Featured 2018 Speed Triple Rs – Ownership Thread

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by MrTriple, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    Thanks Fitz, these exhausts have just been released so I don't think anyone has one fitted yet on the Speed Triple 2018-19 . If you want something not too loud, I think you will need to look elsewhere hence my message about the 103dB noise level.
  2. Fitz Brundage

    Fitz Brundage Member

    May 11, 2018
    North Carolina
    103db with the db baffle in? Yes, that is probably too loud for me.
  3. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    No with baffle out.... but with it in i think power will be less than stock. i don't KNOW this, its based on what I have read online, so please make your own decisions !
  4. Fitz Brundage

    Fitz Brundage Member

    May 11, 2018
    North Carolina
    Thanks. The SCProject description is a little short on some useful details so that's why I am so keen to hear your impressions and those of others.
  5. Mark34

    Mark34 Member

    Aug 24, 2018
    Did you purchase direct from the factory or a UK dealer Richard?

    I too am very interested in the SC but would prefer it not to be too loud, so will see if I can get an answer on the db levels with baffle in.
  6. Andybow

    Andybow Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
    Uk Exeter
    I ordered mine from my local dealer last week, as soon as it’s in I’ll post a vid when I’ve fitted it
  7. Mark34

    Mark34 Member

    Aug 24, 2018
    Thanks Richard,

    I got a response from the factory:

    "It is a new product and noise level is not available yet, will be on website during next weeks.

    First batch of production is expected around 20th March. Shipments will start after this date."

    So I guess I'll hold fire for a bit until there are more details confirmed.
  8. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    That's interesting as it was SC Italy who messaged me re the noise level they said power figures would be up in a few days ..
  9. Fitz Brundage

    Fitz Brundage Member

    May 11, 2018
    North Carolina
    Thanks for the info. Like you, I will wait for details.
  10. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    There seems to be concern over the db level for the SC exhaust - my AR is a very comfortable, yet powerful sounding 98db with baffle in. Just saying ;)

    My RS and my son's MT-10 are now booked into Hilltop on 8 April. Looking forward to this next adventure.
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  11. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    There was a youTube clip with the SC exhaust on an S1000RR (I think)
    the bike lost 30 bhp with baffle in compared with no baffle. So if similar
    for the S3 RS then it may be that you need to run without baffle.
    Mt T what was your dB level without baffles ? and is it TOO loud ?

    Really interested to hear how you get on at Hilltop !
  12. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    #452 MrTriple, Mar 8, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    AR rate it at 104 without the baffle - I've not measured it myself out of respect for my neighbours.

    Yes it's loud without...but it's right exciting - I loved it and subsequently bought earplugs from Ultimate (that makes no sense) :p

    ...but, it rides better with the baffle in (more torque and generally a better feel). I have no figures to help explain how it's performing - hence the trip to Hilltop.

    PS - Jeff at Hilltop insists I'd be far better off with the original Arrows. He tells me every I time I talk to him. I sense he's right...but I'm on a mission to see this through.
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  13. Arno triple

    Arno triple Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Sideburn

    Sideburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2018
    Better in terms of performance? I find the arrows loud enough but this is coming from a 40 year old LOL. I may drill out the arrrows someday but I worry about a whole new exhaust mucking with performance and having to dump more $ back into it to get back where I was for a louder pipe.
  15. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    40? I'm in the next decade bracket...but I guess you don't know Essex in the UK very well. This kind of modification is critical to living here :joy:

    I think Jeff's view is that short systems are race and not road orientated - fine for top end power; less fine for torque around town and on twisty roads.

    So for what I use my bike for, I'd be better off with the original system. Let's see what it's like after a remap!

    Please remember that we're talking degrees of 'not as torquey' - it's really good as it stands...I just want it as good as it can be :)
  16. Sideburn

    Sideburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2018
    Haha, ok so at least we’re within the same decade. Would be fun to see how it feels between the two. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone here in Colorado will get the S1 and I can try it :)
  17. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    I just got a nice CF hugger from Carbon FBR ... what a beautiful thing ! Anyway I was thinking about lowering gearing a bit as I don't tend to need the 150+mph capability on this bike. andf very much like the acceleration . The RS seems to have a 17t front
    and 44t rear which is lower ratio than previous S3s and may explain RS feeling faster assuming internal gearing is unchanged. Does anyone know if a 16T front causes any issues with the chain run / guides ? I would go -1 front +1 rear to keep chain length similar so 16:45 instead of 17:44 If the speed is read from rear wheel speed should not be an issue....
    Also, I canceled my SC can order due to the unknowns and will wait for more info on this. meanwhile I fitted an SP Engineering GP stubby can which is very cheap and looks good on the bike IMO.... sounds good in my garage.. not been out yet.

    Any comments re gearing would be useful..
  18. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    I can't help you with the gearing questions...but the hugger has to be the best carbon upgrade for this bike. I hated the mismatch between plastic back and carbon front, and with the twin cans out of the way, you can see it in all its glory :heart_eyes:

    Be sure to report on how it rides - I'm very interested to hear what you think about it :)
  19. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016

    One thing with changing the gearing is the fuel consumption will increase, reducing the tank range, which isn't great as it is.
    The RS probably feels faster as it has more power and a 1000rpm higher rev ceiling, i.e. it is faster :p
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  20. Sideburn

    Sideburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2018
    I ordered a huger, chain guard and for grins the coolant reservoir cover all in carbon as well. Hopefully here in a week or so.
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