Featured Touring 15 Days, 11 States, & 3,660 Miles: Sturgis And A Wedding

Discussion in 'Rideouts, Trackdays, Touring & Spotted' started by Sandi T, Jan 13, 2025.

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  1. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #21 Sandi T, Jan 18, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
    Day #4: Dodge City, Kansas to Lincoln, Nebraska --- 392 miles
    • Trip total to date = 1,324 miles

    Well, this Google Map pretty much tells it all when it comes to what today's ride through American's "Heartland" was like. Not exactly a twisty-lovers paradise! :joy::joy::joy: We had more turns once we got into Lincoln than we had on the nearly 400 mile ride. :rolleyes: And the route was nearly as flat as it was straight...if you can imagine that! :p It was also our longest mileage day to date. I was particularly glad today for my Sena comm device and my "Motorcycle Playlist". :)

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    I'm not sure where Kansas left on and Nebraska began on route 283 but it was somewhere in between Dodge City and where we got onto Interstate 80. We did encounter some slightly rolling hills (though still stick straight roads) At one point between Hill City and Norton we actually made a left turn, rode about a half a mile, then made a right turn. It broke up 283 quite nicely. ;):joy: Ok, I do have to admit that this road, though not the most interesting as roads go, did make its way though some very pretty farm and pastureland and a number of quaint small towns. It made for quite peaceful and relaxing riding, and the miles just went sliding by.

    We'd gassed up in Dodge City and all three of us have 6 gallon gas tanks. So we had enough gas to easily do half the route before needing to stop--for the bikes, that is. We typically stop about every 120-140 miles or so for a stretch break, a pee break, and to till up both the bikes' tanks and ours. This gas station was just as we approached Interstate 80 and the end of the road--for us anyway--of route 283.

    Steve and I are always on the lookout for dinosaurs and, once you start looking for them, you'd be surprised how many are lurking about! The ol' green Sinclair Gas Station dinos are usually a sure thing. This one was pretty cute but the sign indicated that some folks may have found him too cute!


    As we were gassing up we discussed trying to find a place for lunch. The route we were just on had lots of wide open spaces but few places with a decent looking restaurant. There happened to be a place just past the Sinclair station so we took our chances and pulled up outside the place. We could literally see Interstate 80 from the parking lot so we figured we'd take our chances with Kirk's and not have to hope we'd find something off the interstate once we got on that. That turned out to be a wise choice because about half of the miles we covered on Interstate 80 were under construction with lots of small "detours".

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    Kirks was the beginning of multiple days of "midwestern food". Check out this link to see the online menu for Kirks to get an idea of what that means. It's what I grew up on...and left behind when I moved to the West (first California then Arizona).


    We made one more gas stop before we arrived in Lincoln--a big truck stop type place very common along U.S. interstate highways. I got to meet Charlie and his young owner, who graciously let me pet her beautiful boy. I had horses growing up and I drove a horse & carriage in San Diego for six years. And I so miss having horses. But there's one thing I'd have to do before owning a horse again. Win the lottery. :eek::joy:


    As Harley owners, it's sort of a given that you search out and stop at Harley-Davidson dealerships when traveling. And dealer log tee-shirts are always a good souvenir. Frontier Harley-Davidson, the dealership in Lincoln, is at the west edge of town on the way into the city and an easy-peasy detour off Interstate 80.

    The first three bikes on the right are our motorcycles.

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    The dealership is very large and quite impressive.

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    I'm thinking the owner must be a hunter. Or simply like to hang animal heads in his dealership. o_O



    The staff were very welcoming and inquired as to where we were coming from. I bought my obligatory tee-shirt after thoroughly checking out each department--motorcycles, parts, and motor clothes. When I mentioned to the clerk what a nice dealership this was, he told me that, although Frontier Harley has been around for a long, long time, the building itself was only four years old. The previous building was destroyed in a tornado! :eek::scream: THAT'S the kind of weather I was a bit worried about for our route to Minnesota since there are a lot of tornados in this part of the country and at this time of the year. And I HATE tornados. One hit my childhood home and town, and it nearly killed my father.

