Another T595 Project In The Mix.

Discussion in 'Daytona' started by Exuptoy, Oct 13, 2023.

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  1. Exuptoy

    Exuptoy Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Maesteg, South Wales
    #21 Exuptoy, Sep 22, 2024 at 6:52 AM
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024 at 7:22 AM
    Right let’s address this post above….
    No1, you never typed all that in, you just asked AI what to do after laying a bike up since 2018..………
    No2, The bike is now on the road and legal, so none of that is now necessary,
    No3, I did most of the above to get it legal and back on the road,

    If you genuinely typed the waffle above, I appologise for being blunt, but if you’d have read the whole thread you’d see that your post wasn’t needed as the bike is now better than it’s been in a LONG time, but thanks for your thoughts and taking the time to post anyway.
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  2. Exuptoy

    Exuptoy Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Maesteg, South Wales
    #22 Exuptoy, Sep 22, 2024 at 7:05 AM
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024 at 7:13 AM
    1. Fuel System
    You mentioned the tank looks full of bubbles—I'd definitely start by draining the old fuel completely. After sitting for so long, the gas has likely gone bad and could cause issues with the fuel pump, injectors, and lines. Here's what to do:
    • Drain and flush the tank, and check for any rust or sediment buildup.
    • Replace the fuel filter, and inspect the fuel pump to ensure it's not gummed up. If the fuel pump's stuck, it might need a clean or replacement.
    Add fresh fuel and some fuel system cleaner before trying to fire it up.

    Result……fuel tank stripped of paint, prepped, painted, filled with fresh fuel,

    2. Check the Battery
    If it’s been sitting for a few years, the battery is likely dead or degraded. Even if it shows some charge, it may not have the power needed to start the bike.

    • Hook up a fresh battery or fully charge the old one and see if it holds charge.
    • Check the terminals for corrosion, and clean them if necessary.
    Result…..Shorai lithium battery fitted.

    3. Fluids and Seals
    Check all fluids, especially the oil and coolant. Old oil sitting in the engine can cause sludge buildup.

    • Drain the engine oil and replace it with fresh oil.
    • Check the coolant system for leaks or low levels, and top it off if needed.
    • Inspect the brake fluid, clutch fluid, and change them if they look old or discolored.
    Result….Oil, water, fork oil and seals and brakes overhauled.

    4. Spark Plugs
    If the bike hasn’t been started since 2018, the spark plugs might need a refresh.

    • Remove and inspect the plugs. If they’re fouled or worn out, replace them.
    • Double-check the ignition system for proper spark when you try to start it.
    Result….No need.

    5. Tires
    Even if the tires look okay visually, sitting for a long time can cause flat spots or degrade the rubber.

    • Inspect them for any dry rot or cracks and consider replacing them, especially if you plan on riding once it’s running.
    Result……..New boots fitted after powder coating wheels and fitting new bearings.

    6. Brakes
    Sitting for years can cause the brake calipers to seize or the brake fluid to absorb moisture, leading to poor performance.

    • Check the brake pads and rotors for rust or wear, and ensure the calipers aren’t sticking.
    • Flush and replace the brake fluid if needed.
    Result……Calipers striped, pistons extended, scrubbed with a toothbrush, coated with red rubber grease and pushed back before adding SBS sintered pads front and back and rear brake fluid evacuated and replaced before re-bleeding.

    7. Try Firing It Up
    Once you’ve handled the essentials (fuel, battery, fluids), give it a shot and see if she fires up! If it struggles, it could be worth checking for any old fault codes using an OBD scanner or similar tool to help diagnose.

    Result….fuel filter changed, fuel pump gasket new, IACV hoses changed for silicone hose, fresh fuel added, Tune ECU hooked up and fuel map checked and minor corrections made.

    Overall Result……Bike now MOTd and roadworthy and saved from being broken up for spares!
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