Scrambler Scrambler 1200xe Booster Plug

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Bug, May 7, 2020.

  1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Hi people,
    Really excited over new piece of kit for the scrambler, ( I know Sad bloke ). Looking at the plug, instructions and packaging it appears that these guys are a professional outfit supplying quality products.
    Nice touch including a few freebies .......the conversion table appeals to my anorak mentality.
    Will fit next week and test, ( a trip for urgent shopping required ).
    Downloaded the instructions specific to my bike. These guys have covered everything. I just hope that I am adding to the positive customer feedback soon.
    I have added a photo of the opened package as it arrived this morning.
    I will keep you updated following my ‘ shopping trip’.

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  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Fitting and test ride this Thursday ...... fingers crossed engine pulls smoothly at low revs. Can’t wait

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  3. Martin Bayliss

    Apr 5, 2017
    West Yorkshire
    Looking forward to hearing the outcome!
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Well I am blown away!
    I fitted the booster .....took 30 mins, removed the restrictive rubber snorkel from the air filter inlet, 15 mins ...... and the bike is transformed. At low revs ...... no more lumpiness and threat of stalling. Smoother throttle response. Pick up seems to have improved. Sounds better also.
    For such a small outlay and under an hour to fit , I still cannot believe the improvement.
    Let the bike run on idle for 20 mins so that the computer can do its stuff, then went out for a 1 hr bike ride which turned into 3
    One happy scrambler owner !
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  5. Shaun64

    Shaun64 Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    nice to hear your happy with the improvement, I’d be interested to know if it affects mpg either way ?
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    It should not affect mpg as it only supplies a richer mixture at low rev and start up. Once bike is on the move it is bypassed. TEC on utube explain it a lot better than I.
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  7. Flashp

    Flashp Noble Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Thing is you changed two things at once. I tried a BP on my 1200 Thruxton and it made not a jot of difference.

    PC5 and custom map however was a different story. And my bike didn't stall randomly anymore :laughing:
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  8. Martin Bayliss

    Apr 5, 2017
    West Yorkshire
    Fitted the Boosterplug to my XE recently and there is a general improvement in smoothness from pickup and in the mid-range. Roads are a bit greasy to be pushing it all the time but the bike is less inclined to stall now, not that it was bad before. I'd already fitted a 2>1 V & H decat'ed silencer which eliminated the stalling issue pretty much and gave more oomph. The improvements with the Boosterplug in my case is definitely worthwhile so I imagine it's more advantageous with the standard set-up. Hope that helps anybody who's thinking about doing this.
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  9. Scrambler 1200

    Scrambler 1200 New Member

    Jun 27, 2020
    Will it a effect your warranty as iv been looking at them but my bike is only 1year old
  10. Bret Morey

    Bret Morey Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    Alexandria, PA - USA
    I put one on my XC, and honestly can't say that I noticed much if any difference at all. As for as I can tell, it runs exactly the same as it did before in all riding modes. I am glad your experience was better than mine. For me it just feels like I tossed away a wad of cash to add a few worthless ounces of extra weight to my bike.
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  11. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    I tried one on my Bonneville a while back. Really wanted to believe that it made a difference and I'm sure that you convince yourself at first that it does but it honestly didn't.
    There is a lot of discussion about these on the R nine T forum with pretty much a 50 - 50 split as to whether they are the best thing since sliced bread or whether they are a total waste of money.
    The booster plug works by tricking the ECU into thinking that the ambient temperature is colder - because you've in effect moved the air temperature sensor - than it really is to force it to run richer (by around a temporary 6%). Some research seems to suggest that the ECU adapts and negates its' effect in due course anyway.
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  12. Haro

    Haro Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
    Booster Plug worked on my BMW XCH, and I was given it for free. Fixed the running hot, lean, ect.
    Mate has fitted one to his 700 XSR, definitely made a difference, noticeable from following him.
    Fitted one to my XE and fixed the bad hesitation, stalling off idle etc immediately. Stalling and not stalling is not a placebo effect.
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  13. Haro

    Haro Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
    Take it off and see if there is any difference. If there isn't sell it on to another Triumph owner.
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  14. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    #14 MrTriple, Aug 28, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
    The 50:50 divided opinions on this and the potential placebo effect is really interesting - mine has straight through pipes from the cat back with no baffles and had a real tendency to stall, such that I'd have to remember to compensate for it at low revs. When cold, the throttle would surge at idle and low speed too (just for the first couple of minutes after starting from cold).

    I fitted the plug and it seemed a little better, but several hundred miles later, I realised that there have been no stalls, it's definitely much stronger and torquier at low speed / high gear, and there's been no surging. I'm really pleased with it.

    I'm an expert on placebo effect - I have a Hilltop map on my Speed Triple RS which genuinely appears to work, despite the concept sounding like a total scam.

    Maybe I'm just gullible :p
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  15. Mark9

    Mark9 Noble Member

    Jul 13, 2020
    I fitted one on my Ducati Scrambler, they were known for their snatchy throttle, it smoothed it out, but then I missed the snatchiness, it gave the bike character :), so I took it off again, having ridden with it fitted for approx 3 months the difference was really noticeable when I removed it!.
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  16. Flashp

    Flashp Noble Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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