Featured Touring 15 Days, 11 States, & 3,660 Miles: Sturgis And A Wedding

Discussion in 'Rideouts, Trackdays, Touring & Spotted' started by Sandi T, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:24 PM.

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  1. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #4: Dodge City, Kansas to Lincoln, Nebraska --- 392 miles
    • Trip total to date = 1,324 miles

    Well, this Google Map pretty much tells it all when it comes to what today's ride through American's "Heartland" was like. Not exactly a twisty-lovers paradise! :joy::joy::joy: We had more turns once we got into Lincoln than we had on the nearly 400 mile ride. :rolleyes: And the route was nearly as flat as it was straight...if you can imagine that! :p It was also our longest mileage day to date. I was particularly glad today for my Sena comm device and my "Motorcycle Playlist". :)

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    I'm not sure where Kansas left on and Nebraska began on route 283 but it was somewhere in between Dodge City and where we got onto Interstate 80. We did encounter some slightly rolling hills (though still stick straight roads) At one point between Hill City and Norton we actually made a left turn, rode about a half a mile, then made a right turn. It broke up 283 quite nicely. ;):joy: Ok, I do have to admit that this road, though not the most interesting as roads go, did make its way though some very pretty farm and pastureland and a number of quaint small towns. It made for quite peaceful and relaxing riding, and the miles just went sliding by.

    We'd gassed up in Dodge City and all three of us have 6 gallon gas tanks. So we had enough gas to easily do half the route before needing to stop--for the bikes, that is. We typically stop about every 120-140 miles or so for a stretch break, a pee break, and to till up both the bikes' tanks and ours. This gas station was just as we approached Interstate 80 and the end of the road--for us anyway--of route 283.

    Steve and I are always on the lookout for dinosaurs and, once you start looking for them, you'd be surprised how many are lurking about! The ol' green Sinclair Gas Station dinos are usually a sure thing. This one was pretty cute but the sing indicated that some folks may have found him too cute!


    As we were gassing up we discussed trying to find a place for lunch. The route we were just on had lots of wide open spaces but few places with a decent looking restaurant. There happened to be a place just past the Sinclair station so we took our chances and pulled up outside the place. We could literally see Interstate 80 from the parking lot so we figured we'd take our chances with Kirk's and not have to hope we'd find something off the interstate once we got on that. That turned out to be a wise choice because about half of the miles we covered on Interstate 80 were under construction with lots of small "detours".

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    Kirks was the beginning of multiple days of "midwestern food". Check out this link to see the online menu for Kirks to get an idea of what that means. It's what I grew up on...and left behind when I moved to the West (first California then Arizona).


    We made one more gas stop before we arrived in Lincoln--a big truck stop type place very common along U.S. interstate highways. I got to meet Charlie and his young owner, who graciously let me pet her beautiful boy. I had horses growing up and I drove a horse & carriage in San Diego for six years. And I so miss having horses. But there's one thing I'd have to do before owning a horse again. Win the lottery. :eek::joy:


    As Harley owners, it's sort of a given that you search out and stop at Harley-Davidson dealerships when traveling. And dealer log tee-shirts are always a good souvenir. Frontier Harley-Davidson, the dealership in Lincoln, is at the west edge of town on the way into the city and an easy-peasy detour off Interstate 80.

    The first three bikes on the right are our motorcycles.

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    The dealership is very large and quite impressive.

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    I'm thinking the owner must be a hunter. Or simply like to hang animal heads in his dealership. o_O



    The staff were very welcoming and inquired as to where we were coming from. I bought my obligatory tee-shirt after thoroughly checking out each department--motorcycles, parts, and motor clothes. When I mentioned to the clerk what a nice dealership this was, he told me that, although Frontier Harley has been around for a long, long time, the building itself was only four years old. The previous building was destroyed in a tornado! :eek::scream: THAT'S the kind of weather I was a bit worried about for our route to Minnesota since there are a lot of tornados in this part of the country and at this time of the year. And I HATE tornados. One hit my childhood home and town, and it nearly killed my father.

    We stayed at a chain hotel this evening (a Best Western if I remember correctly) right off the interstate. We'd hoped to get downtown to look around but it had been a long day in the saddle and we didn't want to get back in the saddle after showering up. We we checked out what dinner places were within walking distance and found ourselves at another chain, Cracker Barrel. Steve and I have been to the Cracker Barrel in Tucson a number of times but Russel had never been to any Crack Barrel. I always enjoy it but Russel said he was "one and done". :joy:

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    Lincoln is the home of the University of Nebraska "Cornhuskers". I'm a pretty big football fan so have known about the Cornhuskers as they're typically in the thick of good college ball. But now that I've ridden through miles upon miles of corn fields, I can truly appreciate the rational for the name of the team!

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    So today wasn't exactly the most interesting day we've had on a motorcycle trip. Nonetheless we had a wonderful day. And, you know what they say, "The worst day on a motorcycle is better than the best day"! :heart_eyes:

    Tomorrow, onward to southern Minnesota for the big wedding! We'll ride through three states tomorrow--Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota. Stay tuned! :kissing_heart:
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