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Country Tavern in central Waikato, with good food and outdoor area. Massive car/bike park
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Coromandel Town Kopu Manaia Kaiaua Mercer Maungawhai Wellsford Okororie Te Kuiti Whakamatu Arapuni Maungatautiri Waiouru Piha Tahuna Te Poi
Country Tavern in central Waikato, with good food and outdoor area. Massive car/bike park
  1. Fartomany
    Hey Darty, have you, or anyone you know dealt with TEC, their suspension stuff seems the go for Bonnies ?
    Probably me, but their website is pissing me about and can't work out freight, etc !
  2. Dartplayer
    All the comments I have seen say to call them to discuss
  3. Fartomany

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