Separate names with a comma.
Did you suffer dizzy spells when looked up, up got up quickly? Hope your sorted now.
I had a blood pressure test, which was too high. Went out on my bike for a couple of hours. Came back and it was normal. Goes to show that...
Morning Markus. Excellent news and peace of mind. I look forward to it being fitted and making the most of what's left of the weather with...
Question. My Tourance Next rear has squared at 4,700. The front tyre is fine and dealer always recommends 2 rear replacement to one front, which...
And there's me getting up this morning and thinking I must put all my thermal liners in my jacket and trousers. And not forgetting to swap seats...
So is it greed, or dealship competition within triumph? Dealership of the year.
No wonder people go elsewhere. Franchise businesses, like Triumph Dealers have costly overheads, which they unfortunately pass on to the customer
Very sad news. Condolences to Andy's family. R.I.P.
Very sad. :pensive:
Let's hope we never have to use it!
Just had my renewal from a well known bike insurance provider. I nearly fell over with price increase. Anyway, not going to advertise the old...
I have always wanted that model of Triumph, but in the cream and purple colour. Maybe one day. Welcome.