Separate names with a comma.
Now THAT I like.:) Interestingly they use a version of the 'ray gun' silencers which were very much 'like 'em or loathe 'em' way back wheno_O. A...
Much appreciated Streetgirl675!:) Thought I might be the odd one out with this one.:cold_sweat: Phew!!!:relieved: As old age creeps up I thought...
Ah! Now it makes sense!! Probably!
First came across Mr @D'Ecosse on the triumphrat forum many years ago. A most helpful chap who knows his stuff:cool: - well he helped me out with...
Tim Rodie, whoever he is, seems to imply that turning off the traction control will end up with you visiting hospital for urgent attention. He...
I got one of those!!:) That was after getting them to reduce my renewal premium by just under £45:cool:. RESULT!!:grinning:
Err .... tighten up the clamps on the joints. Oh you have. Wot they said then!
I have an old t-shirt somewhere which states .... "Tha can allus tell a Yorkshireman, but tha can't tell 'im much".:cool: Priceless, and so so...
It's advisory, not a legal requirement ...... yet!
Had a Nitron rear shock on my Daytona 955i CE and have a Hagon on my Trident 900. Both are much superior to the originals. Hagon have a quick and...
Welcome, David. Last time - actually the only time - I rode a 1050 Sprint GT, I too was 6ft tall and around 19st. I nearly bought it. Cracking...
Hi, Mark. Personally, I'd stick with the Givi Wingrack setup. That will give you access to both Givi and Kappa boxes as many of them will fit both...
Feckin' spoilsport!!!: unamused: You know damn well that we (well, most of us) don't function properly without alcohol, pies and CAKE!!!:rolleyes:
Gigantic foot warmers that double up as leg protectors. Whatever next??
Does attaching a headlight protector make you hungry then, @Koko55 ??o_O Don't you already have a grill on your cooker in the kitchen?:confused:...
You're very welcome. Just relieved that Christine got the treatment that she required in these strange times.:) It seems that many unfortunately...
I aim to please!!:) Shame that I'm such a lousy shot!!:( SIGH!!!!!:rolleyes:
So far so good.:) Showed Lesley your post - she had far fewer lymph nodes removed though and thought 14 was a lot, but different people have...
Puig screens just like this on my Trident can be found new on t'interweb for around £30. [ATTACH] aka Sprint Manufacturing do a Givi/Kappa (they both accept the same cases) fitting kit for the Trident and Trophy...