Wanted - Thurxton Wheels To Install To Speed Twin 1200

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Tray777, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. Tray777

    Tray777 New Member

    Feb 6, 2023
    Bristol, UK
    Hi All,

    Im on the hunt for a set of Thurxton Wheels to install to my Speed Twin 1200 2020.

    I understand Triumph did a Black set back in 2020 with the part number A9648041 but they are no longer available from Triumph. No stock anywhere in europe apparently.

    I have read a post on here about someone purchasing the wheel set from a T100 and changing the hub to accommodate the twin disc set up. Part number referenced there was A9648040.

    If someone has a set of Thurxton wheels that would be great!

    My other question is - do the T120 wheels fit a Speed Twin?


    Ash, Bristol

    Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 13.05.09.png
  2. TonyG

    TonyG Noble Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I have seen reports where people have swapped the spoked wheels on a Thruxton S with the cast wheels from a Speed Twin so must be able to do it the other way. The Thruxton S and T120 have same forks so can't see why T120 wheels wouldn't fit, but earlier T120 wheels are steel I think, so a lot heavier.
  3. Jimbo1950

    Jimbo1950 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2022
    Hi Tray777. I don't have any Thruxton wheels I can offer you, sorry, but would you be interested in a pair of Thruxton R end cans? I had a pair on my 2019 Speed Twin 1200 and they sounded great, plenty of pops and crackles on the overrun in particular. I've recently swapped them out for a pair of TecBikeParts slip-ons so the Thruxton ones are up for sale. Let me know if you'd be interested.
  4. Higerty

    Higerty Member

    Oct 14, 2022
    Swansea, South Wales
    #4 Higerty, Feb 13, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023

    Hi Ash
    I have a set of Thruxton wire wheels that will fit your Speed Twin, I have sent you my contact details in a private conversation.... I hope


  5. Dan broadfield

    Dan broadfield New Member

    Nov 1, 2024
    West yorkshire

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