Separate names with a comma.
Sorry guys, was struck down with the bug thats been going around recently and then getting stuck into a bike im working on plus all the work for...
@Boothy great so far, really looking forward to seeing this come together :)
@TEZ 217 appreciate the comment. its a shame really ive always found fellow bikers so friendly wherever ive been. but i can see previous sellers /...
@Scoot65 i have not done so no. i didnt realise this would be an issue but its a good point. i have no intention to upset anyone here as i have...
@Rocker rather beautiful furnishings there :)
ahh right. time is money and all that. hope you invested in enough classics for a pension?
@crispey if thats work? pull a sicky.. bike priorities:)
As the post above.. but just for ease here's the dates: Jan 21 Mar 11 May 20 Jul 22 Sept 16 Oct 21 Dec 02 2017
@DreadySteve no problem I'll post the dates on here when I get home
@DreadySteve it's not every Saturday no.. I believe it's about 7 times a year. I'm always up there hunting for parts! I have a fridge magnet at...
@DreadySteve I will keep an eye out I don't know what area you are in but maybe head up to kempton park on Saturday...? Probably find something there
@half ton I agree but I have to restrain myself from grabbing absolutely everything! Ha After all I need to make money Though I did get some...
@half ton I came across quite a few today but unfortunately rotted away [ATTACH]
@PompeyMark sorry to hear that Just for info the one in the picture you posted doesn't have the autolube system... Notice no pipe from the right...
@PompeyMark nice do you still have it?