Warranty Speedo Replacement Issues

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by jezzasnr, May 6, 2017.

  1. jezzasnr

    jezzasnr Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    I've posted this in the Speed Triple section, but would welcome opinions from the forum as a whole.

    So, are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

    Bought a brand new Speed 94 October 2015 from my local dealer. Very pleased with it and have always used them for services etc.

    I've had no problems with the bike and have been really pleased with it. Before I put it away for the winter I noticed a couple of small cracks/marks in the instrument glass.

    I was pissed off, but it was minor and I assumed that I'd knocked it in some way. On getting the bike out a couple of months ago they had got worse and a couple more appeared. Next time i was passing I popped in and asked them to have a look. They took pictures and forwarded on to Triumph who duly authorised warranty replacement.

    The dealer managed to fit me into the workshop yesterday. Whilst handing over the keys I checked to see they had the correct details. They confirmed that they were replacing the instrument glass.

    Picked the bike up, all done. Happy boy.

    When I got home I noticed that the odometer was only showing 50 miles as opposed to the 9k + that the bike has done. I'm not happy about this. I've spoken to them this morning and they have said that there's nothing they can do to reinstate the original mileage, but are happy to provide a letter to support that this work was done by an authorised dealer under warranty.

    Still not happy. I'm looking to move the bike on in the near future and I can't see that this will not affect the value of the bike.

    I made the point to the chap that phoned me (a director apparently) that faced with two identical bikes with similar mileage, but one with the odometer that tallies, the other that doesn't, but has a letter, I know which of the two I would be buying. Unless of course there were some kind of financial incentive to buy the warranty claim bike.

    I can't see that this hasn't had a detrimental effect on the value of the bike.

    So, opinions and experiences please ladies & gentlemen.

    At the moment I've asked that they write to me with details of what they are proposing to do.
  2. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Hi jezza
    Understand your concerns on this one mate but if you have a triumph dealer letter confirming work done then that should be enough to explain the unusually low mileage to potential buyers especially if the letter has the original mileage stated
    If not a simple phone call to the dealer could confirm the work done and why
    It could work in your favour as it shows you take your bike to a triumph dealer for repair and service
    It could work in your favour if you advertise it
    For Sale
    Triumph Speed Triple
    Very Very Low Mileage
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