Separate names with a comma.
That's useful info. Give me something to try at any rate. Thanks for the reply.
Did you ever solve the problem, Ian? I've got the same issue. I'm darned if I can see what's causing it.
Thanks for posting the paint codes. I dropped the corner of a plank on my tank and need to make the dent go away. The codes are a Godsend! [ATTACH]
I think I've learned a couple of lessons. 1. Chrome isn't what it used to be and 2. I need to winterise it more carefully! I thought I'd done an...
In case it helps anyone taking on the same job, there's a very helpful posting about installing the kit on a modern T120 here ......
In case it helps anyone coming after, I found the answer in an instructional posting elsewhere on the internet. It's a good guide to the whole...
Wow! I've made those images a little large (sorry) - but the wiring diagram is a lot easier to read. They should always be that size!
I'm using some of my time in lockdown to install a Smart Turn System on my 2019 Bonneville T120. It should be a relatively straightforward...
Aha! I've found the slots on the underside of the unit.
I thought I'd use some of my self-isolation time to fit the ST2 to my 2019 T120. I'm a bit alarmed to see how thin the wires are in the harness...
I've lived in Scotland all my life (and in Orkney for a couple of decades) so I know all about Scottish air, salty roads etc and yet I've kept my...
Thanks for the replies. And the sympathy. (And Happy new Year, one and all) It's defo rust, Callumity. And it's present at the shockers as well....
Well, that's a little disappointing. I took the bike for a run on Boxing Day and, when I was washing it down before putting it away in the shed, I...