Ardrossan area biking

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by H.O., Dec 20, 2016.

  1. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    You do realise that you just derailed your own thread !!!! Now going to be inundated with 'Best Chippy' reviews !!!

    Most in Scotland are crap, hate the greasy lard they use.

    Best chippies are around Sheffield, Sheffield Fishcakes are the Dog's. There was a chain called Admiral, unlike most chippies, they gave you a mountain of golden crispy chips. Fella that owned them made so much money, he ended in jail for not paying enough tax !!!!
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  2. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Suppose he'd had his chips, no good getting lardy about it, judge could have told him to behave batter or go to jail, instead of jailing him, no good frying over spilt milk, but now he'll be a bit more savvy(loy) and not skate on thin ice again! [I'll get me coat]
  3. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    • Like Like x 1
  4. GaryM

    GaryM It's him, you know who. Him from you know ....

    Apr 28, 2016
    Patna , Ayrshire
    Not all chippys in Scotland are crap. I know a few crap ones in England too.
    Saying that I am planning on moving to the Ayr/Ardrossan area in the near future.
    Looking forward to returning back over the border so will needed details of good chippy's etc :D
  5. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    There are loads of award winning chippies on the east coast and in Perthshire,we are kind of spoilt for them up here:) The best chippie in Scotland is the one in Anstruther.. Be prepared for a long queue!!
  6. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    There was a not-so-nice one in Wick, I think they used frozen fish, probably too old, no excuse as the fish comes into Scrabster, but there is a really nice one in Thurso, which is right next door to Scrabster, if you are ever coming down from John 'o' Groats don't bother stopping off at the pub in Keiss, they use breaded packet processed rubbish all pressed together to all be the same shape and size!
    Inverness seemed to have some nice F&C's, but I know little of the west side (so far!)
  7. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    it's the Chinese fish and chip shops you have to watch out for, i think they use wall paper paste in there batter:eek:
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  8. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    If you got the time and motivation, swing left at Tarbert onto the A83 thtough the rest and be thankful and head for Campbelltown, good few hours cracking roads (about 90/100mile so fill up), and excellent scenery. Time it right and you can get the ferry back to Ardrossan
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  9. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    See, my Auntie ran a cracking good chippie in Norton-on-Tees many years back, and always fried in lard (or maybe it was beef tallow) and her chips were well crispy - you just got to get the temperature right, and blanch them. Her fish was fresh daily from Whitby. Hmmmm, memories. And keeping it bike related, an Uncle up there rode a '58 Norton Dommie.
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  10. GaryM

    GaryM It's him, you know who. Him from you know ....

    Apr 28, 2016
    Patna , Ayrshire
    Last time I was up there it was on a Honda H100 in one of the worst storms in years. Terrible rain and gusting to gale force.
    I had left Glasgow to go visit a friend in Carradale and was lucky to have made it there tbh.
    On the return journey I had the front tyre blowoutust as I got back to Glasgow.
    Kept it upright thou :D
    Had a great weekend with my friend only downside was the journey.
  11. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Things you wont hear Sky say:
    Yes we can give you your new phone number straight away.
    Yes we can give you your new number over the phone!
    This is getting f*cking ridiculous!!
    Bearing in mind the rigmarole & security checks you need to go through when you phone Sky you'd think that was enough for them to give you the number, but no, got to wait for a f*cking letter to be generated and sent out!!!!!!!!!GRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, wankers!!!
    We need the numbers to give to some of the agencies, the gas fitter who's coming on Saturday afternoon, and importantly for dog disc's and micro chip company as the most vunerable time to loose a dog is during and soon after moving!
    Apart from that every thing seems to be going smoothly, lorry coming 8.30, mostly packed/boxed, weather looking better than last week-end, 'you're looking good Houston, or rather Androssan'.
    Oh yeh, just read the post office got robbed on Saturday, great!!!!
  12. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Man saw speeding from scene on a red motorcycle, onlookers say they think it might have been a Triumph?
    Got to pay the moving bills one way I guess ;)
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  13. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Letter came from Sky this morning telling us how well they were doing, still no phone number & the contract figures all wrong, so got onto them again, still wont give us the number, then while he's away getting his line manager the phone goes dead!!!!!
    Phoned them again, this time it went to 'home moves' by accident, well knock me down with a feather duster if the bloke didn't give it to us straight away!!
    'Why couldn't the others do that?' we enthusiastically enquired?
    'Because they are not Home moves, they all should have put you through to us!!' comes back the answer!
    So, now fully armed with all the relevant info awf we trot to our wonderful Designer Centre to Timsons to get 4 dog disc's cut, How much we asked again enthusiastically?
    EIGHT POUNDS F*CKING NINETY? How did you know I wanted 4?
    No, that's EACH!!!! THATS £35.60 for 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So, off we go to Bathgate to an independent chappy fellow in the precinct, £5 each, that's better, all done for £20!:):):):)
    So that's every thing back on track, and its the wifes birthday so I treated us to Fish'n'chips, at £6.30 each!
    We know how to live life to the full!:D:D:D:D
  14. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    And that ladies and gentlemen is what robbing the post office will pay for :p
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  15. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    At bloody last, got interweb back!
    Well, the move went really well, very pleased with the removal company, (Brittania), had really good weather both ends, got to Androssan about 12.30, lorry gone by 3.30, bike did 65 safe miles with out using any petrol.
    Got reasonably straight during last week, found a wood yard to buy the wood to make a frame for the new shed that arrives on Wednesday, got the net extension on the fence to raise the height so the dogs cant jump over, all in all it went really smoothly, one of our best moves ever!
    This IS definitely the last one!
    Getting too old (and it shows) for all this, plus the fact we love Androssan, the people are great, cant wait to start riding again, bike goes on the road 1st Feb, 1 month earlier than planned,and there are plenty of bikers round here too!
    Looking forward to going over to the Isle of Arran, been told its really nice for riding.
    Plenty for the dogs to do too, they seem so happy here, bigger garden, plenty of walking area's and we've not even had time to get to the beach yet!!
    Oh, and found Alberts Fish & Chips shop, a bloody great pile of chips and large lump + a 1/2 of 'addock for £3.30 at lunch time, unbelievable!:):):)
    Yep, we like it here loads!
    So far 2017 has been a great year........................
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  16. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Really pleased for you HO, and a tiny bit jealous
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  17. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Was that the pensioners rate tho' ???:D;)
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  18. H.O.

    H.O. Noble Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Same price but you get a plastic fork!
  19. Davie_M

    Davie_M Active Member

    Jan 24, 2017
    Better going down the street to the water front chippy far better anstrurther fish is tradeing on its past owners reputation
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  20. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Went a couple of years ago, nice trident 900 sat outside; was not impressed with the chippie, the trident was nice tho'. :)

    Did not live up to expectations at all. :(
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