonnie’s and a little less aggressive than on my NineT. At 4000rpm in 6th gear at about 120kph, you only hear a sonorous low humming which is very soothing on a long highway stretch.

    One of the things I also like very much, are the new black wheels with silver spokes. They look great and make the road dust disappear in a nice way ;)

    Speaking of... Cleaning this bike is a unique pleasure! You take your time to enjoy all the little gorgeous details this machine has to offer.

    And now some pics...

    DD49B94B-1F0E-415F-AC2F-EDC84F60D583.jpeg A8FB8F59-62B9-4BE3-ACD7-BBD5806F99C7.jpeg FA12EF3F-304E-41D4-9F56-EACA979F7FAC.jpeg 82291495-B927-4B9A-B9FE-57BF02129AD9.jpeg
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  8. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Excellent news Daniel! What a superb choice of bike - now you are back with a Triumph. :cool:
    It looks absolutely stunning and I'm glad you sold Fat Bob and kept the ditch pump!
    Hope the riding position is a little more comfortable than the Racer was! :cool:
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  9. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Lovely pictures Daniel, looks like you have better weather than we have in the UK. Good report on the new bike. I’m sure that once you have run in it will be an amazing ride. Loads of smiles to come....
    • Agree Agree x 4
  10. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #30 Sandi T, Jul 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
    Nice write up and awesome photos, Daniel. I’m very happy for you! It seems you have found your perfect motorcycle mate in your new Thruxton RS. :grinning::heart:
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  11. Winglad

    Winglad Crème de la Crème

    Dec 21, 2016
    J.D., thanks for the info about the 2-inch high-risers! You got me investigating in this direction because I had been told at the time I owned my Thruxton R a couple of years ago, they can not be used with the fairing...

    Now I did install them and I am awfully glad for you to mention this option! Best improvement for me on this bike!

    Cheers, Daniel
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