We'll try again shall we

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by gixerkev, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. gixerkev

    gixerkev Member

    Jan 24, 2016
    Been in the mancave (shed) today to rewire the digital gear indicator wires that got ripped out by the chain (wot a plonker). Anyway did a proper job this time shrink wrapped and routed away from the chain & it works a treat again. Shame about the weather been snowing here & I've turned into a fair weather biker I'm afraid. I really miss riding the green goddess over the years I've had some cracking bikes much lighter & faster but I love to ride the Trumpet it's not the lightest or fastest but it oozes character & oh that triple sound cant wait for the better weather and put some miles on her & hopefully meet up with some of you lot ;)
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