Featured 2018 Speed Triple Rs – Ownership Thread

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by MrTriple, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Bentos

    Bentos New Member

    Nov 5, 2020
    Thanks for the advice Snusmumrik. I’ve never had a bike with a quick shifter before, so I’d very much like to have one.... but I am feeling cautious about it.

    I pick up my new bike next week. I think my strategy is going to be to ride up to the first service with the QS/B disabled, so I can “run in” the gearbox alongside the engine. Then I’ll check that all the software is up to date, that the recall part is fitted and that I’ve had a preemptive discussion with the dealer. Then I’ll start using it as you advise. Fingers crossed.
    • Like Like x 4
  2. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    #962 David_RS, Dec 11, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
    Hi Bentos,

    Congrats on the bike.

    Like you, I ran the bike in without the QS. Like you I was also concerned before using it regularly. I had it installed at the first service, along with the new linkage (with the cutout).

    I have just got back from a ride this morning, and only touched the clutch lever for pulling away and stopping.

    Every single change, first to second, second to first, low revs, high revs (well, medium revs in town), from first all the way up to sixth and back again. Every change was good. Most were perfect, really. I will say that previously my bike didn't like some changes (especially fifth to sixth at anything other than maximum attack) until the gear position sensor was changed under warranty - this made the QS (almost) perfect.

    I have ridden the Tuono V4 a lot - and yes the Aprillia system is better. But the Triumph QS on my bike is actually a lot closer than most people realise. I pull away from the lights a go up through the 'box... first, second, third, fourth... and it is really smooth. No complaints at all. Sounds great as well.

    This is not to trivialise the issues some owners have unfortunately suffered. There have been real problems with the QS/gearbox, and Triumph did not do well in terms of their customer service experience. This is why I was concerned, and why you have every reason to be concerned also.

    This QS is not perfect, but you will soon see what throttle/rev/gear combinations work well, and now I just ride around the lumpiness without thinking about it. The second to first change is really useable on my bike. I can even change from second to neutral on demand as I come up to a red light, which I find really handy.

    All I will say is that unsatisfied owners are far more vocal (justly so) than happy ones. If I had been treated like some of the unfortunate owners on this forum, I would be enraged also. I simply wanted to offer the other viewpoint, that there are dozens (maybe hundreds) of happy owners quietly enjoying their bike (and the quick shifter) every day. I'm one of them.

    Run the bike in. Chat with the dealer. Turn on the QS and enjoy. At least that would be my advice.


    PS. Now I've posted this, my bike will obviously destroy its gearbox before Christmas!!
    • Like Like x 5
  3. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    I use my quick shifter pretty much the same way that you do, @Snusmumrik , and have had no issues. No false neutrals on my end either. I'm glad that's the case as others on the forum have had numerous problems. Thankfully, I have not. I should add that I had the quick shifter arm replacement through the recall--had it done even prior to the recall "officially" happening here in the U.S.
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Bentos

    Bentos New Member

    Nov 5, 2020
    Cheers @David_RS. I had to delay picking up my new bike till next week but, having read your post, my excitement levels are even higher now!!

    Thanks again to @SteveRS and everyone else for all the detailed warnings. I will be very careful with the gearbox, but remain optimistic. Roll on the spring!
    • Like Like x 3
  5. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    #965 MrTriple, Dec 11, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    Thanks to everyone continuing to keep my thread alive :grinning:

    I didn't have any problems, but stopped using the QS completely as soon as reports of false neutrals surfaced. I then got it 'patched' with the modified link arm (before it was on general recall) and then never used it in anger. All was perfect when I sold my RS...and I truly hope that it has remained that way.
    • Like Like x 5
  6. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Great thread and lots of info on here.

    Picked up a 19 plate RS with 444 miles on her, still running in and only on 800 miles but a lot of decent info on here.

    I know the thread hasn't had any input for 8 months or so but I'll stick what I do to mine up and pick folks brains.

    The QS issue I seem to have or a similar one anyways, under load going from 4th to 5th it doesn't click into 5th and instead just bounces of the limiter until I throttle off and it slips back into 4th, something I will get checked when I'm home next as I work abroad.

    Lowboy exhaust is on the cards, in 2 minds with SC and AR............Love the look of the SC CRT as its very short and its a design I like: however my plan is to also track the bike and get better riding so perhaps the AR with the baffle in will keep me within noise limits for tracks. Along with a new exhaust I will have it mapped and suspension set up for myself

    Already checked out the places that sell the carbon goodies and a rear hugger is top of the list
    • Like Like x 2
  7. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Congrats on picking up your RS Damien - it's always interesting to hear what people do with their bikes, so please do post as you go (with pics!).