    We stayed at a chain hotel this evening (a Best Western if I remember correctly) right off the interstate. We'd hoped to get downtown to look around but it had been a long day in the saddle and we didn't want to get back in the saddle after showering up. We we checked out what dinner places were within walking distance and found ourselves at another chain, Cracker Barrel. Steve and I have been to the Cracker Barrel in Tucson a number of times but Russel had never been to any Crack Barrel. I always enjoy it but Russel said he was "one and done". :joy:

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    Lincoln is the home of the University of Nebraska "Cornhuskers". I'm a pretty big football fan so have known about the Cornhuskers as they're typically in the thick of good college ball. But now that I've ridden through miles upon miles of corn fields, I can truly appreciate the rational for the name of the team!

    Internet photo
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    So today wasn't exactly the most interesting day we've had on a motorcycle trip. Nonetheless we had a wonderful day. And, you know what they say, "The worst day on a motorcycle is better than the best day"! :heart_eyes:

    Tomorrow, onward to southern Minnesota for the big wedding! We'll ride through three states tomorrow--Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota. Stay tuned! :kissing_heart:
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  2. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    @Sandi T me i just see food and eat it if it is reasonably Vegan and i pick all day long. I am enjoying the read as well. Don't tell us any more about blue skies and sun we will get jealous. Or cry.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    @Sandi T You know i have family in Iowa Or maybe it is Idaho can't remember at the present. My Dads sister.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    @joe mc donald
    I have to let you know, Joe, that Iowa and Idaho are miles apart.....and not just in actual miles! The two states are as different as two different countries can be!

    I've never been to Idaho but I'd like to see it because I've heard it's gorgeous! We have some friends from Tucson who built a cabin up there and now spend their time split between Arizona and Idaho.

    I was born in Iowa and lived there until I was 7 years old. That's when we moved to the family farm in southern Minnesota. And that's where we're riding to in my next ride report episode which I just sat down to start on!

    Let me know if you find out where your aunt lives when you find out. If it's Iowa, I'd be interested in knowing just where in Iowa. I lived in the north central part of the state in a little town called Lakeview.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #25 Sandi T, Jan 19, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
    Day #5: Lincoln, Nebraska to Windom, Minnesota --- 260 miles
    • Trip total to date = 1,584 miles

    Today's ride took us through three states: Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota, on our way to our destination of Windom, Minnesota. We were booked at the wedding hotel (NOT the wedding venue) for three nights and would meet up there with my Texas brother and sister-in-law when they arrived tomorrow. The wedding venue itself was about half an hour from our hotel at a little winery called Round Lake Winery. The winery is situated on--you guessed it--Round Lake. ;)

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    We awoke to sunny blue skies but within the first hour, those bright skies turned to pea soup fog! I can't remember the last time we rode in fog but it was an interesting experience. I rather like fog--if I can see where I'm going, mind you. We just slowed down and enjoyed the fog as it's something we see very, very rarely in Arizona. Much of today's route were very pretty with pastureland, groves of trees, and some nice hills and dales. :heart_eyes:

    One point of interest was in a very small town in Nebraska called Oakland. The sign upon entering the town read, "Swedish Capitol of Nebraska". Being of Swedish heritage myself (nearly 100%), this caught my attention. As we continued through the town we saw a building that looked like it had been a church with a sign that read "Swedish Heritage Center". We didn't stop (dang!) but if we head to Minnesota again via this route we will definitely make it a point to check it out!

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    Another interesting things that happened on our ride to Minnesota happened at a gas stop. As we were gassing up our bikes, a number of old cars pulled into the station and also began gassing up their cars. Russell talked to one of the drivers who told him that they were on their way to a car show. Seeing something like this out of the blue is one of the things I love about long road trips--there are always so many interesting things to see and people to meet! :)




    After arriving at our hotel, checking in, and spending a bit of time unpacking and hanging out, we all washed our trusty, tired motorcycles. There was a hose and spigot close by where we'd parked and the hotel staff were happy to provide us with old rags. Those plus plastic wastebaskets and hotel shampoo had us in business! :joy:


    We met this little guy outside the hotel while waiting for my brother and sister-in-law to arrive to pick us up for dinner. We managed to avoid riding at night (and under the influence) quite easily during our stay in Windom since there were a lot of people with a lot of cars with a lot of room. :) No Uber in Windom, I'm afraid! But we didn't need it. ;)


    My "little" brother, Pete, and his wife, Tammi, took us to the Bergen Bar & Grill for dinner this evening. I'd been there before though not in years. The place has been around since I was young and was a favorite of my dad's. Bergen is 27 miles from my hometown of Comfrey, and is 9 miles from Windom. It's literally out in the middle of the boonies as these photos will show!


