Three little niggles with '72 T120V

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by rich, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. rich

    rich Member

    Hi folks. I have three little probs with my '72 OIF T120V and was wondering if any of you could poss help.
    1. Gearbox is stuck in first gear
    2. Third gear (when gearbox was working properly) makes a right racket in third (due to me missing a gearchange and crunching it in by mistake, d'oh)
    3. Bike completely cuts out from several times on a ride and has to be kicked many times before it will restart. Boyer Bransden analog box fitted, I think. Batt voltage is ok, batt is charging fine when riding (I fitted a digital panel voltmeter to monitor batt voltage) although putting headlamp on can drop voltage to about 12v, and diode pack and zener have been replaced by modern single phase rec/reg. New plugs have been fitted. All connections seem to be clean and sound.
    Any thoughts, chaps?
  2. Recycled Rocker

    Recycled Rocker Senior Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    North Yorkshire Cave
    Yo Rich looks like yer may have to look in gearbox, bent selector, jammed spring, teeth off third gear/selector. Have you tried lifting rear wheel off ground, and seeing if clutch works ie wheel will spin by hand whilst clutch in/can select gears? Just a thought.

    You havn't mentioned petrol side of things re cutting out, stuck needle, float not working properly etc? Or are you sure it's electrical?

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