Tiger Explorer Rear Wheel Locked Up ...

Discussion in 'Tiger / Explorer' started by David Gower, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. David Gower

    David Gower Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Warminster, Wiltshire, Uk
    #1 David Gower, Mar 6, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
    Well yesterday had its moment ... :scream: 2nd ride of the Tiger since ownership.

    Rode to 3X motorcycles (an hours ride each way) to order a rad guard and fender extender. I gotta say it was a great ride to and from. Missing the rain storm that was coming in the afternoon.

    Well it was till I was about 4 streets away from my home and as I came round a corner the bike ground to a holt. Engine still worked and could go in gear, but it just wouldn't move. :scream: At this time the bike was in the middle of the road in the middle of a corner of a busy road.

    With the help of a fellow biker that arrived, we lifted and moved the bike out of harms way. I was thinking shaft seizure etc etc etc ... :(

    Any ways .. Called a mate who brought out some tools. I removed the rear calliper and found the wheel could rotate, so it wasn't the shaft, but the rear brake locked on. I then taped the calliper to the pannier rail to get home. At home I saw that the pistons had come out further so it was still pressurised.

    As I had bought the bike from Triumph Newcastle, I called them. They were amazing. Just to be on the end of the phone. Many thanks. They said to call the local dealer as its a warranty issue.

    I then called 3X motorcycles, who are my local dealer and they were amazing too. With the calliper taped up out of the way, I rode the bike back to them (Remember its about an hour) with my right foot well away from the pedal, riding like a sports bike rider.

    Once I was there they took the bike straight in and got it up on the maintenance table.

    I dont know how I didn't see it but once the bike was up at eye level the technician saw that the brake lever was jammed under the newly fitted engine bars. There was enough sideways movement for this to happen. Obviously before the bars were fitted there would have been a massive gap to the frame.

    Once the pedal was released the calliper worked as it should and the pads were able to be pushed back to get the calliper reinstalled. The brake lever was tweaked outwards so that it couldn't get trapped again.


    Thank you very much to the guys at 3X. You were amazing :)

    PS: Oh .. I got soaked in the afternoon, early evening rainstorm ... Loved it ... Guess I have to clean the bike again.
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  2. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    Glad it worked out, and sounds like great care from the dealers.Ive been there, you cant figure out the problem, and someone else spots it straight off, sorted.
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  3. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    Those simple things!

    My ride on mower (yeah, I know!) wouldn’t reverse. I had brushed under a tree and broken a rotten branch. A 2” section was sitting invisible under the pedal. I could not see anything for 10 mins of cursing!
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  4. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Always good to hear a positive outcome to what could have been a nasty problem........
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  5. mpllineman

    mpllineman First Class Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    That's spooky! Glad you got it sorted out and all is well, You too!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. In my own world

    In my own world Senior Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    West Sussex
    3X i have found to be always good. Years and years ago when they used to be a Laverda and Guzzy dealer. I bought a Jota and a mate bought a Le Mans MK2 from them. If we had the smallest of problems they sorted us out ASAP.
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