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    Note the cornfields and the wind turbines behind the restaurant. There are LOTS of wind turbines in the midwest. We saw their in nearly every state. The street sign cracked me up. I'm not quite sure how they came up with 900th St. and 540th Ave. out in the middle of cornfields! :joy:


    A few more photos of Day #5 to follow in my next post
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  6. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #5 continued...


    In order to be assured of a table, Tammi told us that we had to arrive at the restaurant before 5:00pm when it opened. We did so and got right in. But the place filled up almost immediately! The Bergen Bar & Grill is known for one thing--steaks. The menu does have other options but I'd say it would probably be sacrilegious to order fish or chicken at this place. Well, "when in Rome". Here's my meal. A delicious filet. I'd bet the farm (don't tell Pete) that this beef was NOT grass fed! :eek::joy: So much for my resolution to eat only grass fed beef after riding past Texas feedlots... If you'll note, my beer was half gone before I dug in. ;) That's a "twice baked potato" on the side.


    One of the few old buildings remaining in Bergen


    Bergen is literally just a crossroads and it looks like this in each of the four directions.


    My Minnesota family had heard all about our friend and riding buddy, Russell, but until now had never met him in person! It was so fun to introduce him and for them to get to know him over the next several days.

    To continue the dinner conversation after dinner, we stopped in Windom on our way back to the hotel at the local Dairy Queen for some ice cream. I snapped a photo of this building to send to my quilter/seamstress/knitter friend, Dena. She used to ride motorcycles and do trips with us but has health issues and can't ride anymore. :sob: But she still loves to hear all about our trips and ride vicariously with us. :kissing_heart: And I'm always looking for photo ops that she'll enjoy.


    We have most of tomorrow open so Steve, Russell, and I are riding to Spirit Lake, Iowa just across the border to go to the Indian Motorcycle Factory! I'll also report on a most interesting and unique car we saw later in the day. Hint...remember Chitty Chatty Bang Bang?;)

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  7. Markus

    Markus Crème de la Crème

    Oct 28, 2020
    @Sandi T :
    I loved this film of the famous "Chitty Chatty Bang Bang"!!!;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    And so the adventure continues. Again interesting places and fantastic photos to transport us there with you. Brilliant.
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  9. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Thanks, Steve! :kissing_heart: I missed a couple of reporting days this past weekend so will try to resume the journey today. :):cool::sun: Lots of photos from the Indian Motorcycle Factory in Spirit Lake, Iowa are up next.
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  10. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #6: Windom, Minnesota to Spirit Lake and Lake Okiboji, Iowa --- 84 miles
    • Trip total to date = 1,668 miles

    Once again we awoke to fog which, when one lives in Arizona, is a rather nice and novel thing. :) It's also nice knowing it will be a rather rare occurrence once back home. ;):joy:

    Our hotel included breakfast and much to my delight, they had a waffle station! I love to eat waffles when we're on the road. :yum This machine even stamped its hotel location. It's so interesting to think that someone somewhere thought to "brand" their waffles. :joy:



    The three of us were very excited for today's ride because we'd originally planned to ride to Windom through Lake Okiboji and Spirit Lake with a stop at the Indian Motorcycle Factory. However, Iowa and southern Minnesota had received extensive rainfall and flooding in the weeks prior to our trip. We'd been watching the weather and looking at the DOT maps and realized we'd have to reroute our travels. But the rains had stopped and the road to our days destinations were open. As you can see, more straight roads! :joy::joy::joy:

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    Our first stop was one we'd been anticipating for months--the Indian Motorcycle Factory in Spirit Lake, Iowa. When we first met Russell, he road an Indian Scout. He also had a Triumph Speedmaster and a small Ninja.