    There's a shorter version of the AR that I had, and the baffle was very effective (I kept changing my mind, but the bike felt and sounded great with it in).

    Carbon hugger is a big improvement (but really only worth it with a low exhaust, as it's pretty well obscured by the dual cans). I loved the heat shield too...and the carbon tail...and the tank sides o_O

    Enjoy your bike! :)
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Thanks Mr Triple.

    Yes there's a few more exhaust options out there since you did yours. AR have the GP2R also, but looking at it I think the GP1 110mm will do just fine and the DB killer can help with track day noise restrictions. It looks more satisfying to look at than the GP2R

    yes I saw all your carbon goodies and they suited the bike down to a tee, not to much but just right and in the right areas also.

    When I'm home and start accumulating parts I will share on here. Its great to keep a thread ticking that already has lots of info and can get some of the gurus answering questions ha ha
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Bentos

    Bentos New Member

    Nov 5, 2020
    Hi Damien, welcome. Bought mine at Christmas and love it. I also found this thread to be a fantastic source of information thanks again to Mr Triple. Like many others I’ve had one or two false neutrals via the QS, but I’ve taken to unloading the throttle for a fraction of a second when changing up into 5th and again into 6th…. slots into gear perfectly every time. There’s a lot of chat about the QS!!! I think we’d all agree it could be better, but I find it works fine if you give it a bit of love!!! Enjoy!
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  10. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Hi Bentos,

    Yeah I'm going to have a good ride when I get home in a coupe of months and if it does it again then I'll take it to Triumph to ensure all is good. Amongst fitting my new parts I'm ordering
  11. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Hi Bentos,

    Yeah I'm going to have a good ride when I get home in a coupe of months and if it does it again then I'll take it to Triumph to ensure all is good. Amongst fitting my new parts I'm ordering
  12. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    So purchased my exhaust today.............as much as I wanted the AR exhaust, I couldn't justify the price. the cheapest you could get it was £730 delivered. With all the motor racing I used to do and the quality and size of parts I used I thought that was way to steep.

    So I have opted for the loudest out of my options as its very similar to the AR and that was the SC Project CR-T exhaust. At only £397 (I say only), its way more realistic in its pricing for such a small item and still has quality.

    With the saving of cash that I was expecting to pay for the AR (£600) before they added all the VAT, I'm using it to offset a few other purchases.

    Now if somebody could help me............The bike has an optimate charger cable coming out underneath the tank, question is I need to purchase the actual charger but am unsure which one I am to buy as there's like 7 of them. I thought 3 at first as thats the triumph recommended one so it says, but on looking at the housing on the cable I have it doesn't look like they will marry up????
  13. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    They are bit confusing. If you have a lithium battery, you'll need something different, but for a regular motorcycle battery I'd recommend an Optimate 4...like this one on eBay.

    I've also got a couple of Optimate 5 chargers which work on bike or larger car batteries (Honda branded...but that made them much cheaper for some reason). All three are cabled across my garage ceiling, with the leads dropping down at convenient points for maximum charging fun. A 4.6m extension cable is an inexpensive extra and give you loads of flexibility.

    • Like Like x 1
  14. Dickie

    Dickie Active Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Tadcaster, North Yorks
    Damien - have you got the pipe? Did you buy from the SC Project website? Did you pay import duty?
  15. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    No only ordered today so expecting around 4 weeks or so.

    Yes was directly off the SC website

    No tax was added so am expecting something to rear its head, which if it does still comes in well under the AR exhaust
  16. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Tell a lie Dickie.............ordered the exhaust yesterday evening............just had an email that its on the way and will be delivered by FedEx on Thursday............talk about AAA service. Will let you know if I had to pay any import tax
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. Dickie

    Dickie Active Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Tadcaster, North Yorks
  18. Damien Matthews

    Damien Matthews New Member

    Aug 5, 2021
    Hey Dickie,

    So ordered Exhaust off SC website Sunday evening. Delivered to my house today from Italy (2 1/2 days later). No tax paid on the pipe whatsoever..............Total cost 451 euros for the pipe and 12 euros shipping. Works out around £397.

    Fair play thats bloody quality serve right there
    • Like Like x 1
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  19. Dickie

    Dickie Active Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Tadcaster, North Yorks
    Cheers, thats good to know
  20. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    Put the 1 tooth bigger sprocket on and also an exhaust sensor eliminator. I discovered the rider mode can turn off tc (and everything else) so I’ve been enjoying the little wheelie or two!




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