Question About Oil Change.

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by tomg, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    Thanks for taking this up.
    I don't consider it any sort of privileged information to be in possession of the way that it's been amended?
    Surely they should actually be thanking you if anything?
  2. Alan Gilbert

    Alan Gilbert Senior Member

    Nov 22, 2018
    I’m sure that updating the owners and service manuals was just overlooked - someone screwed up.
    I suspect Tritun will be updated and also the online owners manual which owners can then download. This “reactive” solution is clearly insufficient and I feel that a more proactive approach is needed.
    Take an owner who decides to change his oil, follows the handbook instructions and screws up. How would he know that there is an updated version online and the oil change procedure is wrongin his OEM handbook??
    This whole debacle has left me deeply unimpressed with Triumph if I’m honest!!!
  3. tomg

    tomg Member

    Jul 3, 2021
    I completely agree
  4. triple_bullet

    triple_bullet New Member

    Hello everyone, I hope it's ok if I use this thread for my problem too.

    I'm a owner of a Speed triple rs build in 2020. I bought it back in october 2024. I recently made the first oilchange on the speedy, since I owned it. I made the change as I'm used to it from my prior bikes (empty old oil, change old filter to a preloaded new one, filled in the new oil). The oilpressure light went off in between 2 seconds after the start. After a few seconds I gave it 2 gently revs to 2000 or 3000. After a few seconds a loud chain rattling sound startet on the right inside of the engine. I was shocked and shut down the motor.
    After a bit of googling I found this. Until this moment, I didn't know there was a newer procedure for the oilchange.

    I guess I got a problem with the chaintensioner. Engine runs fine, oilpressure light is off, but the chainrattling is very loud. Does someone know about a solution for this problem?

    Thanks for your help. Greetings from Switzerland triple_bullet
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    TRIPLE X Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2021
    Downham Market, Norfolk
    The new procedure for changing the oil and filter is to prevent possible air locks in the lubrication system although I don't think it was ever made official as it was never changed in the Owners Handbook. As long as the oil pressure light goes out shortly after starting (as yours did) then all should be well. The cam chain tensioner is hydraulic and relies on oil pressure to work correctly but it should only rattle briefly, if at all. If the rattle persists then the tensioner needs to be checked. What is the mileage (kilometres in your case)? If the valve clearance check has been done then the tensioner may have been removed if new shims were required and there is a procedure to be followed when replacing it.
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  6. Bolosun

    Bolosun Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2020
    I have changed the oil on mine using the normal method and the new one by filling the filter with oil before fitting. Never had an issue with either method. I would do as suggested and remove the cam chain tension to see what is going on.
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    TRIPLE X Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2021
    Downham Market, Norfolk
    I have also used both methods for an oil change without any issues.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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