Speed Triple 1050 2013, Flooding Problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Wynand Lubbe, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. Wynand Lubbe

    Wynand Lubbe New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
    Cape Town
    Hi, Im Wynand from Cape Town, South Africa. I have a 2013 speed triple 1050 ABS.

    Lovely bike but with one nasty problem, it keeps flooding and I have to replace plugs every 3months. Im done taking it in to the dealers because they just rip me of and when I want to know why it does it, there answer is WE DONT KNOW...

    So im here to ask for help and solutions if there
  2. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I can only guess
    Airfilter, make sure that is clean, by reducing air flow it may make the mixture rich
    O2 sensor, this checks the exhaust gases and adjusts the mixture, if this is faulty maybe this is affecting the air/fuel mix
    Correct spark plugs, running a type that is to cold may result in fuel not being burned
    Fuel filter,
    Aftermarket exhaust, if you are running an aftermarket exhaust and not had the fuel map updated, may be worth checking it is running the correct map for your bike...check EasyECU it should work with your bike
    Throttle bodies are these balanced, are there any air leaks
    Can you smell unburned fuel from the exhaust....running too rich
  3. Wynand Lubbe

    Wynand Lubbe New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
    Cape Town
    The last time the dealers fixed the problem they said there is no air leakage, the map was update because i do have an aftermarket pipe on.
    Dont know what plugs they used.
    I can smell petrol only when its flooded and wont start. Can a sensor give a false positive when being checked?
    Im stripping the bike myself this time to see whats going on
  4. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    Are you using the throttle when starting? Dont.
  5. Wynand Lubbe

    Wynand Lubbe New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
    Cape Town
    No i stopped using the throttle a long time ago, was the first thing the agents said i must not do, but the bike still floods.
    Thanks for the reply
    No to figure out how to get the plugs out
  6. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    When you say flood do you mean water or fuel?
  7. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    " Another problem of the Triple was water flooding the spark plugs. If your engine turns over but has trouble starting up, water in the spark plug wells is probably the culprit. It most likely comes from riding in the rain, but it’s very common among most Triumph bikes so there may be different causes for this particular problem. There doesn’t seem to be a cure for it, but Dielectric Grease seems to keep the water from running into the wells if applied generously to the rubber sleeves."
  8. Wynand Lubbe

    Wynand Lubbe New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
    Cape Town
    Well in the past I would have said petrol, because that is what i thought.
    Ill fit new plugs is the morning all 3 plugs are black on the tips. Thanks for the water idea, it might just be it
  9. youngy

    youngy Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    might be worth checking if you have the correct map for the silencers fitted.
  10. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Hello Wynand and welcome in to the Triumph.

    Can I just clarify something about this this? The thread title is "Speed Triple 1050 2013, Flooding Problem" - is there fuel leaking from the bike? Or do you mean that the engine is running rich?

    I'm going to assume you mean running rich, OK?

    This is often caused by the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) and it's associated vacuum pipes. This device can show a variety of symptoms and I've listed some below :

    Poor starting
    Rich running
    Higher fuel consumption
    Poor engine running

    The device at it's heart is a solenoid/stepper motor, with four vacuum pipes.

    The device can fail due to:

    Dirt in the stepper motor - easily cleaned with aerosol Clutch and brake cleaner;

    Failure of any one of the vacuum hoses - Triumph parts not expensive, but I bought a metre of silicone stuff off the 'net for pennies.

    This device can be find attached to the underside of the airbox.

    Hope that helps.......................
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