    We had tried to contact someone at the factory by email and phone to no avail. So other than what we'd read on the website we didn't quite know what to expect. We were hoping for a tour of the factory but alas, when we arrived they told us that the factory was closed to visitors because "they were working on something special and wanted it to remain a secret." However, we had great fun in the showroom as you will see by the following photos. :grinning::heart_eyes:

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    The Spirit of Munro. This bike was so cool in person! :)


    Continued in my next post......
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  11. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #6 continued

    Of course we had to get the obligatory souvenir tee-shirts. :joy: Even though we're Harley riders (+ my Triumph!), we're equal opportunity motorcycle lovers. :heart:




    Although we didn't get to tour the factory, Indian had made a really well-done video that was essentially a virtual tour of the factory. They had that on a big screen in the showroom so we watched that. Very interesting and enjoyable! But it was a bit frustrating to know the "real thing" was directly behind the wall with the video screen! So close yet so far.......:(

    The one last photo I'll post from Indian was this motor. Indian made boat motors in their earlier years! Who knew? Actually, someone on this forum probably DID know that! :)


    Our next stop was lunch on Lake Okoboji at a place my sister-in-law, Tammi, had recommended to us called The Waterfront. From Indian to the restaurant located, in an area known as Arnold's Park, was only about 4 miles away. We'd worked up an appetite looking at bikes :joy:, so off we rode.

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    This area is known as the Iowa Great Lakes region and brings many visitors during the summer. It's quite beautiful!
    I'd really only ever been here as a kid so it was fun to see it now. I'd love to go back and spend more time there at some point. But....only in the summer! The temperature there right now as I type this is 22ºF which is a "warming trend". The previous few days have seen high temperatures that were below º0F! Not my cup of tea! :eek::joy:
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    Internet photo

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    After lunch we mounted up and headed back to our Windom hotel. We needed to be ready to go to the wedding rehearsal dinner by 2:30pm.

    Day #6 continued in my next post
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  12. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #32 Sandi T, Jan 22, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
    Day #6 continued

    My Texas brother Ted, the older of my two brothers, had arrived had arrived with his wife, Karen, while we were tooling around on our motorcycles. He'd rented a car large enough to be our chauffeur for the weekend which was great! It's challenging to ride my touring bike in a dress and heels. ;):joy:

    The ride from the hotel to the Round Lake Vinyards and Winery was about half an hour during which time we got to catch up with Ted and Karen. We couldn't picture a winery in southern Minnesota but it turned out to be lovely! And it was situated right on a little lake called Round Lake. For those of you unfamiliar with Minnesota, it's known as "The Land of 10,000 Lakes" which is stamped right on the state auto license plates. In reality, there are actually MORE than 10,000 lakes! But the majority of them are in northern rather than southern Minnesota.

    The bar at the winery.


    Family bonding time

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    Nephew Jake and his fiancé, soon to be wife, Carla :heart:


    Ok, since this isn't FaceBook (which I don't even use), I'll move on to what I think will be a point of interest to forum members--the amphibious car! :)

    Check out this amazing vehicle. Evidently the winery owner purchased it at an auction as a fun thing to have at a winery on a lake. :joy: Have any of you seen a car like this? I did get a photo of the year and model name that was plastered to the passenger floor board but it didn't show all of the info about this unique vehicle.


    IMG_2626 2.jpeg



    Steve, as is his style, did a bit of research about this model. He learned that U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson owned one of these cars on his ranch in Texas. One of Johnson's favorite pranks was to take his guests for a ride near a lake on his property. He'd pretend that the car had lost its brakes and was out of control, then careen it down a hill and into the lake much to the horror of the passengers! :joy::joy::joy:


    Tomorrow, Day #7-- not only a wedding but a visit to "Mimi & Papa's Place", a true--and weird--slice of Americana!
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  13. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Sandi T i know but just could remember but it was Idaho The family name was Bartusiak. Never met any of the family just know they were there.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Awesome @Sandi T so many brilliant pictures and back stories. Looking forward to the next episode.
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  15. Bikerman

    Bikerman Life's not a dress rehearsal.

