765 The Good The Bad And The Ugly

Discussion in 'Street Triple' started by Iceman, May 20, 2023.

  1. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    The good bit. I have test ridden the new STRS 765 back to back with the 2020 STRS 765, I was interested in the updated electronics and how they performed, I trailed braked into bends to see how the cornering optimised ABS and cornering optimised traction control worked in the real world, I have no doubt that in an emergency where you had to brake hard during a bend the system would save the day, there is a huge amount of difference in the new RS as opposed to the outgoing model, it has a raised rear that increases the ride height, I'm sure the average rider is not 6ft plus with long legs, so two feet on the ground may be difficult for a lot of riders. The up/down shifter was super smooth as usual, I did notice a difference with the brakes, they feel even stronger than previous models. I didn't notice a difference with power and acceleration for the 2020 model, that said there are some mods on my 22 that make it lighter, along with re mapping amongst other things. Would I change to the new RS, no I definitely wouldn't given the amount of work and money spent to get mine to what I really like.
    The bad bit. Well the rear seat cowl on my machine recently decided it would make it's way to the Bermuda Triangle and I have not seen it since it departed on a ride out, I guess it liked the look of all manner of things sucked in the black hole and decided it be better off with it's new found friends.
    The ugly bit. Well Triumph had a new replacement in stock and even by their standards I was somewhat shocked, first you buy the cowl, then you buy the attachment plate that bolts to the cowl, then you buy the bolts, then the anti rub strips and if you wish to buy the tool kit (3 allen keys and 1 screwdriver) then that is extra, in all it costs almost £300, to add insult to injury I have just looked out of curiosity at the new 765R extras, Triumph list the seat cowl all ready to fit for under £150, how the hell do they justify this difference in cost, no wonder they can supply the Moto 2 engines. I have owned an awful lot of Triumph motorbikes since the 60s, well enough is enough and no further new Triumph's for me. I re kindled my love for Choppers at the Kickback Show and have decided to build my own from scratch. I am going for a test ride on the Ducati V2 Streetfighter very soon so that may well be a next addition. The servicing costs are not as expensive as Triumph, and once out of warranty I look after them myself. Ride safe all from an ageing Rocker.
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  2. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    Well been out today @Iceman on my "old" 765rs (2019) and must say it still ticks my box. Would the latest and greatest do anymore..... well probably yes, and no.
    On paper yes, in reality no.

    My 2009 675r (previously owned by my best mate) is slower and inferior to my 765 after many a back to back test yet it still brings a smile as it never fails to feel faster. No abs, tc or any of the other rubbish just a lurvely rawness :p
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  3. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Don't forget that the exhaust is a one piece system so you need to replace it all for an aftermarket option.
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  4. Baza

    Baza Elite Member

    Jul 25, 2020
    Amazing Grace
    Sorry to hear about the AWOL seat cowl. Do you still have the pillion seat?

    Interesting to hear your take on performance. I was convinced that the extra poke they have now given the RS would be hardly noticeable. I am really pleased that I eventually decided not to swop my 2021 R in for a new one.
  5. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    Hi Baza, I do have the original passenger seat, however I now have an OEM cowl that I fitted yesterday. It's ridiculous the prices Triumph charge for parts, also a lot of parts are no longer available on lots of models that are only a few years old. I recently struggled getting OEM clutch parts for a 2015 Speed Triple 1050, in the end I got some updated parts from Germany. It's possible that given production is overseas that the issue may be external manufacturers, but who knows, a similar thing happened with the UK car manufacturers years ago, during a production run a model could go from say having a Lucas starter motor to a Bosh, ignition systems, lights, brakes etc etc went the same route. Honda by comparison make sure you can get parts even for the very older machines. It may well be that given Triumph bring out new models on a very regular basis, then to stock sensible levels of parts would require huge costs and storage problems for them. Ride safe all from an ageing Rocker.
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  6. Baza

    Baza Elite Member

    Jul 25, 2020
    Amazing Grace
    Great to hear that you are now with cowl. Just recently the loss of your pillion cowl was the second such incidence I had come across. Having just been given a cowl (which makes my bike legal again, as I had already removed the pillion footpegs) I will now be extra vigilant when replacing seat/cowl.
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  7. Mrs Visor

    Mrs Visor Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2021
    I have heard of a few instances of them being lost too; in fact I had a close call with mine - went over a bump not long after getting the cowl which lifted me slightly off the seat and as I settled myself back down thought "odd, I feel as if I am sat on hard plastic". I pulled over and the seat cowl had become detached and slid forwards onto the seat, meaning that I was feeling the edge of it so at least it wasn't off the bike and lost or run over. I now always listen very hard for a definite "click" and the feel of the pillion seat or cowl being fully home.

    I have heard of some people making tethers for theirs.
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