Featured 2018 Speed Triple Rs – Ownership Thread

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by MrTriple, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    No...that was NASA Ken, we're totally reliant on UPS :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Not by UPS !
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Talk about great minds...our replies crossed :joy:
  4. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Yes separated at birth... :)
  5. Biffig

    Biffig New Member

    Mar 2, 2019
    #685 Biffig, May 10, 2019
    Last edited: May 10, 2019
    I have changed to SC Project S1 slip on (pretty similar to the AR version), and I honestly can't detect any loss of low end torque as Mr. T describes with his AR. This was of great concern for me as well. Maybe my butt-dyno isn't sufficiently sensitive... The weight different however is definitely noticeable, not to mention the new cool look :)
    I have only tried with the baffle in. It is already bit to loud, so baffle out is out of the question anyway.



  6. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Fantastic bike Biffig - and Norway looks beautiful (almost as nice as Essex :yum).

    Perhaps the extra length makes a difference - Hilltop did say that the longer the pipe, the less impact on torque. Your first photo makes a good comparison with mine:

    • Like Like x 2
  7. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    So this one should be even better ! ??
  8. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    I cant see them updating to the new graphics, would put people right off !!
  9. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    ...and these ones the absolute best :weary_face::

    2018-04-05 17.50.20 Fade.jpg
  10. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Yes, if you ignore weight saving, aesthetics and individuality ....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Biffig

    Biffig New Member

    Mar 2, 2019
    I ordered this last week as the S1 is a bit to loud for my taste. A reduction from 103dB to 99dB is just what I need, but I must admit that the Moto2 sound the bike now makes is quite brutal (in a good way) and gives the bike a much racier feel.
    I love how the carbon can supplements the colours of the bike as well. I will of course write a few word in this thread on my experience when the new can is tested.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. Biffig

    Biffig New Member

    Mar 2, 2019
    Thank you Mr.T :) I must say your bike look even more fantastic. I love the white colour! I bought mine used for a bargain price of 17 000 pound (yeah, Norway is expensive) , and white was not an available option at the time:weary_face:.

    It could be that the extra pipe length makes a difference.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Glad you like Biffig, but let's not argue over who's is best - black...white...they're both awesome :D

    SEVENTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS o_O and with a previous owner!? I guess it's all relative though...and worth it too!

    Keep us posted on how you get on with your exhaust swap.
  14. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Nice one. Can you get a before and after dyno test? Just to check it's running correctly .;)
  15. OhCrumOn

    OhCrumOn Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2019
    Just came across this today after, for the second time since owning this bike, being told that it's too quiet by non bike people! I had a feeling the AR and the previous SC Project options would be too loud because they were lil stubby bois and I'm not a fan of thr conical titanium one. This can, this checks all the boxes. I'm gonna let it marinate a bit but I'll likely have an order in first thi Monday.

    Genuine concern I have is there are no triumph tuning shops around me and I wanna cut the cat out too but know it's gonna need a tune.

    • Like Like x 2
  16. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Keep us posted ! Will be interesting to see how you get on ! BTW how long have you had your bike ? As the standard cans do get a bit louder after break in etc..
  17. OhCrumOn

    OhCrumOn Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2019
    I've had mine for about 3-4 weeks (900 miles) now. When riding alone I feel like the bike sounds great but when riding with other bikes I realize just how quiet the bike is.

    Additionally, I go for a ride on my R1 with its catless straight through undertail exhaust that sounds like wwii reincarnated and it further convinces me that a pipe and cat delete needs to happen. Really wish we could easily remove the oem baffles.
  18. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    First service is done - no issues whatsoever...except the cost of £206.

    I did borrow this for the morning though and I have to say it was brilliant fun. Great for hacking around the narrower lanes of Essex. I want one (the bike...not a cow).

    2019-05-18 09.58.45.jpg
    • Like Like x 2
  19. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    Funnily enough I took one of those out when my RS was serviced on Thursday (service cost about the same as yours).
    Great bike, tall but not top heavy.
    Overall I think I preferred the Speed Twin I took out last week out of the two though.
  20. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    . Mine was 342. Yes 342. ! New pads on front and cleaning the caliper was extra apparently . Had a couple of hours on a Speed Twin which was quite enjoyable. Though the suspension wasn't up to fast bumpy corners and the pegs touched down a couple of times so not for me .. though an RS version may be better if they do one ! Not cheap is running Triumphs ..
  21. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Yep...the height was a surprise - it's not an issue as soon as you pull away and I found it to be really agile. The concept of riding over gritty, broken up tarmac without it squirming about was a novelty...and I loved the low end torque and the way it worked through the gears.

    The twin feels a bit laboured up the top of the rev range (after riding the triple) and it seemed happiest changing up at around 4,000rpm. I'm not a fan of the Bonneville look to be fair, which is why I didn't even consider the Speed Twin or Street Scrambler, but this XE appeals to me. Not instead of my RS mind!
  22. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    I'm glad you wrote that twice, because I had to see it four times to take it in. Ugh that's expensive :weary_face:

    I've just reached 2,400 miles, so what was your mileage to have worked through the pads?

    Note to self: two Triumphs will require a wallet transplant...don't buy the Scrambler.
  23. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    6500 miles! My old Speed Triple did 17000 on original pads.. but the RS handles better so my explain a little . My fireblade track bike has SBS pads which are incredible but only last about 400 miles track riding .. the brembos are really good so I guess it's paying for quality . Still Fcking expensive for a 1st annual service !
    • Like Like x 1
  24. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    Your service cost works out at 5 pence per mile for your 6500 miles, where mine effectively cost me 8 pence per mile - so yours was better value for the amount of use it got. Unless my maths is wrong ;)
  25. RSReggie

    RSReggie Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    North West UK
    Good point so you could have done a few thousand miles for. Free :)

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