Security Immobiliser

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Tone1958, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. Tone1958

    Tone1958 Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Bike won't start at mo and it seems out of "character". Admit I've not had a real opportunity to go through the basics but by mistake I pressed the triangle on the remote instead of the circle logo. The handbook doesn't make reference to the remote at all!

    It's an approved one for the bike, the manual for the alarm has Triumph Bonneville approved on it. In fact it's designed specially for the bike and not to be fitted to any other bike!

    Anyone else have one of these and tell me it the triangle logo means anything? I've pressed the correct logo of course and it appears the alarm is off but not totally sure about this. Would like this confirmed/denied before I go at it!

    The battery is almost run down now btw.
  2. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Are you sure the triangle logo just isn't the hazard lights. Without saying which make the immobiliser us it'll be hard to give info.
  3. Tone1958

    Tone1958 Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Could be I really don't know. The immobiliser "book" has no manufacturers name on it [what's that about?] I think it's one that is an add on when you buy the bike so Triumph is the best I can do on that.

    In small letters on it there are the words "Triumph Designs 2000".

    Ah, have book next to me and it says "Prior to installation, log Datatool serial number and Thatcham approval number"

    Is that it?
  4. Tone1958

    Tone1958 Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Well I've fixed it..........not sure exactly how........pressed both logo's and after getting deafened by alarm going off and not wanting to respond to the off button on the remote it seemed to reset and is working ok now.
  5. Tone1958

    Tone1958 Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Just when you thought it was safe to..........following on from the above posts NOW the alarm won't switch off. The remote appears to be working, light blinks on the remote, but it ain't switching off. Tried setting the alarm off deliberately to see if after that it would reset itself but no dice.

    The manual states that "when fitted the alarm cannot be removed as it becomes an integral part of the bike".

    To be honest the thing is a bloody pain. Especially now the bike won't start.

    The two spare remotes don't work at all, tried using the battery from the "main" remote in the 2 spares but both appear dead.

    Any advice anyone as to how to progress? The bike is now stuck in the car park rather than in my garage [which is round the corner].
  6. Tone1958

    Tone1958 Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Ah good old google. Searched for "Datatool" and found an on-line troubleshooting manual for it which fixed the issue which was the transmitter going out of syn with the receiver. Sorted!! [I hope].
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  7. mixifix

    mixifix Active Member

    May 7, 2013
    Big hammet
  8. mixifix

    mixifix Active Member

    May 7, 2013
    Big hammet

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