You now seemingly don't need the ins cert to tax anything

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Gus, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Gus

    Gus Member

    Aug 6, 2014
    Well you don't need the piece of paper, as I've just been told from Motorcycle direct, she said if you're going to a post office, they'll have everything on the database ie that. You just take the log book and mot, that's it!

    I asked them because I couldn't find the certificate to download, she said you longer get or need it, but would send it out for the purpose of having it if I wanted.....bugger me, things are changing :rolleyes:
  2. roadrider

    roadrider First Class Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    The only thing that worries me is what happens when "the computer say's no"
    Standing in the Post Office arguing because someone has pressed the wrong button.
    Like getting rid of the tax disc,it's OK until the Police stop you at 3 in the morning because they think you've got no tax.

    I'm not against new technology,as long as it works.
    Things are changing!

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