Separate names with a comma.
Give it a goodly slug of Redex or other fuel system cleaner which will, hopefully, deal with muck etc in the carb.
Oh FFS!!!! I'd just about forgotten that!!:scream: Now I'll have to start all over again!!:mad:
"The girl's a fool" as the late Eric Morecambe would have (probably) said!:grinning:
Have a great time, Adie!:) Did the Jacobite run a good few years ago - brilliant:D! Don't get grit in your eyes thougho_O, it can smart a bit!...
At least it seems to be fixable, Dilli. That's good news:). As I said (somewhere) previously, a steroid injection has a good chance of sorting a...
Let's be greedy and have both. It used to be that way!
If your speedo drive is from a wheel - usually the front - then it is only measuring the rotational speed of the wheel to give your speedo readout...
The lunatics are taking over the asylum (if they haven't already!).:eek:
Not keen! Will it look better in the flesh? I'll stick with what I have.
Would have preferred a retro design as per the Bonneville range. Modern bikes with sticky-out bits and sharp edges going off in random directions...
If life kicks you in the balls, Dilli, go down screaming and whimpering whilst clutching the aforementioned spheres in agony:eek:, 'cos if you try...
Aw bollox, Dilli! At least you saw it coming, not that that is any consolation. As others have said, you need to get your health problems sorted...
Welcome CG1.:) I was born in West Yorkshire!:grinning: Just sayin'.
+1 for @Tiglet recommending Altberg boots. Bought mine over 20 years ago and still wear them regularly to this day. Even my delinquent nephew...
That's why I wouldn't go down the Belstaff/Barbour route nowadays on principle. I need function at functional prices not fashion at catwalk prices!
Have a look at for a new cps (£60 inc 20% vat which should be removed for overseas orders so around £50 for you), and...