Featured 1966 T120 Restoration

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by darkman, Aug 6, 2019.

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  1. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    First class job Darkman, can't wait to see this completed.
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  2. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Just little jobs today, fitted the correct BSF nuts n bolts to the front mudguard stays as i had temp used some later UNF ones i had and finally got the one piece or uni filter to line up correctly. 20191227_115107.jpg
    • Like Like x 10
  3. Tibster

    Tibster Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2019
    Very nice , I noticed you have fibre washers on the rocker cap spring retainers , is this just for this model or should I also have them on my 69 ? Think I just used reg spring washers . Looking great .
    • Like Like x 3
  4. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Factory book shows them as fibre washers, WE170 for all years 63/70 :)
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  5. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    A little more progres today, fabricated a heatsink/mount for the Boyer twinspark. Just the electrics to go now.


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  6. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Just small jobs to do now, fitted new brake shoes to the rebuilt and painted rear brake plate. Fitted a small horn inside the toolbox out of sight ready for making the wiring loom and fitted the NOS Lucas kill switch that i will use as the horn button as i have a hidden kill switch.



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  7. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Made Up the one off wiring loom today :)

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  8. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    You gotta love those old bikes, just enough wiring to do the job. Haven't seen those connectors for years top job
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  9. Tom Gillam

    Tom Gillam Guest

    Brilliant job,fantastic information and photos,shouldn’t be difficult to nick.
    So where do you live exactly??
    • Funny Funny x 6
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  10. NightRider

    NightRider Member

    Aug 11, 2019
    Oh yes, that's great, you asked here the ultimate question! :grinning:
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  11. Dave UK

    Dave UK New Member

    Jan 7, 2020
    Surrey UK
    What con rods did you use please?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    I use LF Harris rods Dave.
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  13. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Also avoid any of the new Hepolite parts :)
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  14. adrian knight

    adrian knight Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2019
    A really wonderful restoration i cant wait for the finished article.
    well done :)
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  15. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    Is there a specific reason for that darkman? they used to be a good make many years ago
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Thanks DD, i have started doing some small private work now. Mostly i have paint servicing and engine work lined up and will post some of that work as i do it. As for what i thought was the correct colour button a little more reading of service books and some help from Alan revealed that the TT model should have a black button and the T120 with a battery has the brown button but i will stick with the NOS brown Lucas as its for the horn.
    • Like Like x 5
  17. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Don the Don, yes old NOS is fine but there have been a lot of failures with rings and pistons, there are a few reasons as to why and one example is the new pistons are of a lower quality and expand more so most of the rebores are being done to tight using the original factory clearances and lack of info on new sizing for the new type, a similar thing happens with the failing rings in that again they are not being gapped correctly through lack of the correct info, also ring material is different and req different finishes on the bores. I get quite a few engine problems to sort out and this is just my experience of what i am seeing over time along with loads of other problem that go with nearly all pattern parts.
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  18. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    We both still ride them as much as we can Littleade, keeping them clean is the most important part and if any remedial work is req then doing it straight away. Having a few bikes also helps :)
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  19. Cornelii

    Cornelii Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    UK, Notts/S.Yorks
    Ride it. Ride it. Ride it. Is my vote.
    IMHO, bikes aren't museum items , rather the passion comes from the life we get with them.
    I restored (well my dad did most of it as I was a typical lazy teenager back then) a Tiger Cub over 40 years ago. Since then it's been regularly ridden by my mum and I've now got it back and I'm still riding it. It's not mint any more, but it's still fun and 40 years of further use has only added to the memories
    • Like Like x 6
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  20. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    Many thanks for the information, it goes to show you can't always keep to a brand loyalty.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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