Does anyone know of any up swept reverse cone exhaust mufflers that will fit standard T100 exhausts without any need for rejetting? Just when I thought I was done spending cash on my new baby I get this niggling voice in my head about exhausts!! Oh will it ever end this constant need to keep buying stuff? Think I need therapy!!
I bought these for my T100 and they sounded perfick !!!
Got a pair of nearly new thruxton ones which are reverse and upswept but standard you can have for £75 if you want to pick up? I'm in Huddersfield
Read somewhere that you have to change the entire exhaust system and the side stand to fit thruxton ones, is this true or will they just bolt straight on?
No, it will never end! I had the same exhausts on my T100 as biglad (he saw mine and ordered his). They are a bit fiddly to fit but sound fantastic and are much lighter than the stock ones.
If you just fit the exhausts on there own then I would say no. If however you make changes to the intake side - removing snorkel, fitting a free flow air filter and removing baffle from the air box then you will.
Thanks for all your advice!! Think I will get some of these mufflers and then that's it, no more expenditure!!
Famous last words! One cheap mod on the car bed Bonnie, which run slightly lean is to replace the stock 110 jets with 115's. This will enrich the mixture a touch and was apparently a modification carried out by some dealers at the time. Another cheap mod is to fit Thruxton needles in place of the stock bonneville ones. They have a different taper profile and again allow a slight enrichment of the mixture. Easy job as well - just make sure you seat the diaphragms properly when putting the tops back on.