Safe Start Kit

Discussion in 'America, Speedmaster & Rocket' started by Chris Skinner, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Chris Skinner

    Chris Skinner New Member

    Feb 3, 2021
    alton, hants
    Hi everyone,
    I hope all ok with you.
    I'm looking for some opinions on a problem I have.

    I bought the starter pinion casing strengthening bracket for my 2002 America but my professional Triumph Mechanic of 15 years experience has advised me not to fit it. The reason is simple.

    He points out that if the JB weld you stick it on with lets go amidst the hot oil constantly being sprayed on it, you could end up with this small aluminum piece flying around and doing more damage than the starter boss going bang. It might be him being worried that if he doesn't clean the part you glue it to well enough he could be held responsible.

    Triumph Twin who supply Safe start said they will give me my money back if I have not opened the box ( of course I have, to make sure all parts were there!). They said in 9 years they have sold hundreds of Safe Starts and never had a single problem ( they would say that wouldn't they?)

    Do I piss off my mechanic who I have a great relationship with by insisting he fits it? He said that in 15 years of working on all Triumphs he has never seen one go, maybe that is just luck.
    Your opinions will be very well received, I am between the proverbial rock and a hard place!
    • Useful Useful x 2
  2. M1Tommy

    M1Tommy Member

    May 29, 2020
    Arkansas, USA
    I am a new to Triumph guy also. I have bought one and intend to install it. I understand your mechanic's concern. If It were to come loose it could be a real problem! That said, I am also pretty confident that it will remain adhered to the case wall securely.... *IF* the surface is prepared properly, i.e. COMPLETELY clean and dried, with *NO* trace of oil present on the surfaces.
    I will install mine, and will be overly meticulous about the installation, particularly the prep. work.
    I look forward to reading other's replies also.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Chris Skinner

    Chris Skinner New Member

    Feb 3, 2021
    alton, hants
    Cheers Tommy, good luck with it, I hope it will be fine.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. M1Tommy

    M1Tommy Member

    May 29, 2020
    Arkansas, USA
    I have the kit in hand, will likely install it very soon.
    In my own convoluted engineering mind, it's a risk management matter. I see the likelihood of a failure of the shaft housing greater than the likelihood of the TTP Safe Start coming loose and causing mischief.
    Of course, this, JMO. I have read and searched a good bit and have yet to read or hear of one of these coming loose.

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