    Oct 29, 2014
    That's one hell of a showroom. Love to see that factory, I must admit. Indian make some good looking bikes. :):). As ever great write up.
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  16. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #7: Wedding Day!
    Windom, MN to Round Lake, MN and the Round Lake Vineyards and Winery --- by car! 0 bike miles today
    Trip total to date = 1,668 miles

    Ahhh, wedding day for Jake and Carla finally had finally arrived. Since all of us were only aunties and uncles (plus "honorary uncle" Russell), we didn't have to do diddly-squat to prepare other than be showered and dressed up and arrive at the venue by 3:30pm. So after a lovely breakfast--including a waffle for me, of course--all of us including my Texas brother, Ted, and sister-in-law piled in Ted's rental SUV and headed for a place at the edge of Windom that we'd noticed on our way back from Bergen. This place promised to be very interesting....and it definitely didn't disappoint! :grinning::joy: I took about a zillion photos but will try to hit the highlights. Which happened to be in every direction I looked! ;)


    MiMi and "PaPa"--who we met--bought this place about 10 years ago if memory serves, and basically collect and sell. I asked him to whom he sells and he said everyone from everywhere. They've shipped statues and items all over the country! Here's a smattering of what this incredibly unusual, fun, and hilarious place has to offer.

    No commentary needed... :joy::joy::joy:


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    This is less than half of the photos I took at Mimi and Papa's but you get the idea!

    Day #7 continued in my next post.
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  17. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Day #7: Wedding Day continued

    After laughing our arses off at Mimi and PaPa's, we decided to drive around Windom a bit. When I was growing up, Windom was to me a big town and one of the towns that we'd go to do a bit of shopping or go on a date because there was an actual restaurant there. My hometown of Comfrey is about a quarter of the population of Windom. I can't even remember the last time I was in Windom. When we travel to see my Minnesota family we're typically at the farm near my hometown and/or at the little lake cabin my mom and dad bought in the 1970's which is about 90 miles north of the farm.

    Here's the county courthouse. This was a Saturday and there was a small farmer's market going on along the circle drive. See the sign for sweet corn? That's a huge deal in this part of America. When I was a kid, my dad would have rows and rows of sweet corn planted alongside the field corn. Ted and I would go in and pick lots of corn then go into town and sell it door to door by the dozen. It was so delicious right out of the field! When I moved to California after college, I couldn't bring myself to eat sweet corn for years and years because it just didn't taste very good to me when I bought it at the supermarket.


    Cottonwood Lake is on the edge of town and my brother, Ted, decided to drive to where we used to bring our small power boat when I was a kid. Ted loved to water ski and this was one of the lakes where he did that. I never did take to it but Ted continued to ski for decades, doing a bit of competition as an adult. That's Ted looking at the lake.


    The weather was beautiful and as we approached our hotel we saw a group of motorcycles filing by. Even though we'd just ridden over 1,600 miles, I wished I was on my bike today, too. It's a disease.:p


    Time to clean up and get spiffy. For this road trip, I actually bought a rack for over the back fender of my Street Glide and another small travel bag in which to pack my dress, heels, an evening wrap, and some jewelry--things I don't typically carry with me on motorcycle trips. ;):joy:

    Again, this isn't FaceBook so I won't inundate you all with numerous photos of a family wedding. But here are just a few. :) BTW, Jake and his brother, Eli, both ride motorcycles. In fact, Eli bought my 2020 Street Glide from me about a year ago when I bought my 2024 Street Glide and had it shipped from Arizona to Minnesota.

    The (large!) wedding party. The venue in front of the lake was idyllic.

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    Aunt Sandi and Uncle Steve with a cocktail waiting for the reception


    Eli toasting his brother and new sister-in-law


    First dance


    Youngsters these days! ;) They even had fireworks at the end of the evening! :heart_eyes:


    Tomorrow Day #8 -- riding to the family farm and my hometown of Comfrey, Minnesota
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  18. Markus

    Markus Crème de la Crème

    Oct 28, 2020
    @Sandi T: Thank you for taking us to this lovely celebration! The couple looks really happy. The photo of you and Steve is great! :heart_eyes:
    I am waiting for the next part.
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  19. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Thanks, @Markus! The saga continues tomorrow. Glad you're enjoying it! :kissing_heart:
    • Like Like x 3
  20. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Mimi and Papa’s looked like a fun outing. The courthouse building also looks like an interesting place. Both a great way to set you up for the wedding ceremony, which was beautiful.
    Looking forward to the next update.:)
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