Separate names with a comma.
Hello Nikki, I'm back too !!! Dave
Hello mate how are you? Long time no speak, how are things going nowadays? What are you riding, still the Tracer? I decided a change was due so...
We awoke yesterday morning to SNOW !!!Bike is packed away until her quilt till february I reckon.
VERY sorry to hear about this Dilli, but all I would say is that it takes a big man to admit when he's made a mistake. Hope your new bike will...
I had them on my KTM 1190 adv. and they were CRAP! Like all tyres they were OK in the dry, warm roads but in the wet they were just dreadful. They...
Hi TD, is there no way you could go under your own steam as it were? Are you allowed to ride/drive ? It's kind of nice that the Health Service...
If you are thinking of buying a bike in India, check carefully as I believe you need to be resident to buy one in your own name. Itchyboots had...
Hi Guys n gals, this message is mainly for UK pension age peeps who may be considering moving definitively into a European country. The UK govt...
That's not age, that's wisdom.
Nice bit of kit that Rocker, does it have a dry or wet clutch. We Dukey owners like a rattle you know !!!
Hi Marty, I'm a similar build to you and I had a T100 865i for about 4-5 yrs and about 25,000mls. I did trips on her all over Europe (I'm based in...
Forum Name, Real Name, Nights Booked 3 Bedroom 1. MrO - Ron - T/F/S - 3bed room - deposit paid 2. Dozers Dad - T/F/S - 3bed room - deposit paid 3....
Hi Sandi, this series is brilliant !!!
Hi Joe, that's a sharp-looking bike you've got there, very nice indeed.
Lucky lad !!!!!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart:
That's a tidy looking bike Johne, very tidy. Thanks for the tip too !! Dave
You just never know Steve..............................:p:p:p:p
Well I think she's a brilliant bike, I just want her to be in optimal condition.
Will do Don, first job is to give her a damn good wash and polish. Then brake and clutch fluid changes, oil + filtre/air filtre/fuel filtre, fork...
Just got home with my new baby. About 100 kms of swoopy, twisty roads to get home. What a thoroughbred she feels. I have never had a bike that...